Oracle update for the month of April 2017
Ginni Aneja
Numerologist, & Tarot card reader, Career consultant, Relationship analyst, Reiki healer, oracle card reader
"This card is a reminder that you are a powerful creator made in the image and likeness of the Divine Creator! You're not a passive victim; you have the right and the skills to rise above and change everything in this situation and relationship. However, as long as you blame others or believe that they're controlling you, you'll remain stuck. But by calling upon God and Archangel Micheal, and then taking charge according to your guidance, you can change everything in miraculous ways."
I got really sick of reading this card and I sort of dismissed it because I didn't think it was accurate.
Well then a bunch of bells went off in my head. There are 44 cards in the deck and only one of these cards. Some I rarely pull and some I get often. There was clearly something I wasn't looking at. No one likes to believe that they are a victim of their own victim mentality. But I decided to read it closely.
This is what stood out to me: you have the right and the skills to rise above and change everything in this situation.
We blame God for getting us into messes that we are truly responsible for.
So What is that situation you have been fretting about? how did it come about? how can you help change it? Meditate on it, listen to God and his guidance, ask your angels to help you understand the path to solving the situation.
Positive thinking is what will be needed, for what you think, what you believe, you manifest. Let go of all the negative, unneeded belief systems that you have probably been carrying around for lifetimes and decades. Live in the now.
Let go, accept change, bring about the change. And this is also what the numerological update too says about this month.