Optimizing chassis leasing by complete visibility
UES Chassis

Optimizing chassis leasing by complete visibility

UES Chassis is a chassis leasing company with offices throughout Germany. With a fleet of over seven hundred vehicles in all sizes, they cover the entire range of container transport from heavy-load to refrigerated transport. Their pride is offering an entire service package to their customers. This requires full visibility, good yard management, and easy access to data. Matthias Emme, Managing Director testifies how Sensolus enables this.

In 2019, UES Chassis implements CargoTracer to locate its chassis. Matthias mentions, “researching how to optimize our fleet?is always on our mind and the whole story of telematics already exists for two decades. We experimented with CargoTracer but it didn’t fully meet our needs and the company closed down.”

A Sensolus webinar was the first touchpoint of UES Chassis with Sensolus. While also checking telematics solution, Matthias realized IoT solutions are the future for chassis leasing. You don’t want to depend on complex telematics solutions installed at the OEM. Now, what was decisive in choosing Sensolus?

Why Sensolus is a good fit

“It’s logistics, everything comes down to dropping costs”, Matthias states. A chassis fleet needs to be operative, not standing still in depots. When looking at the hardware, UES Chassis chose our solution because it’s non-powered and very easy to install. Also for partners located further away from the UES headquarter. They got up and running quickly and kept their fleet operative.

On the software side, Matthias wants all the information to be easily accessible in the Sensolus platform and in their ERP system Navision. He adds “we’ll define specific KPI’s to see, for example, this chassis needs maintenance in twenty thousand kilometres. This information goes from Navision to the Sensolus platform.”

“It’s about efficiency and dropping costs. With a non-powered, easy-to-install solution like Sensolus you’re up and running in no time while your fleet remains active in the field.”

- Matthias Emme, Managing Director at UES Chassis

Another reason to chose Sensolus is the possibility to share data with partners. With the feature called visibility groups, UES can choose to share certain data sets with partners based on the chassis they manage. Matthias mentions, “This makes our partnerships stronger and will take them to the next level.”

In short, our solution proves its value for UES Chassis because they see an increase on return without purchasing additional chassis.

Quick problem-solving on the road because of complete visibility

The basic need our solution solves is knowing where your container chassis are. But there is so much more to it. In the past, calling five or six people to get the right information was no exception at UES Chassis. Something that plenty of logistics companies will recognize.

Imagine a tire breaks down. This happens one to two times a week at UES Chassis. In this case the planners want to know where the chassis is. Drivers are often not native German speaking which complicates communication. A stressful situation causing delay if not handled efficiently.

Matthias admits, “in the Sensolus platform the planners can easily switch to Google maps, see where the chassis is located and inform the next repair shop about the tire breakdown. The drivers also get the information they need and a quick fix. This is where we win crucial time and money.”

As mentioned before UES Chassis rents our their chassis with full service. With Sensolus they guarantee a good service in case of issues on the road. Communication problems are eliminated and the truck driver gets quick, accurate help.

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Optimized yard management together with partners

Drivers picking up the wrong chassis is also tough to monitor without tracking in place. Good yard management is the solution to ensure the right chassis are used for the right projects and ends up at the right customer.

It is about making sure partners manage chassis well on their yard. Matthias explains, “you have quality differences in chassis in terms of the brand, the weight, etc. If a customer wants a specific chassis and your partner has to invest time in finding it back on his yard, we’ll get an extra charge for the effort he has to put in it.”

“Geobeacons will help us detect where a chassis is on the yard, communicate with our partner in time, and offer to best solution to the customer.”

- Matthias Emme, Managing Director at UES Chassis

UES Chassis wants to solve this with our geobeacons. This light infrastructure helps you manage large volumes of chassis parked on a yard. “It helps us to see where a chassis is on the place, communicate with our partner in time and offer to best solution to the customer”, Matthias adds.

An industry standard for container and chassis tracking

Creating complete visibility on non-powered assets in the logistics industry is one of the goals we aim at with our solution. Matthias would like the whole container tracking industry to work with Sensolus. He mentions, “if everybody uses their own system, data is fragmented. For the community, it is interesting to use the same tracking solution and strive towards transparency.”

Concludingly, we can say we share the believe with UES Chassis that in the upcoming years all non-powered assets will be connected with the internet. “The state of the art solution Sensolus offers today is the new normal of tomorrow”, states Matthias.

If complete visibility, data sharing, efficient fleet utilization, and better yard management are also priority on your agenda,?request a thirty-minute demo now?to see how our solution tackles these challenges.

Sensolus und axelion sind ein starkes Team mit viel Projekterfahrung, dem n?tigen Fachwissen und lokalen Ansprechpartnern. Check out: https://www.axelion.ch/asset-tracking



