Optimizing Efficiency with Heterogeneous Fleet Orchestration

Optimizing Efficiency with Heterogeneous Fleet Orchestration

Article Type: Successful Case

需求概況 Overview

一全球知名顯示器面板製造商在台灣工廠成功實施了 FARobot 的 Swarm Autonomy 解決方案,是邁向智慧製造的重大舉措。這項舉措利用了Swarm Core的強大功能與專用 5G 網路相結合,使異質機隊與設備能夠協同作業。其結果是物料搬運的革命性轉變,促進物料搬運過程的自動化、靈活性和效率。

A global leader in display panel manufacturing has successfully implemented FARobot's Swarm Autonomy? solution in its Taiwan factory, marking a significant step towards smart manufacturing. This initiative harnesses the powerful features of Swarm Core? in conjunction with a dedicated 5G network, enabling heterogeneous fleets and equipment to operate collaboratively. The outcome is a groundbreaking shift in material handling, significantly improving automation, flexibility, and efficiency throughout the process.

面臨的問題與挑戰 Challenges

  • 傳統人工公安風險高:庫房到生產線邊倉之間的面板運輸中,若以人工上下料進行作業,有人員工時長、過度勞累與安全性問題。

High-Risk Manual Handling: In the transportation of panels between the warehouse and the production line, manual loading/unloading operations entail risks related to labor intensity, prolonged work hours, and safety concerns

  • 空間利用率最大化:工廠庫房空間有限,需在不擴大佔地面積的情況下,盡可能提高貨架密集度,已達成空間利用率最大化。

Maximizing space utilization: In factory warehouses with constrained space, it is essential to optimize rack density without expanding the footprint, thus maximizing space utilization to its fullest potential.

  • 穩定系統運作:由於工廠生產必須確保不能中斷,系統必須持續運作,若有狀況發生,將會耗費許多成本,故如何能夠確保所有IT/OT系統的串接,並穩定運作至關重要

Stable System Operation: Ensuring uninterrupted factory production is crucial, requiring systems to operate continuously. Any disruptions can incur significant costs. Therefore, it’s vital to ensure seamless integration and stable operation of all IT/OT systems.

  • 舊有設備兼容問題:工廠已有既有的設備,如何能夠再引進新設備或是系統時,能兼容現有已投資之設備,也希望確保新舊設備能協同作業,除不會造成資產浪費外,亦提升整體運作之效率。

Compatibility with Legacy Equipment: When introducing new equipment or systems into an established factory infrastructure, it is essential to ensure they are compatible with existing investments. The goal is to facilitate seamless collaboration between new and legacy equipment to enhance operational efficiency without causing asset redundancy.

解決方案 Technology Solutions

標準化機隊管理平台: SWARM CORE? Standardized Robotics Management Platform

  • 系統整合串接:串接現有資訊系統與工廠設備,如MES/MCS和機台設備管理系統等,確保設備協作與系統資訊流之效率傳遞,提高生產管理整體效能。

Seamless System Integration: Integrating existing information systems such as MES/MCS with factory equipment, ensures efficient coordination between equipment and data flow, thereby enhancing overall production management efficiency.

  • 現有設備協作:SWARM CORE?將廠內現有設備,如機械手臂、電梯等,納入相容協作,同時亦將他牌移動機器人進行整合,使既有設備可持續運行,減少了設備的更新成本,透過先進驗算法和安全機制,確保物流安全性及效益最大化。

Streamlined Equipment Collaboration : SWARM CORE? integrates existing equipment within the factory, such as robotic arms and elevators, and even incorporates mobile robots from other brands, achieving?heterogeneous?orchestration. This allows existing equipment to continue operating, reducing equipment upgrade costs. Through advanced algorithms and safety mechanisms, it ensures the maximization of logistics safety and efficiency.

移動式機器人SMR250-F-L : SWARM MOBILE ROBOT? solution

  • 內建頂升模組:透過SMR?內建的頂升機構可直接將面板料架舉升起來,無需外掛額外的模組,確保機器人的尺寸可符合大部分的料架尺寸

Built-in Lifting Module: The racks loaded with panels can be directly lifted?by the SMR? without?the need for additional top modules, ensuring that the robot’s dimensions are compatible with most rack sizes.

  • 偵測貨架位置:SMR?可自動偵測貨架偏移狀態,並自動修正進入層架角度,確保過程的準確性和安全性

Rack Position Detection: The SMR? automatically detects rack misalignment and adjusts the entry angle into the rack, ensuring accuracy and safety throughout the process.

  • 彈性安全防護區:SMR?配備動態安全防護區,可透過速度與層架大小自動調整其大小,除防止碰撞外,同時可提高整體效率與安全性。

Adaptive Safety Protection Zone: The SMR? is equipped with a adaptive safety protection zone that automatically adjusts its size based on speed and rack dimensions,?not only preventing?collisions?but also enhancing?overall efficiency and safety.

  • 最高安全性認證:SMR?系列擁有TüV Rheinland的EN ISO 3691-4:2020認證,此為AMR的最高安全標準要求。

Certified Safety: The SMR? series holds the EN ISO 3691-4:2020 certification from TüV Rheinland, representing the highest safety standard for AMRs.

成果與效益 Impact and Benefit

  • 快速導入時間: 法博解決方案可透過提供之工具/API將設備與系統無縫接軌,相對於傳統方案導入速度快25%,縮短導入期所需的停滯期。

Rapid Implementation: The FARbot solution seamlessly integrates equipment and systems through provided tools/API, resulting in a 25% faster implementation compared to traditional approaches and reducing the downtime required during implementation.

  • 降低維護成本: 法博的SMR為自主式導航機器人,使用雷射光達進行導航,減少相較於傳統導引機器人約50%的QR code磨損與重新維護之管理成本。

Reducing Maintenance Costs: FARobot SMR? utilizes lidar for navigation, reducing costs related to QR code maintenance by approximately 50% compared to traditional guided robots.

  • 降低機器人數量: 導入法博的解決方案後,透過異質機隊管理與協作後,經推算客戶的搬運需求,機器人數量可降低20%的數量。

Reducing Number of Robots: After implementing FARobot solution and utilizing heterogeneous fleet management and collaboration, the customer estimated handling requirements indicate that the number of robots needed can be reduced by 20%.

  • 增加搬運效率: 異質機隊協同作業與智慧化交通管理,於降低機器人數量的狀況下,物流運送效率提升5%。

Increased Capacity: Through heterogeneous fleet orchestration and intelligent traffic management, factory intralogistics delivery efficiency has increased by 5% despite the reduction in the number of robots.

法博的SWARM AUTONOMY?為企業提供了一套完整、高效且靈活的智慧物流解決方案,透過一個平台整合管理所有設備與異質車隊,動態優化任務排程,實現人機安全與效率的最佳配置,幫助工廠實現物流自動化和智慧化管理,提升整體運營效率並降低運營成本。

FARobot’s SWARM AUTONOMY? represents a paradigm shift in intralogistics solutions. By seamlessly integrating all equipment and heterogeneous fleets on one single platform, it revolutionizes task scheduling and optimizes human-robot interaction for safety and efficiency. This breakthrough enables factories to transition towards factory intralogistics automation and intelligent management, marking a significant stride in operational efficiency and cost reduction. It’s not just a solution, but a transformative approach to modern manufacturing.

Learn More (English Version): https://www.farobottech.com/post/optimizingefficiencywithheterogeneousfleetorchestration

查看更多 (中文版):https://www.farobottech.com/post/法博swarm-autonomy解決方案-整合異質設備與機隊-全面提升運營效率


