Oral health problems or symptoms can be the reason for various other health problems and vice versa, thus affecting the quality of life of a person in many ways. Oral health and related quality of life are often associated with negative social, functional, and psychosocial impacts. It may also cause low self-esteem, lack of social involvement and interactions, and the overall performance of an individual. Periodontal diseases, orthodontic problems, tooth decay due to caries, tooth loss, facial pain and palsy, oral health-related birth defects like cleft palate and lips, oral sores, or oral cancers lead to poor quality of life.?
Oral Health Problems and Quality of Life
- Malocclusion - It is one of the major dental health problems that hurts a person's self-confidence. People have facial appearance-related anxiety and depression and they often tend to stay away from social gatherings and interactions due to low self-esteem. However, oral health-related quality of life has improved due to orthodontic treatment leading to better social and emotional well-being.
- Periodontal Diseases - These conditions affect periodontal bone health and loss of teeth due to bone loss and gum diseases and thus impact the quality of life of a person by reducing psychosocial and mental abilities.
- Esthetics - Face and teeth appearances significantly affect the quality of life by reducing the facial charm of a person and compromising their interpersonal growth and success. In addition, discolored tooth, broken or any facial defect leads to low self-esteem and poor quality of life.
Diseases Associated With Oral Health
- Cardiovascular Disease - Oral bacteria are often linked to causing infections and inflammations in heart arteries by clogging them.
- Endocarditis - Bacteria can pass through the oral cavity into the lungs and cause respiratory disorders like pneumonia due to bacterial infections.
- Diabetes - Gum diseases are more common among people with diabetes. Periodontal health care is important for diabetic people as it can affect blood sugar levels.
- Pneumonia - This condition is caused by bacterial action on the inner lining of the heart. These bacteria or germs can travel from the mouth due to poor oral hygiene and affect well-being.
- Osteoporosis - Periodontal diseases in pregnant women can have many developmental impacts on a fetus, such as low birth weight and premature deliveries.
- Pregnancy and Birth Defects - This condition affects the bones in the body, including periodontal or jaw bone causing tooth loss and gum diseases. Medications for osteoporosis also lead to jaw bone defect risks to some extent.
- Alzheimer's Defect - Oral health conditions and diseases become more prevalent and aggressive in Alzheimer's cases with the progression of the disease.
- Kidney Diseases - People having poor oral hygiene are more prone to bacterial infections causing immunity compromise in the body and thus are more likely to suffer from kidney diseases.
Preventive Measures to Protect Oral Health
Good oral health leads to the sound overall health of a person and impacts the well-being and quality of life. Oral health measures can help achieve these goals in the following ways:
- Eating a balanced and more natural diet.
- Practicing oral hygiene methods such as brushing and flossing regularly.
- Tobacco chewing and cigarette smoking must be avoided.
- Sugar-rich diet and beverages must be consumed within a limit.
- Flouride-rich toothpaste and mouthwash are recommended.
- Supplements for dental and oral health must be taken after proper consultation.