Optimizing the present & Planning for the future with the help of a Private Foundation
Christophe Boeraeve
International lawyer & Member of the Litigation Chamber of the Belgian Data Protection Authority
We can do whatever we want, family is always family.
Quotation from Kao-Tong-Kia; Selected Thoughts (13th c.)
Belgian law allows :
1) to set up a private or public foundation (without minimum capital with/or without movable assets and with/or without real estate)
2) to then contribute movable or immovable assets and actively manage them (buy & sell) without being taxed on the capital gains
3) to make distributions to beneficiaries I choose (as part of the fulfillment of the disinterested purpose) before and after the death of the founder...
without having to pay neither registration fees (except on contributions of real estate and those made before a Belgian notary deed: max. 7%) nor inheritance tax (for any member of my lineage and my spouse/partner) and without the beneficiaries receiving income taxable at the Individual Income Tax.
The assets contributed to the foundation have moreover left the patrimony of the donor or contributor and discover the gentle warmth - which protects and reassures - of the tax on legal entities (and except for those subject to corporation tax by the tax authorities).
These solutions have been confirmed by no less than 4 decisions of the Belgian Ruling Commission: November 29, 2011, December 4, 2012, March 10 and 17, 2015 and by the best doctrine.
In these uncertain times of increasingly frequent taxation of capital gains on securities for those who are successful on the stock market or on cryptocurrency exchange platforms (see: Do you have to declare the profits on your Bitcoins?), the Foundation joins a tax regime that is practically ignored (the Legal Entity Income Tax), which does NOT tax capital gains realized (let alone simply recorded) on the purchase and sale of securities:
Article 182, Belgian Income Tax Code 92 (income 2021)
"In the case of non-profit associations and other legal persons that do not pursue a profit-making purpose, are not considered to be operations of a profit-making nature:
1° isolated or exceptional operations;
2° operations which consist in the investment of funds collected in the exercise of their statutory mission;
3° operations which constitute an activity involving only incidental industrial, commercial or agricultural operations or which do not implement industrial or commercial methods. "
You will find the article published in the Forum for the Future collective book on tax optimizations: here.
A Foundation - what for?
As the latest legal entity to enter the field of wealth and estate planning, whether Belgian or international, the Private Foundation piques our curiosity and seduces us.
To create a foundation consists in allocating a patrimony or a part of it to the realization of a determined goal.
This goal cannot be the enrichment of the founders and administrators but of all other persons: the BENEFICIARIES.
Any natural or legal person can create a foundation: private individual (Belgian or not), Belgian or foreign company, non-profit organization, public authority,...
What is a foundation ?
Art. 1:3 Belgian Code of Companies and Associations: "A foundation is a legal person without members, constituted by a legal entity or by one or more individuals, called founders. Its assets shall be allocated to the pursuit of a disinterested purpose in the exercise of one or more specific activities which constitute its object. It may not distribute or procure, directly or indirectly, any property advantage to its founders, directors or any other person, except for the disinterested purpose determined by the articles. Any transaction violating this prohibition is null and void".
Based on the model of the Foundation of the Netherlands (the "Stichting"), perhaps one day the Belgian elder sister of a planned European foundation, it ensures the durability (if not eternity) of an enterprise - often a family business - and of its actors that it cajoles: founders, partners or shareholders, managers and other beneficiaries.
The fact that the foundation does not include a general meeting (no members, no associates or shareholders) reinforces the idea that the directors are only there, in a way, to "serve" a capital.
By setting up a foundation, the founder obtains the certainty that the determined part of his patrimony will indeed be allocated to the destination he has chosen, even and especially after his death.
In the labyrinth of national legislations applying to our estate, local transfer taxes by death, rules applicable to our heirs, especially when they are several from several "beds", and (ex)spouses, thus varying greatly in space and time, the foundation is a haven of stability and simplicity.
Serving 2 desirable goals
The foundation reconciles in an original way two eminently desirable goals:
- To reassure those who are preparing the end of their lives by translating their wishes to protect certain people in the freest possible way; and
- Ensure a high standard of living since the Foundation:
A) Is the champion in all categories of the low registration fees (max 7%); and
B) Permanently and definitively exempts the person's assets from inheritance tax and exposes them only to a small (0.17%) compensatory tax on inheritance tax, with the exception of securities certified by the Foundation; and
C) Explore the white continent of the absence of any taxation on payments to beneficiaries (since none of them qualifies as taxable income for Personal Income Tax: real estate, furniture, professional or other)
D) Does not expose individuals to the possible confiscatory (from 30 to 70%) taxes and social security contribution on the sale of (im)movable assets (Legal Entity favorable tax regime).
Read: La fondation présente beaucoup d'attraits in Juliette & Victor.
Taking care of my loved ones?
This is a natural concern: "Who will take care of my disabled son or daughter when we are gone? The foundation makes it possible to choose these people right now and to "test" their skills, dedication, honesty,...
These administrators will be able to work with me initially if I wish.
They will take care of my foundation, which will have the purpose of assisting my descendants (and even if I wish so, other people or pursue other disinterested goals).
These people are subject to strict rules which are as many safeguards against abuse.
Everything is therefore set up so that I can "disappear" quietly: I know that my children will be taken care of.
Setting up a foundation to help our descendants (or nephews and nieces, etc.) survive us represents a modern and somewhat posh solution to estate planning.
Distinguished, with no limits (nor taxation at each passage in terms of number of generations), it ensures the transmission of my patrimony for an indefinite future and with a freedom of choice that it alone allows (for example, prohibiting the realization of assets to provide an annuity or rent to my descendants).
A (most) favorable tax regime
The foundation is the only solution that makes it possible to transmit movable and immovable property to the children or nephews and nieces of the founder or to "foreigners", as well as all their descendants, regardless of the number of generations, by paying only 0% or 7% registration fees and without ever paying inheritance tax again.
One can thus freely choose to waive the marginal confiscatory rates of 30%, 70% or 80% of the inheritance tax to embrace those of ... 7% or 0% (to be increased by the tax compensating the inheritance tax therefore).
Before this unpleasant and still inevitable event that we keep postponing that is the end of our lives, let's take a step forward: the foundation offers a considerable tax advantage: to reduce hich-and-nots the overall tax burden of my (group of) company(ies).
By complying with the strict rules of transfer pricing, my private foundation, whose natural tax is that of legal entities, can succeed me as head of my companies, after (or before) having possibly assumed the role of "holding" the shares of my companies.
The most unexpected is still to come, since only 4 incomes are taxable to the IPP and that the SDA confirms this great principle ("no taxes without laws" in a democracy) that the administration cannot "bring in" the payments made by the Foundation to its beneficiaries in one of these 4 (immovable, movable, professional and miscellaneous). These payments to the beneficiaries of the Foundation are therefore not subject to any taxation.
To learn more, read my full article : Optimizing the present and planning for the future with a private foundation or peruse through those slides.
Here you will find a press review of articles where I am interviewed about these private foundations.
I also recommend reading this article : BATISSEZ UNE FONDATION FISCALEMENT FAVORABLE POUR VOUS ET VOS PROCHES - “ON DONNE LE FARDEAU A CELUI QUI A LA CAPACITé DE LE PORTER” By Thomas Draguet (Partner anticiper.tax) as providing concrete examples (in K of euros) of the tax savings available:
International lawyer & Member of the Litigation Chamber of the Belgian Data Protection Authority
4 年Lire aussi : https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/thomas-draguet-1640503_batissez-une-fondation-fiscalement-favorable-activity-6765360468040192000-sxrk par @thomas draguet.