Options360 Review: Is Keith Kaplan's Service Legit?
Our friend, TradeSmith CEO Keith Kaplan, just released a new presentation to reveal his Options360 service and he believes it could be very valuable to you. Details below…?
Keith Kaplan's Options360: A 95% chance of success trading??
Keith Kaplan just released a brand-new presentation, and even if you don’t consider yourself a trader, I recommend you watch it immediately.?
You see, normally when you place a trade your odds of winning are roughly 50-50.
But Keith created a trading tool that allows you to tip the scales dramatically in your favor.?
We're talking about as much 80%, 90%, even 95% or more — without touching stocks, bonds, or some high-risk options trading strategy.?
Keith Kaplan calls this the “PRISM” method. And if you start using this method right now, he believes you could potentially see six figures in the coming 6-12 months.?
Keith explains everything in his new presentation.?
If you have a six or seven-figure portfolio…
Then you’ll want to watch The One Percent Event with TradeSmith CEO Keith Kaplan.
He’s sharing a whole new way to potentially make six figures in the next 6-12 months… without touching stocks, bonds, dividends, or some high-risk options strategy.
Keith’s message to investors with large portfolios was simple: Here’s a “payout” strategy that could help you pocket six figures in the next six to 12 months — without touching stocks, bonds, dividends, or some high-risk options strategy.
Wealth management firms recommend this payout strategy to “high net worth investors… seeking superior risk-adjusted yields.”
Yet, most folks — including those with large portfolios — don’t know the first thing about it.
Keith explained exactly what these payouts are…
Options360 - the system he created to help you spot them…
And why now is an ideal time to get started using the strategy (it has to do with an upcoming Profit Period).
Click here to learn more about the strategy straight from Keith, before it goes away.
TradeSmith's Options360: Answers to your questions
Keith Kaplan received a TON of questions during The One Percent Event.
Here are his answers.
(And don’t forget, you still have a chance to watch a replay of Keith Kaplan's event, right here.)
Q:?Does Keith actually use this payout strategy himself?
A: Absolutely!
This is one of my favorite ways to trade. I’ve been using this strategy for years. I’ve used it to help pay for stuff around the house, vacations, and more.
Q:?What’s your approach to risk management?
A: We use a tool called Probability of Profit.?
This is a tool that helps us tip the scales dramatically in our favor. I’m talking as much as 80%, 90%, and even 95% on any given trade.?
So far, it’s worked out great. During 2022, while most people lost money, our readers had the chance to make money every single month.?
Q:?What’s your typical return in percentage terms on the recommendations?
A: It depends. But if we’re talking return on cash, we've seen .5%, 1%, 2%, 5%, and below and above those amounts.
Now, if that doesn’t seem like a lot, remember: these are short-term trades.?
We’re talking days and weeks. Not months.?
If you can do that consistently, like we have, the money can add up.?
Let me give you an example.?
If you started with $100,000… made 5% every month… and reinvested that money, it turns into something like $175,000 — in one year! Thats a 75% gain in one year!?
In three years: you’re looking at more than half a million.?
In five years: more than $1.5M?
This is just an example, of course. You’d probably take some money out along the way, but you get the idea.?
Small gains can quickly snowball into a sizable nest egg.
This is especially important considering the “Profit Period” I believe we’re entering.
If history is any guide, you could see some of the biggest returns yet.
Are You On The Fence?
The special deal you saw for Keith Kaplan’s Options360 won’t be available much longer.
If you want to access it, I suggest you follow this link now to lock it in.
If you’re on the fence, let me pass along some real-life examples that readers have sent in...
Marion B.:
“This strategy has been netting me $5000 to $10,000 monthly!”?**
Lydia P.:
“I have no more fear of the unknown. I always look forward every Monday for the recommendations to make money.”?**
Ron from Ventura:?
“The last 22 weeks of the year has made me $1,137,488. That's 1.1 mill-dough.” **
I can’t promise you’ll have the same experience. Individual results will always vary...?
But with the upcoming Profit Period, there’s never been a better time to get started.
For a limited time, you can access a 12-month membership for 58% off.
Plus, Keith’s put together a very generous guarantee on your membership…
The only catch is that this is only available for a few more days.
That means you only have a small window to take advantage of this rare deal.