Oracle SCM Cloud: Product Management Implementation, Provide services for Small and Medium sized companies
Product Development and Product Hub
1. Oracle Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)
2. Product Lifecycle Management Cloud
3. Ideation to Commercialization - Process Flow
4. Product Development Overview (Design Products)
5. Product Development Process Flow
6. Product Hub Overview (Manage Product Master Data)
7. Product Hub Process Flow
8. Combined Process Flow
9. Product Structure Differences
10. Common Product Features
11. Product Development Features
12. Product Hub Features
13. PD vs PH
14. Change Management in Product Development (PD)
15. Change Management in Product Hub (PH)
16. Product Development Scenario: RadTech
17. Scenario Solutions: RadTech
18. Product Development & Product Hub: TimeBands
19. Scenario Solutions: TimeBands
20. Product Hub: DigiGlobe
21. Scenario Solutions: DigiGlobe
22. Key Terms
23. Oracle Cloud Resources
24. Oracle Video Hub
Product Management Navigation
1. Springboard
2. Global Area
3. Navigator
4. Settings and Actions
5. Show Date/Time According to User Time Zone
6. Access Product Development and Product Hub
7. PLM Dashboard
8. Change Orders Dashboard
9. Searches Dashboard
10. Practice: Navigating Product Management
11. Use Embedded Help
12. Use the Help Portal
Initial Implementation
1. Setup and Maintenance Work Area
2. What are the Components of Setup and Maintenance?
3. Configure the Product Offerings Using Opt In
4. Setup and Maintenance Tasks
5. Implement PD and PH
6. What are Units of Measure?
7. Examples of UOM
8. Add a Unit of Measure
9. UOM Classes
10. Locations
11. What are Organizations?
12. What are Definition and Reference Organizations?
13. Item Organizations: Master-Child Relationship
14. Implementation Guidelines
15. Create Organizations
16. Create Item Organizations and Assign them to a Master Organization
17. Item Lifecycle Phases: Introduction
18. Lifecycle Phases: Additional Details
19. Item Classes: Lifecycle Phases
20. Manage Lifecycle Phases
21. Lifecycle Phase Types
22. Enable or Disable Lifecycle Validation for Structures
23. Root Item Class Definition: Lifecycle Phases
24. Default Lifecycle Phase
25. Root Item Class Definition: Security (Public and Private)
26. Root Item Class Definition: Security
27. Root Item Class Definition: Security
28. (Public and Private) (Notes Only)
29. Practice: Implementing the Root Item Class
Configure Item Classes
1. What is an Item Class?
2. Important Concepts of Item Classes
3. Use of Item Classes for Administrative Purpose
4. Set Up Item Classes
5. Item Class Inheritance
6. Manage Item Classes
7. Best Practice!
8. Add Item Classes
9. Create Item Classes
10. Item Classes: Basic Information
11. Item Properties
12. View Hierarchy of Item Classes
13. Item Classes: Item Management > Generate Item Numbers
14. Rule Generated: Create a Rule Set
15. Rule Generated: Number and Description from Rules
16. Item Classes: Item Management > Description and Enable NIR
17. NIR Definition Workflow
18. Item Classes: Security Tab (Private Classes)
19. Manage Security Actions for Item Classes
20. Manage Security Actions for Item Classes (Notes Only)
21. Item Classes: Transactional Attributes Tab
22. Types of Item Attributes: Main and Operational
23. Manage Operational Attribute Groups
24. Types of Item Attributes: EFFs and DFFs
25. Item Classes: Pages and Attribute Groups Tab
26. Item Classes: Lifecycle Phases Tab
27. Item Classes: Templates and Formats Tab
28. Manage Templates and Import Formats for Item Classes
29. Enforce Quantity for Reference Designators
30. Practice: Creating Item Classes
31. Practice: Adding an Item Lifecycle Phase (Optional)
Configure Change Order Types
1. Change Management Overview
2. Engineering Change Process (Product Development)
3. Commercialization Change Process (Product Hub)
4. Commercialization Change Process (Product Hub) (Notes Only)
5. Predefined Change Order Types
6. Configure Change Order Type: Basic Setup
7. Configure Change Order Type: Policy Setup
8. Configure Change Order Type: Autocomplete on Cancel
9. Configure Change Order Type: Number Generation
10. Configure Change Order Type: Workflow Configuration
11. Configure Change Order Type: Approval Status
12. Automatic Promotion and Demotion
13. Workflow Status Types
14. Configure Change Order Type: Entry and Exit, Promotion and Demotion,
15. Configure Change Order Type: Participant Details
16. Add Reviewers to Change Workflows
17. Configure Change Order Type: Additional Workflow Controls
18. Configure Change Order Type: Propagation Rules (Commercialization Change Orders Only)
19. Change Order Creators
20. Create a New Status
21. Configure Change Reasons
22. Configure Change Priorities
23. Practice: Adding a Change Order Type
24. Change Order Approval Workflow: Options
25. User-Defined Approvals
26. Rule-Based Approvals
27. Rule-Based Approvals: Add Approvers
28. Rule-Based Approvals: Approval Groups
29. Rule-Based Approvals: Tasks
30. Rule-Based Approvals: Rules
31. Set Approval to Rule Based
32. Configure Predefined Change Order Attributes
33. Practice: Creating an Approval Rule
34. Entry and Exit Criteria
35. Define Required Global Fields for Entry and Exit Criteria
36. Define Type-Specific Required Fields
37. Apply Entry and Exit Criteria
38. Practice: Adding a Change Order Entry or Exit Rule
39. Approval with Signature Password
40. Configure Commenting Options
41. Change Order History
42. Change Order History: Configure Audit Trail
43. Change Order History: Set Attributes
44. Configure New Item Request Type
45. Configure New Item Request Type (Notes Only)
46. Configure New Item Request Type: Workflow
47. Configure New Item Request Type: Workflow (Notes Only)
48. Enable the Automated New Item Request Process
49. New Item Request Number Generation
50. Enable Item Class for NIR
51. Create Definitions
52. Required Definition Values
Configure Extra Attributes
1. What are Extra Attributes?
2. Descriptive Flexfields (DFFs)
3. Extensible Flexfields (EFFs)
4. EFF (Attribute Group) Security
5. EFF (Attribute Group) Security (Notes Only)
6. Global vs Context Sensitive
7. Validators
8. Where To Manage Item Flexfields
9. Extra Attributes (Flexfields) by Setup Task
10. Item Attribute Groups and Attributes (EFFS)
11. Create Item Attribute Groups and Attributes (EFFs)
12. Item Class Pages and Attribute Groups Tab (EFFs)
13. Assign Groups and Attributes for Item Classes (EFFs)
14. Assign Attributes to Product Development Only (EFFs)
15. Deploy Attributes (EFFs)
16. Practice: Adding Item Attributes
17. Practice: Creating a PD Functional Item Page (optional)
18. Practice: Adding Attributes to an Item Class for PD Only (optional)
19. Manage Item Descriptive Flexfields
20. Manage Item Revision Descriptive Flexfields (DFFs)
21. Manage Structure Component Descriptive Flexfields (DFFs)
22. Manage Item Relationship Descriptive Flexfields (DFFs) ‘
23. Extra Attributes (Flexfields) by Setup Task
24. Manage Trading Partner Item Descriptive Flexfields (DFFs)
25. Global vs Contextual Flexfields
26. Change Order and NIR Contextual Descriptive Flexfields (DFFs)
27. Change Order and NIR Line (Affected Object) DFFs
28. Add Change Line Descriptive Flexfields to a Context (DFFs)
29. Save the Context Segments to a Value Set
30. Extra Fields for Manufacturers
31. Practice: Adding Change Order Flexfields
Product Development Specific Setup
1. Create Root Document Class
2. Assign Root Document Class
3. Add Document Subclasses
4. Practice: Enabling Document Management
5. View Reports
6. Create a Dashboard
7. Copy Key Information
8. Configure Reports for Product Management Objects
9. View Reports Tutorial Videos
10. Update Product Line
11. Add New Product Lines
12. Manufacturer Parts Overview
13. Lookup: Manufacturer Status
14. Lookup: Manufacturer Part Status
15. Lookups: Approve Manufacturer List Status
16. Practice: Adding a Contextual Descriptive
17. Flexfield for a Manufacturer Part
18. Practice: Creating an Item AML tab
19. Descriptive Flexfield (Optional)
Product Hub Specific Setup
1. Item Setup Tasks in Product Hub
2. Manage Item Profile Options
3. Manage Advanced Item Profile Options
4. Manage Advanced Item Profile Options (Notes Only)
5. Manage Item Statuses
6. Manage Item Types
7. Define Item Completeness Score
Product Development
1. Business Process
2. Product Development Objects Overview
3. Access Product Development
4. The Product Development Overview Tab
5. Quick Search
6. Multiple Items Search
7. Tasks Panel Drawer
8. Manage Delete Groups
9. Manage Objects (Advanced Search)
10. Add Fields to Advanced Search
11. Compare Search Results
12. Audit Results Panel Drawer
13. Clipboard Panel Drawer
14. Reports and Analytics Drawer
15. Information files
16. My Favorite Items
17. My Worklist
18. My Changes
19. Item Audit Trail
20. Practice: Navigating Product Development
Item Design in Product Development
1. Design Process
2. Innovation Management Concept Design
3. Practice: Starting a Design
4. Item and Document Objects
5. Create an Item Instance
6. Create a Document Instance
7. Edit Items and Documents
8. View Items and Documents
9. Lifecycle Phases in Product Development
10. Item Tabs
11. Document Tabs
12. General Information Tab
13. Revision Field
14. Find Attributes
15. Attachments Tab
16. Structure Definition
17. Structure Tab
18. Edit a Structure
19. Structure Comments
20. Reference Designators
21. Add Reference Designators
22. Expandable Side Panel
23. Additional Information
24. Attachments
25. Approved Manufacture List (AML)
26. Additional Attributes
27. Substitute Components
28. AML Review
29. AML Example
30. AML Tab (Not on Documents)
31. Changes Tab
32. Quality Tab
33. Relationships Tab
34. Team Tab
35. Item Grading (Item Only)
36. Where Used
37. Actions Menu
38. Actions Menu (Continued)
39. Generate Reports
40. Download Attachments
41. View Reports
42. Item Audit Trail
43. Practice: Creating Items and Documents
44. Practice: Running an Item Audit
Structure Design in Product Development
1. Manufacturer Parts Overview
2. Manufacturer Objects
3. Manufacturer Tabs
4. Create a Manufacturer
5. Create Manufacturer Directly from the AML Tab
6. Create Manufacturers through Import
7. Import Manufacturers: CSV File
8. Import Manufacturers: Process
9. Import Manufacturers: Progress
10. Practice: Creating a Manufacturer
11. Manufacturer Part
12. Manufacturer Part: Tabs
13. Create a Manufacturer Part
14. Assign an Existing Manufacturer Part on a Structure Item
15. View the AML
16. Assign a New Manufacturer Part on a Structure Item
17. Search for Manufacturers by Registry ID
18. Manufacturer Object Statuses
19. Practice: Creating a Manufacturer Part
20. Work with Structures
21. Quantity, UOM, and Sequence,
22. Expandable Side Panel
23. Add Reference Designators
24. Structure Actions Menu
25. Structure Actions Menu (Continued)
26. Structure View Menu
27. Create New Item or Document within a Structure
28. Duplicate
29. Delete Item
30. Export to Excel
31. Add Existing Items or Documents
32. Copy and Paste
33. Search Structure
34. Compare Structures
35. Item Structure Report
36. Accessing the Item Structure Report
37. Download Attachments from Structure
38. Practice: Creating 3 Structure
39. Create a Structure Using Save As
40. Copy and Paste a Structure
41. Practice: Creating a Structure using Copy and Paste
42. Cost Fields
43. Cost Rollup
Engineering Change Management in Product Development
1. Change Management Overview
2. Change Type Functions
3. Change Process
4. Find Changes
5. My Changes
6. Change Order Tabs
7. Change Request Tabs
8. General Information Tab
9. Affected Objects Tab
10. Table View
11. List View
12. Affected Object List View Summary of Changes
13. Change Operations
14. Attachments Tab
15. Workflow Tab
16. Impact Analysis Tab
17. Relationships Tab
18. Security Tab
19. History
20. Create a Change Order or Change Request
21. Assigned To
22. Actions Menu
23. Change Order Details Report
24. Practice: Creating a Change Order
25. Change Control Business Process
26. Redlining
27. Change the Revision
28. Redline Affected Objects
29. Redline Affected Object Attributes and Tabs
30. Revision Specific Lifecycle Phases
31. Modify the Structure
32. Add Reference Designators
33. Edit Reference Designator Details in Side Panel
34. Edit Substitute Components in Side Panel
35. Add a Manufacturer Part
36. Revision Specific Attachments
37. Check Out Attachments
38. Fill Actions
39. Effective Date
40. Undo Structure Redlines for Change Affected Objects
41. Undo Redlines for AML on Change Affected Objects
42. Resolve Revision Conflicts
43. Resolve Revision Conflicts: Scenario
44. Cancel Change Line
45. Move Change Lines
46. Cancel Change Order
47. Download Redlined Attachments
48. Practice: Redlining a Change Order
49. Workflow
50. Workflow Status Types (Draft - Approval)
51. Workflow Status Types (Scheduled - Canceled)
52. Interpret Workflows
53. Advance a Change Order
54. Tiles and Notifications
55. Audit a Change Order
56. Add Approvers
57. Approve a Change Order
58. Remove Approvers Without Terminating Workflow
59. Monitor Revision Effective Dates
60. Relate a Change Order to a Project
61. Create a Work Item in a Project
62. Practice: Routing a Change Order
New Item Requests in Product Development
1. New Item Request Overview
2. New Item Request (NIR) Process
3. Trigger the NIR Process
4. Access the NIR
5. Access the NIR Definitions
6. Complete a Definition
7. Approve the NIR
8. Video: Use New Item Requests in Product Development
Product Hub Navigation
1. Access Product Hub
2. Product Hub Workspace: Infolet Example:
3. Tasks Panel Drawer
4. Search, Clipboard, and Reports Tabs,
5. Practice: Navigating Product Hub
6. Search Items and Business Objects in Product Hub
7. Use Regional Area Search
8. Advanced Search
9. Add Fields to Advanced Search
10. Use Local Area Search
11. Browse Item Class and Catalogs
12. Use Global Search
13. Practice: Searching for Items
Work with Items in Product Hub
1. Item Terminology: Attributes, Descriptor Revision,
2. Item Terminology: Structures, Catalogs, Packs,
3. Item Terminology: Associations and Relationships
4. Create Items
5. Create Multiple Items
6. Create from Copy
7. Edit Items: Main Attributes
8. Edit Items: Unit of Measure
9. Edit Items: Specifications
10. Edit Items: Structures
11. Edit Items: Attachments
12. Edit Items: Associations
13. Edit Items: Categories
14. Functional Catalogs
15. Functional Catalog Triggers
16. Edit Items: Quality Objects
17. Edit Items: History
18. Item Relationships
19. Define Related Item Relationships
20. Define Trading Partner Item Relationships
21. Define Trading Partner Item Relationships (Notes Only)
22. Trading Partner Items and Approved Manufacturer List (AML)
23. Define Trading Partner Items
24. Create Trading Partners
25. Define GT IN Item Relationships
26. Define Cross-Reference Relationships
27. Define Spoke System Item Relationships
28. Practice: Creating Multiple Items
29. Structure Example
30. Structure Definition
31. Setup Tasks for Structures
32. Define Structure Types
33. Item Structures
34. Product Structure: Create as New
35. Product Structure: Add Components
36. Product Structure: Replace Components
37. Product Structure: Add Substitute Components
38. Product Structure: Reference Designators
39. Product Structure: Where Used
40. Product Structure: View Summary
41. Product Structure: view Change Orders
42. Product Structure: Create from Copy
43. Product Structure: Create from Common
44. How Structures and Components Are Validated
45. Practice: Creating a Structure with Existing Items
46. Practice: Creating a Structure with New Items
47. Overview of Packs
48. Hierarchy of Packs
49. Pack Types
50. Pack Type Details
51. Item Attribute Rollup
Create Packs
Practice: Creating a Pack
Work with New Item Requests
1. Overview Of New Item Request
2. Business Benefits of New Item Requests
3. New Item Request Process View
4. User Privileges
5. New Item Request Tasks
6. Create New Item Request
7. Create New Item Request (Notes Only)
8. Create an NIR from an Item
9. Manage New Item Requests
10. Manage New Item Requests (Notes Only)
11. New Item Request: Define Attribute Values
12. Mark Complete
13. New Item Request: Inspect Action Log
14. New Item Request Notifications Summary
15. Practice: Creating New Item Requests
Work with Commercialization Change Orders in Product Hub
1. Overview of Commercialization Change Orders
2. Change Order Process Overview
3. Item Changes Supported by Change Orders
4. Item Changes Supported by Change Orders (Notes Only)
5. Configure Change Order Type: Propagation Rules
6. Configure Change Order Type: Propagation Rules (Notes Only)
7. Create a Change Order
8. Create a Change Order: Add and Edit Items
9. Create a Change Order: Edit Attributes
10. Create a Change Order: Tasks
11. Create Change Order: Attach Files
12. Change Order: Reviewing the Workflow Summary
13. Relationships Tab
14. Security Tab
15. Propagate the Change Order to Other Organizations
16. Propagate
17. History
18. Change Order: Use Save As to Create a Change Order
19. View Changes from Manage Change Orders
20. View Change Order: Change Order Report
21. Change Order Notifications
22. Practice: Creating and Approving a Commercialization Change Order
Create Catalogs
1. What are Catalogs and Categories?
2. Example of Catalogs and Categories
3. Common Terms for Catalogs
4. Types of Catalogs
5. Functional Catalogs
6. Functional Catalog Triggers
7. What You Can DO With Catalog Management?
8. Create a Catalog
9. Search Catalogs
10. View Catalogs
11. Add Categories
12. Add Categories: Create a New Category
13. Edit Catalog Definition
14. Edit Category Details
15. Add Existing Categories
16. Sharing a Category
17. Copying a Category
18. Practice: Creating Catalogs
19. Introduction to Catalog Data Security
20. How to Enable Catalog Data Security?
21. Enable Data Security
22. Enable Data Security (Notes Only)
23. Catalog Data Security Details
24. Example of Category Level Data Grants
Mass Update and Product Rules in Product Hub
1. Why might you Need to Mass Update Items?
2. Mass Change Types for Items
3. How to Perform Mass Changes?
4. Mass Assign Items to Organizations
5. Mass Assign Items to Catalog Categories
6. Mass Assign Items to Supplier Organizations
7. Mass Migrate Items to a Different Item Class
8. Mass Create Structures from Common
9. Mass Reassign Catalog Categories
10. Mass Unassign from Catalog Category
11. Edit Item Attributes in a Spreadsheet
12. Edit Item Attributes
13. Practice: Managing Mass Item Changes Topics
14. What are Item Rules ?
15. What can you do With Item Rules?
16. Types of Rules and Rule Sets
17. Information About Rules
18. Assignment Rule Set
19. Validation Rule Set
20. Validation Rule Set (Notes Only)
21. Severity of Validation Rules
22. Composite Rule Set
23. Blending Rule Set
24. Create Rule Sets
25. Add Rules to the Rule Set: Item Rule Details (Validation)
26. Add Rules to the Rule Set: Item Rule Details (Assignment)
27. Assign Items to Catalogs Using Item Rules
28. Assign Catalog Categories Using Variables
29. Activate Rule Sets
30. Using Rules to Generate Numbers and Descriptions (Assignment)
31. Item Rule Syntax
32. Item Rule Data Types
33. Item Rule Functions
34. Numeric Functions and Operators
35. Logical Operators
36. Logical Functions
37. String Comparison Functions
38. Multi-Row Attribute Group Functions
39. Production Value Functions
40. Utility Functions
41. Practice: Creating Assignment Rules
42. Analyze Item Rules Impact
43. How to Analyze Item Rule Impacts ?
44. Analyze Impact
45. Review Results
46. Import Batches of Item Updates
Audit Trail and Import Data in Product Hub
1. What is Audit Trail?
2. How does Audit Trail Functionality Benefit You?
3. Audit Trail Terminology
4. Overview of Audit History
5. Setup an Audit Policy
6. How to Manage Audit Policy
7. Synchronize Audit Policy for New EFFs
8. Data Changes Log for Business Objects
9. Create and Publish Data Audit History
10. Create and Publish Data Audit History Report
11. What is the Best Practice for Audits?
12. Practice: Managing Audit Policies
13. Practice: Creating and Publishing Audit History Reports
14. Import Data in Product Hub
15. Overview of Item Import Process
16. Item Import Flow
17. Steps to Import Item Data
18. Define Spoke Systems (Create the Trading Community)
19. Manage Spoke System Options
20. Create Item Batches
21. What are the Item Batch Types?
22. Edit Item Batch: Import Options
23. Edit Item Batch: Data Quality Options
24. Edit Item Batch: Structure and Pack Options
25. Edit Item Batch: New Item Request Options
26. Edit Item Batch: Change Order Options
27. Load Data in an Item Batch
28. Use Import Maps to Import Item Data
29. Create Import Maps
30. Example Import Map
31. Transform Source Data
32. Manage Item Batches
33. View Item Batch Details
34. In Progress Items
35. In Progress: Data Quality Results
36. Manage Messages and Errors
37. Manage Imported Items
38. Practice: Creating Item Batches
Manage Supplier Products
1. Product Hub Portal: Supplier Product Management
2. Supplier Products Import Process
3. Setup Tasks to Manage Supplier Products
4. Setup Spoke System
5. Setup Spoke System (Notes Only)
6. Setup Default Catalog
7. Setup Catalog Category Mappings
8. Expose Item Extensible Attributes
9. Setup Item Data Security
10. Setup Import Map: Assign import map to suppfier
11. Setup Import Map: Generate smart spreadsheets
12. Practice: Setting up Supplier Product Uploads
13. Manage Products by Suppliers: An Overview
14. Create and Edit Products
15. Create Products Using Templates
16. Create Products Using Templates: Smart spreadsheets
17. Upload Products Using Data Files
18. Review Data File Upload Errors
19. Create Product Upload Schedules
20. Monitor Product Upload Schedules
21. Practice: Uploading Supplier Products in Product Hub Portal
22. Manage Products by Product Data
23. Stewards: An Overview
24. Review Supplier Uploads
25. Import Supplier Products
26. Request More Information for Products
27. Reject Supplier Products
28. Blend Supplier Product Data
29. Work with Product Notifications
30. Practice: Importing Supplier Products into Product Hub
Manage Publication in Product Hub
1. What is Publication Framework?
2. Overview of Publication
3. How does Publication Benefit You?
4. Publication Terminology
5. Publication Process Flow
6. Define a Spoke System
7. Configure a Spoke System
8. Configure Item Publication Criteria
9. Item Entities Definitions
10. Publication Criteria for Item Classes
11. Publication Criteria for Catalogs
12. Publication Criteria for Trading Partner Items
13. Define the Publication Schedule
14. Define the Schedule for Publication
15. Create Notification
16. Generate the Payload
17. Customize the Payloads
18. Oracle WebCenter Content Access
19. XML Output Format
20. Publication XSD
21. Practice: Managing the Publication Process