Oracle Cloud 23D Release: What You Need to Know

Oracle Cloud 23D Release: What You Need to Know

It’s time for yet another Oracle update! These releases ensure that you are equipped with the latest features, improved functionality, and fortified security. The most recent feather in Oracle's cap is the release of Oracle 23D, a game-changer that brings significant enhancements to its Financials, Supply Chain Management, and Human Capital Management modules.

Ready to optimize your testing protocols? Check out 6 Tips to Sail Through Your Next Oracle Cloud Update.

At Opkey, we understand the importance of staying ahead in the technology race. That's why we are thrilled to introduce our expert analysis and recommendations to all Oracle users who are eager to make the most of the Oracle 23D update. Our mission? To guide you toward a seamless transition and help you harness the full potential of this cutting-edge release.

In this blog, we will overview several important changes that come with 23D. Our goal is to empower you with the insights and strategies needed to ensure a smooth and successful update.

For detailed information about the release, we encourage you to read our Advisory Document on the Oracle 23D Release.

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