Sununu & Scott Prescribe Path to Victory
Dr. Robert S.
New Century Wellness & Talent Performance.....Next Generation in Human Capital Learning Technology
Prognostication was so prized in the Ancient World that there was a religious cult that became quite literally the center of the civilized world.
In Delphi …the Temple of Apollo in the chasm of Mount Parnassus drew the powerful hoping to glimpse a snapshot of the future.
The column in front of the main entrance expressed the ethos of the Greek Mind
….not to mention excellent life advice that is still as relevant as the day it was first written…
Know Thyself became an admonition of the Stoics’ high-minded standards of virtue that tempered the unfettered ambition of those that possessed no self-control.
Everything in Moderation ….”Metron Ariston” become a center philosophy of the Hellenic mindset …even until these modern times…
…if you are Greek you’ve heard from a parent or a grandparent ..
…..Pan Metron Ariston
…….Stop the Nonsense – Get It Together…Be Reasonable!
The Ancients believed that anything that is done to the extreme will ultimately not last and still worse not produce results/benefits which you could depend upon.
The Reasonable and Rational Individual became the hallmark of those that were erudite and cultured…..the foundation of the Enlightenment which laid the Cornerstone of our Great Republic ….valued these virtues
So, it should come as no surprise that this clarion call of temperance, moderation and high standards are also the mindset of many Americans today.
Even in these changing times …the Progressives and the Woksters who have pushed the envelope to the extremes …..seeking to erase our shared history and to replace it with some yet to be know revisionist version?…find the majority of Americans reject this type of radicalization.
The reason their radicalism fails is …for it is not “Metron Ariston” ….as it lacks Inclusive Virtue and due to that has created little value but in fact have fostered a period of decline in society…..which is only accelerating
Biden 2024 Election Playbook skillfully expects to deflect his many many failures through a campaign of name calling that points out the extreme behaviors of those on the MAGA Right
This is their entire effort that centers Trump as the lynchpin of a toxic cosmology of Insurrectionists- Anti-Democratic Election Deniers that resist the Rule of Law, the Right of Women to own their Body and persistently undermines Equity/ Racial Justice …..MAGA Republicans that foster gun violence and spread hate to the LGBT Community….Support by a Unconstitutional MAGA SCOTUS Majority
I already observe their assault upon the High Court which is relentless by their media mouthpieces …especially PBS/NPR…..its creativity is worthy of acclaim but its intentions is so blatantly partisan polished with the veneer of soft tone professionalism
Yet their plan is reckless …as with one wide brush they define about one third of the Nation and implicate another third for being complicit.
Doing the math here it bespeaks that the majority does not agree with them….yet through all forms of skillful messaging Biden et al have the high ground as the Republicans who are not good at this political game at all….. nip at their heels
Trump continues to prosecute the past….sounding embittered and no longer delivers a message that is aspirational and affirming.
Granted he is beset with webs of distortion aptly employed to dim whatever luster remains……he is modern day figure in a Greek Tragedy
The more he thrashes to remove the chains ….the tighter they become.
Biden 2024 has placed their lion share wager that it will be Foreman and Ali in “Thriller in Manila” ..a New Century Version ….Part II
Such a match finds GOP defeat as there is just too much baggage that is far too complicated to sort through…..people do not have that much bandwidth
Yet in the midst of the darkness ….the light shines
Clarion voices in moderate tones ….like a cool drink of fresh water quench a thirsty people with images of what we once were and how we need to return to that temperament…..for the middle of the road is where all our success began.
Their message is so clear……it is Inclusive- Aspirational and Affirming ??
In fact, for the Democrats if a Moderate Republican could emerge as the nominee, it would be a horse race that they would lose….
I heard Biden the other day… a bitter hull of a straw man spuming hatred and dispersion …yet effective in the narrative that has been crafted for him as the Republicans have allowed this to become fact to most Americans.
Both Gov. Sununu and Senator Scott are the Left’s worse nightmare
Non MAGA who have consistently criticized Trumpist themes, Anti-Insurrectionists who deplore violence, Non-Election Deniers who affirm the Rule of Law..with well thought out nuanced views on Abortion
Invested supporters of Equity – Racial Justice
….Sununu the son of immigrants whose father was born in Cuba and his family has ties to Lebanon and Jerusalem
…..Scott hailing from the Palmetto State lived the life of those individuals of Color that grew up in the South during the Civil Rights Movement
Both are the essence of American Exceptionalism whose embrace was the social mobility that raised the standard of life for the majority of people in our nation.
Sununu is pure Granite State in his populist, secular, free market capitalism that encourages entrepreneurial growth and innovation. Pro-education and intensely concerned with social advocacy Sununu reflects the values of a state that is consistently rated as one of the most desirable to live.
Scott is impressive in his vision of a Post Racial America as he consistently advocates the necessity for Integrity and Character to be the essential core of leadership in our society.
Both individuals foretell a “New Narrative” that shatters the profiling and stereotypes of the Left and their Legacy Media Industry.
They should continue to craft and boldly pronounce these images/values of Moderate Republicanism and even more vociferously….constantly point out the falsehoods of Biden’s elitist bi-coastal depiction of more than two thirds of the Nation as Fly-Over, Deplorable, Grey and Smelly Walmart People
…..Instead of more name calling or figure pointing gentlemen Up Your Game and its creative imaging
…. Sununu and Scott must reinvigorate the mystic of the Reaganese Morning in America ?
This is the leadership that the people with great longing wish to believe and embrace …that we can still become a better version of ourselves
I encourage both gentlemen to express their inclusive vision of Our America and that it is never too late to change- improve and rise.
More than retribution to the Left they must speak of redemption as its healing message elevates you high above the fray of falsehood and complexity to a place of clarity….
Remember it is never truly about the words that you say but it is all about the way you make people feel