the option market's point spread (part 2)
In part 1, the option market's point spread , we introduced the idea of the VRP or volatility risk premium which sets the line on whether an option buyer or seller will win. Usually the sellers win but that statement is uselessly low res.
??When we say “win” we mean even in expectancy terms. In frequency terms it’s even more true. From Straddles, Volatility, and Win Rates :
Expectancy and win rate are not the same. Remember that the most you can lose is 12% but since there is no upper bound on the stock, your win is theoretically infinite. So the expectancy of the straddle is balanced by the odds of it paying off. You should expect to lose more often than you win for your expectancy to be zero since your wins are larger than your losses.
So how often do you theoretically win?
A fairly priced straddle quoted as percent of spot costs 80% of the volatility. We know that a 1-standard deviation range encompasses about 68% of a distribution. How about a .8 standard deviation range?
Fire up excel. NORMDIST(.8,0,1,True) for a cumulative distribution function. You get 78.8% which means 21.2% of the time the SPX goes up more than .8 standard deviations. Double that because there are 2 tails and voila…you win about 42% of the time.
So in Black-Scholes world, if you buy a straddle for correctly priced vol your expectancy is zero, but you expect to lose 58% of the time!
My teaser for this week’s post claimed:
[This week] we will go a bit deeper to appreciate how you can manipulate the inputs into VRPs to identify potential vol trades. I said VRP is the option market’s point spread.
Except for a tiny wrinkle.
There’s no single line.
The VRP computation (IV/RV) is just one measure of relative value. There’s no single point spread.
It’s easy to demonstrate this by casting doubt on the denominator. Here’s a thought exercise:
Stock ABC has a VRP of 10%.
Its IV is 17.6%
Its realized vol based on the last 20 days of daily log returns is 16%
??16% annual vol is approx 1% per day…16%/sqrt(251)
17.6/16 = 1.10 - 1 = 10% VRP
Now I tell you that the stock went up every single day by 1%.
??If you compute the standard deviation the standard way by subtracting the sample mean (ie x?) you’ll actually get a standard deviation of zero. If an asset has exhibited a steady trend this is obviously misleading since calling a stock that went up 1% per day for 20 days “zero vol” drains all semantic meaning from “vol”. The fix is easy…when you compute realized vol just don’t subtract the mean or use mean = 0 before squaring the individual returns. This caveat wasn’t the point of this exercise but if your antennae went up, fair play to you.
What’s the volatility of this stock?
Sampling daily returns we get 16%. But the stock is up 22% in 20 days.
We can annualize that point-to-point return:
22% * sqrt(251/20) ~ 78% realized vol
We can annualize the weekly (ie every 5 day returns):
5% * sqrt(251/5) ~ 35.4% realized vol
You get the picture.
What is the right vol for the option?!
16% seems way too cheap given what just happened.
So depending on what vol you pick your VRP ranges from 10% on the high end to 17.6/78 - 1 = -77% on the low end.
There’s not one point spread!
Realized vol is sensitive to your sampling periods. And I’m not even getting into super-fast updating vols (computing realized vols from tick data, a fun rabbit hole of its own).
On the desk, I was always on alert for highly divergent vol readings based on sampling periods.
[This is hardly a silver bullet. The implied vol on the hypothetical stock above is likely to be higher than 16%. The market’s not stupid.]
Honestly, I didn’t screen for those scenarios explicitly. I traded commodity options. The universe was relatively small so whenever I looked at realized vol numbers, which I did often, I had a feel for whether they made sense. If the realized vol (sampled daily) in gold is 12% but the metal is up 7% in 2 weeks I know the realized vol is misleading.
7% * √(52/2) ~ 36%
That’s like a 36-vol move. If near-dated options are trading at a 10% or even 20% VRP to 12% realized (or 13.2% to 14.4%) I’m out there accumulating a long gamma position.
I didn’t have a tool to necessarily flag these scenarios but if you trade a relatively short list of names all the time you build a mental history. I’d know which brokers were selling vol in the name, I might ask them where their customers are offering, or I might even go to brokers who were buying at cheaper vol levels before the move and see if they want to sell at the higher IVs and “take profits”.
[The game is a mix of what the cards are (examples include implied and realized vols) and human behavior —who has an axe to buy or sell and how do those axes change with the cards.]
The point is there’s a bunch of tacit knowledge that I don’t bother displaying on yet another monitor.
[There’s a wiseguys-trying-to-outdo-wiseguys snark about having lots of monitors. Like real Gs need nothing more than a laptop. You know something, being Warren Buffet or a VC is nice work if you can get it…but if you get the chance to visit the office of a market-making group you’re gonna see a LOT of screens. My set-up had 6 24s, a tablet for Cloud9, and windows into several virtual machines. What do you want me to say…professional trading is a video game. Put a price on 100k vega in comp, you have about as much time as it takes to move your eyes while chatting them up about last night’s World Series game. I can see how a normal business person might think this is crazy. Lucky for them, most jobs are civilized. If you want to look down on the animals who need a wall of monitors you’re only soothing yourself — the feral don’t give a f what tool you use to convert time to cash.]
Using the data and background on VRP in last week’s post we can examine my tacit hunches more closely.
The goal of the post is to:
- inspire seasoned traders to explore fresh inputs into pricing volatility
- for novice traders, to have each of the building blocks in the exposition expand their frontier of knowledge a little further.
Ratio of realized vols sampled at different frequencies
In Risk Depends On The Resolution , we see that volatility depends on the sampling frequency. In general, more frequent sampling results in higher levels of measured volatility. This is a relevant observation for all investors not just option traders. It means that simply looking at an asset’s annual or even monthly returns smooths (if you are a long-term investor) or masks (if you run a strategy whose stakeholders are shorter-term oriented) the path. It’s a warm blanket for the patient and dragon for the churner. Whether the observation is reassuring or a warning depends on the context.
(I leave it to the reader to spot the asset management marketing departments who use this observation to flatter themselves by invoking it inappropriately).
For our purposes today we will measure 1-month realized volatility at 2 sampling frequencies:
- daily (day-over-day logreturns)
- weekly (5-day point-to-point logreturns)
Our monthly window will constitute 20 business days, therefore 1-month vol sampled:
daily means 20 returns or data points
weekly means 4 returns or data points
???As a reminder we are using data from the past year (10/11/23 to 10/16/24).
...continue at the moontower substack
Husband, Father, Entrepreneur | Owner & Area Developer at The Fresh Monkee | Empowering Others to Achieve Semi-Passive Income | Co-Founder of The Athletic Room | Former NFL Linebacker | Franchise Growth Specialist
3 周Very informative