Oral Cancer: Early Detection is Key
Screening for oral cancer is an integral part of every dental check-up. Like any other cancer screening, it may save your life. According to the American Dental Association, it’s estimated that nearly 52,000 people will be diagnosed with oral cancer and cancers of the throat, tonsils and back of the tongue in 2018. The risk of mouth cancer increases significantly in people who smoke and drink heavily. The sexually transmitted human papilloma virus (HPV) has been associated with throat cancers at the back of the mouth. People who spend a lot of time outdoors are more prone to lip cancer. Poor nutrition or a diet low in fruits and vegetables may increase your chance of developing oral cancer.
Oral cancer has a 90 percent cure rate with early detection. The five-year survival rate is 60 percent. If oral cancer is discovered early, the cure rate is nearly 90 percent. If the cancer has spread before diagnosis, the 5-year survival rate after treatment is 60 percent. The best outcome is always early diagnosis and treatment.
Monthly self-exams: Using a bright light and mirror, look and feel the front and back of your gums, your lips and the roof of your mouth. Pull your cheeks to see the inside of your mouth including the lining of your cheeks, back gums and the roof of your mouth. Pull your tongue out and check all sides. Check the back of your throat and feel both sides of your neck and lower jaw for lumps.
Signs & Symptoms: Call your dentist if you notice any of these warning signs: A sore in the mouth that does not heal. Mouth pain that doesn’t go away. A lump or thickening in the cheek. A white or red patch on gums, tongue, tonsil, or lining of the mouth. A sore throat or feeling that something is caught in the throat that doesn’t go away. Trouble chewing, swallowing or moving the jaw or tongue. Numbness of the tongue or other area of the mouth. Swelling of the jaw that causes dentures to fit poorly or become uncomfortable. Loose teeth or pain around the teeth or jaw. Voice changes. A lump or mass in the neck. Weight loss. Constant bad breath.
Risk increases with age. Oral cancer most often occurs in people over age 40. Occurrence is twice as high in men as it is in women. One in four people with oral cancer had no risk factors. Prevention: don’t smoke or use any type of tobacco, drink alcohol in moderation, use sunscreen and keep your diet healthy and colorful.