The Orange Paper: Truth In Real Estate

The Orange Paper: Truth In Real Estate

The Orange Paper Volume 3

 The Orange Paper Truth in Real Estate

It’s August. It’s hot. The monsoon effect is starting to kick in. It appears as if half of the real estate population is on vacation.

“No one buys a house in August, it is not the right time to list your home, it will only accumulate days on market, list it in October when the seasonal buyers start to come back.”

OLD NEWS! OLD way of thinking! OLD lazy tactics!

Have you noticed, at least by the license plates, Californians are coming, Washingtonians are coming, Texans are coming, Coloradans are coming, Minnesotans are coming, and on and on?

The fact has remained roughly the same for the past several years, inventory drops, with the typical practice of going off the market in the summer, but the buyer pool remains constant. This equates to less inventory for buyers to see, hence creating greater opportunity for those that chose to keep their homes listed during the summer months. Now, amplify that with the great migration from the west, low finance rates and strong job growth, and we have a perfect storm for those who are serious about selling.

Are you serious about selling? Are you frustrated as a buyer?

What do you do in frustration? Maybe you turn to corporate flippers, like Zillow, Redfin, Opendoor, Offerpad or now Amazon! Oh No! Sure, you can get a gift card as a token of appreciation for using services like Amazon, but is that really from whom you want advice on one of the most important transactions in your life?

The trends, in the marketplace, are changing daily. What does the new buyer profile look like? What do buyers and sellers need to know about each other to have a successful transaction?

The new migration is no longer about golf, hiking and pleasant winter weather, it is about leaving a lifestyle many did not plan on leaving for a new place, a part of the country they may have only heard about on the national news or in a Looney Tunes cartoon. They don’t know that the Looney Tunes cactus is actually a saguaro and that this is the only part of the country that they exist, or that water conservation is a very high priority, golf courses use reclaimed water & we have ample supply.

Professional, local guidance is of the highest priority. Knowing how to attract, engage and negotiate with clients from a different state & culture and understanding the laws and practices here in Arizona, is what will bring you success.

Years of experience within a gated community may give an agent inventory knowledge, but it’s more important to have counsel that knows where to find the buyers, how the buyers think and how to position your real estate to attract them.

Consultation is free. Knowledge and strategic planning invaluable. We offer this first. 

Times are changing. The industry on the surface is changing. The buyer pool is changing. Maybe it is time to change your real estate professional.

The Orange Paper is written by Jay Jasper of Jay Jasper Associates, with Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Arizona Properties. If you would like to follow the paper on-line, go to 


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