Optimizing Token-Based Authentication and Error Handling in Axios

Optimizing Token-Based Authentication and Error Handling in Axios


In modern web development, it is important to safeguard user data and handle the issue of API requests. Token Based Authentication System for Secure Access of Users in Web Applications. These include managing tokens, updating them when necessary, and addressing problems that are emerging. Axios is one of the most popular HTTP API clients in current modern JavaScript software development. The discussion below covers a code snippet that uses this technology.

Importing Dependencies

This code imports vital libraries required that include Axios for making HTTP requests, Cookies for handling cookies, as well as React related libraries for state management and navigation.

Default Axios Configuration

In this case, the code setups the default base URL of API calls and makes sure that credential is included in the request. Setting up Axios on application.
This is for managing a queue of failed network requests and handling token refresh

to handle token-based authentication, and retry the request with a new token when the current token has already expired. It helps to maintain the continuity of user interactions and minimizes the impact of token expiration.

Token Refresh and Error Handling:

The code sets up an Axios interceptor to handle token refreshing and error responses:

This particular interceptor looks for an HTTP error code 401 (Unauthorized), and refreshing of the tokens in case it is required.?It also responds to certain specialized error codes (400, 500, 409) by showing to the consumer appropriate error messages.

Refreshing a token is accomplished by sending a token renewal request to the server.?If the token refresh returns successfully (status 200), a new Access Token is saved in a cookie for future use.

In case of a failed token refresh Redux sets loading state and the user is logged out for a seamless user experience.?useNavigate for client-side navigation.

Authorization Header:

Axios is configured to include an authorization header with each request when an access token is available.

This example methodology successfully deals with the issues of token based authentication and error response in a web application. It aims at enabling users of websites on-demand access, and deal with errors gracefully.


