Optimizing Trans-Kambin Surgery

Optimizing Trans-Kambin Surgery


My kudos and congratulations to Mohammad for this fantastic talk, which I very much enjoyed. The trans-Kambin approach is quite mature and has been used across the world by many surgeons. Unfortunately, here in the United States, we are behind schedule, and in many parts of the world, this is more utilized than here. Many methods are used to access it, and certainly, robotic and navigation is an option, but with proper setup and 2 C-Arm visualization takes less than 3 minutes in my practice. (OLLIF OR Setup: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.330371410390461&type=3)?It is complex, but once it's performed, it is fast and very accurate, because it gives you live data from actual anatomy. With this access, you can access the trans-Kambin area on the disk within minutes.

I am as well not a big fan of OptiMesh because subsidization is programmed into that. More importantly, expandable cages that I have used in the past have intricate parts that very often fail, and they are not truly expandable. With proper planning, the disk can be entered at different angles, and the cage can be placed right or left for coronal, and front and back for sagittal deformity correction.

Please refer to my paper regarding MIS-DLIF, and that practically as well makes complex retractor systems unnecessary. (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28191383/?Cureus . 2017 Jan 14;9(1):e979. doi: 10.7759/cureus.979. Minimally Invasive Direct Lateral Interbody Fusion (MIS-DLIF): Proof of Concept and Perioperative Results )

Certainly, I can see why hammering on the cage inserter over a K-wire next to the DRG can be upsetting for some neurosurgeon, but orthopedic surgeons have been hammering around nerve roots for a very long time they do just fine. Considering certain rules, this can be done very safely. I agree the blood loss is less than 50 cc. As a matter of fact, in our study, it has been 47 cc per level on average, and that enabled to do complex surgeries on higher complexity and higher comorbidity patients safely, and as well do it in younger patients in a surgery center setting. We routinely perform two and three-level fusions in a surgery center setting.

In our service, in SpireSpine, we have over 2,300 patients. I have personally performed over 1,600 trans-Kambin OLLIF procedures, and have a lot of data that I'm happy to share with everybody.

I see as well that lumbar lordosis can be addressed, and I agree with that by placing the cage anterior. Lordosis can be corrected to a certain degree. The rate of adjacent segment disease is reported at 3%, in my opinion, by avoiding significant damage to paraspinal structures, this can be even lower. The question of conjoined nerve root and how to avoid injury is answered with meticulous and protocolized neuromonitoring. We stimulate at 3 milliamps, the neuron probe, and that is what's used to enter the disc space, and then after that, certainly even in very small Kambin triangles, after the K-wire and the dilator is placed, it opens up its space and makes the Kambin triangle bigger. Please see this video of an actual view in the OR: (https://youtu.be/QRCXUBweeXE?si=F_OR6rY5nsQqCaNM&t=55)

I'm as well very happy to see that the trans-facet approach is popularized here by Dr. Abd-ell-Barr. We published our paper in 2022 that shows removing the lateral part of the hypertrophied facet opens up the entry to the Kambin triangle (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35928391/??Cureus . 2022 Jul 3;14(7):e26533. doi: 10.7759/cureus.26533. eCollection 2022 Jul. Transfacet Oblique Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion: Technical Description and Early Results)?. In this case, the approach is still trans-Kambin and not transforaminal, and that's the difference. The disc preparation and fusion have always been a question. As a matter of fact, Frank Phillips asked me the same question six years ago in SMISS in Vegas, and my answer was, it is as well now " It is about tools, it?very hard to fly without wings; it's all about instrumentation" proper instrumentation. The articulating Rake that is described is very powerful, and here is a link to all the tools needed to do this surgery. (https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=915884928505770&set=a.418487321578869)

The question of the rate of fusion has been questioned then, as it is now. All other muscle-sparing approaches have shown significantly higher rates of fusion than posterior approaches, mostly because we don't disrupt the vascularization of the bone, which is true surrounding muscles. Being able to do many of these cases in the ASCs is a huge deal to reduce the cost associated with spinal fusion, which is 1.6 million procedures performed per year according to Baker Spine. Here's the link. (https://www.beckersspine.com/spine/45273-surgeons-)

At the end of the day, I am very agreeing with Mohammed that we MIS surgeons don't go through the window, but open surgery not only takes the window and the door off; it take half of the house off to bring a refrigerator to the kitchen, whereas we gently open the door, roll the refrigerator into the kitchen, and leave without damaging everything in the process.

#kambin #spinalfusion

Muhammad Abd-El-Barr MD PhD FAANS

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