Option for the Poor
Quotes from the selected readings from the writings of Blessed Basil Anthony Moreau.,?Compiled by?Br. Joel Giallanza, C.S.C.??explain Moreau's desire for all Holy Cross Institutions to Consider preferential Options for the poor which is now one of the mission priorities of the General Administration. Moreau said,
The rich will always find able teachers, for there is a certain distinction attached to the education of the wealthy... Teaching the poor, however, offers no attractions. It holds out very little prospect of financial compensation; there is little to draw one to a field of teaching which is restricted to so few and such simple subjects. There is not even the hope of being understood and rewarded with gratitude, for only too often, suffering and misery embitter people and harden their hearts. Where, then, shall we find intelligent, zealous, and devoted teachers for the poor? Only in the inspiration of religion. For religion not only promises that those who have taught justice to others shall shine as starts in the firmament, but likewise ranks among the proofs of the divinity of Christ's mission the fact that "the poor have the gospel preached to them." (CL41 - 1850)?
Jesus had compassion for all unfortunates and consoled them in all their troubles. See him pitying the widow of Naim and returning to her the son she mourned; kindly receiving the Samaritan woman and explaining to her the truths of the new law; weeping with the sisters of Lazarus and bringing him back to life; caressing the little children with tenderness and blessing them as the beloved of his Father; gathering sinners to himself with engaging kindness, encouraging them...even treating his most bitter and treacherous enemies as friends, praying for them even on the cross and with his last breath. (1855 Exercises, "For the Feast of the Sacred Heart")?
If at times you have a marked preference for certain people, it should be for the poorest, the most abandoned, the most ignorant, the least gifted by nature...If then you surround them with the most assiduous attention, it is because their needs are greater and it is only justice to give more to those who have received less. (Christian Pedagogy, I:1, art.4 - 1856)?
#weepingwiththesistersofLazarus #educatinginthefaith #preferentialoptionforthepoor
Congregation Mission Priorities: