Option Abundance in Healthcare: A Doubtful Advantage Or An Innate Necessity
Dr. Adam Tabriz
“Founder @ PX6 Medical Systems | Innovating Cyber-Physical Healthcare Solutions | Transforming Patient Care & Management”
More Option Is Always A Blessing, More So Amidst Transparency.
This article was initially Published by Illumination on Medium!
Some believe having a superfluous Option is countering when it comes to our medical care. That assumption is likely the upshot of some of the latest general surveys pointing to the idea that many people favor fewer options instead of more. Nevertheless, they still reject having too few opportunities. Based on the same evaluation, they elect to have limited choices because the overabundance of selection options makes them feel overwhelmed and thus stressed to create the ultimate decision. And that the weakest link is likely 8 to 15 alternatives from which they can choose since they may feel cheated given too fewer options.
The question is, however:
Can, indeed, more option be overwhelming?
or — There is another factor that swamps us all if we are provided too many alternatives!
Naturally, if one riddles us with sundry choices without a clear introduction to resources as to how to make the right choice, then that can be undoubtedly counterproductive. The latter scenario is the epitome of us throwing a bunch of buzzwords from a novel to a layperson and expecting them to realize the essence of that story.
Although there may be good support for counter productiveness of option redundancy, I am ill-afford to see it as the case regarding healthcare.
Patients and physicians alike deserve more options and flexibility than ever today. That is particularly pertinent given the healthcare community's increasing adoption of value-based physician reimbursement schemes.
The Option Is The Grounds For Personalized Medical Care.
Valu-based reimbursement requires robust and ongoing patient care quality assessment. The genuine quality determinants of health and wellness will demarcate that quality. Naturally, since there are individualized objective and subjective elements to every grade of medical service, one can only assume a personalized approach to every patient case is the way to go.
Implementing personalized medicine necessitates patient engagement. That, in turn, will fail unless we furnish a healthy doctor-patient relationship and an adequate level of options is made available to them.
Transparency And Option Are Complementary
The abundance of options will naturally overwhelm patients and physicians without proper Transparency between doctors, patients, and stakeholders.
Making most of the options by a physician and patient for mutual benefit through better patient education with all pros and cons loud and clear will engage both parties in patient care. It will reduce physician burden and optimize revenue stream for their medical practice. Then again, evaluating the opportunities and obstacles of a given option instructs full Transparency.
The quality, challenges, and value of every Option are factors to which our current healthcare system is alien; just like most determinations, from patient care to policies and reimbursements to the latter, lack full Transparency.
Amid the absence of good ubiquitous clarity of options to patients, one can potentially risk selecting the wrong choices.
“More additional options proffers to satisfy the variance of choices between us all.”
“Option is power, where transparency is the key to your wisdom so you can harness that power wisely”
There are never too many options when it comes to our health because there is only one best solution for every single ailment for everyone. That is called "Personalized healthcare!"