Optimizing for your Facebook Campaign
Nicole Jolie
Helping motivated people who want a better financial future to boost their credit score using a unique combination of LinkedIn and Live Streaming.
A lot of us have been in and out of this Facebook ad thing. We try it. We fail miserably. We pretend we know what we're doing. We lose money.
We bid $5 like a lottery ticket and we EXPECT we're going to get the same results as some kick ass Facebook Ads specialist who's been doing this day in and day out for years.
Most people believe they'll do a $50 ad spend and make $5k...LOL, now that's funny. And stupid. But, FB has caught on to this and has decided to take this lottery style mentality out of the equation. Expectations that are set way too high for an ad spend of $50.
Caveat Emptor: having a chatbot that you can use to gain your customer's confidence, camaraderie and continued interest is the easiest and most effective way to start working around ad spend that may or may not work. When you allow people to engage with you, FIRST, and then advertise to them you'll spend less and gain more. I know. I've tried it without doing this and FAILED miserably.
In September 2019, you won't be able to turn off campaign budget optimization for new and existing campaigns. This will take over and will change. From looking at it, based on the newbies in the space, it looks to be a good idea because most people don't know how to bid their ads anyway. And it's usually an automatic bid that's set. When people get into manual bidding is when they start losing money if they don't know what they're doing.
FB will now automatically and continuously distribute the budget in real-time to your top performing ad sets. Which means you'll bid, let's say $30 for 3 different ads in a campaign.
Facebook will take that $30 and distribute it to the best performing ad in that ad set, in that campaign. This makes it a bit easier because you don't have to figure out which ad is performing better than the others, it's automatically done for you.
It wouldn't surprise me if FB put in an automatic stop for ads that are performing under a certain click or conversion so that there's an automatic stop in the campaign that would alleviate you from having to manually turn off the ad, so that you don't waste money.
Here's how FB puts it in their optimization article "In real-time, we'll capture the most results for your budget, effectively lowering your total cost per result."
As with anything, you have to test this out. Figure out how to use it and also figure out how to work with it so that you can get the biggest bang for your $5 bucks.
Struggling with your ads? Want someone to do it for you? (the easiest, most cost efficient way) or you want to be coached on how to do it? (the harder, more expensive way) hire my firm to help you. You can reserve some time with me on Calendly.
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