Optimizing Blockchain with Merkelized Abstract Syntax Trees in?Rust

Optimizing Blockchain with Merkelized Abstract Syntax Trees in?Rust

The increasing size of blockchain data is a significant challenge for Blockchain performance, data integrity, and privacy. Merkelized Abstract Syntax Trees (MAST) offer a viable solution to these challenges by providing efficient storage compression, ensuring data integrity, and enhancing privacy.?

Let’s explore the usage of MAST in blockchain systems, focusing on these three key aspects using Rust! ??

What is a Merkelized Abstract Syntax?Tree?

A Merkelized Abstract Syntax Tree (MAST) is a data structure that combines the hierarchical nature of Abstract Syntax Trees (AST) with the cryptographic properties of Merkle trees. This combination allows for secure and efficient representation, storage, and verification of data.

Key Benefits of MAST in Blockchain

  • Storage Compression?
  • Data Integrity?
  • Privacy

Storage Compression

One of the critical challenges in blockchain technology is the ever-growing size of the blockchain. As more transactions are added, the size of the blockchain increases, making it difficult for nodes to store and synchronize the entire chain. MAST addresses this issue through efficient storage compression.

Efficient Representation:

  • MAST allows for a more compact representation of complex transactions and smart contracts. Instead of storing the entire contract, only the relevant parts of the contract (the active branches of the AST) need to be stored and processed.
  • This selective storage reduces the overall size of the blockchain, as nodes can prune inactive branches of the MAST that are no longer needed for verification.

Example: Imagine a smart contract with multiple conditions and branches. Using MAST, only the executed branches and their corresponding hashes are stored, while non-executed branches are pruned, significantly reducing storage requirements.

Data Integrity

Data integrity is crucial in blockchain systems to ensure that the data has not been tampered with. MAST enhances data integrity through the use of cryptographic hashes.

Cryptographic Hashing:

  • Each node in the MAST contains a cryptographic hash of its data and the hashes of its children. This creates a secure, tamper-evident structure.
  • Any change in the data will result in a different hash, allowing nodes to quickly detect tampering by comparing the expected hash with the computed hash.

Efficient Verification:

  • MAST enables efficient verification of data by allowing nodes to check only the relevant parts of the tree. Verifiers can confirm the integrity of a specific branch without needing to process the entire tree.

Example: In a blockchain transaction, the MAST can represent the transaction details. Verifiers can check the integrity of the transaction by verifying the hash of the relevant branch, ensuring that the transaction has not been altered.


Privacy is a significant concern in blockchain technology, where transactions are often public. MAST enhances privacy by allowing selective disclosure of information.

Selective Disclosure:

  • MAST enables nodes to reveal only the necessary parts of the tree for verification while keeping the rest of the data private.
  • This selective disclosure ensures that only the minimum required information is exposed, protecting sensitive data.

Zero-Knowledge Proofs:

  • MAST can be combined with zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) to prove the validity of a transaction or computation without revealing the underlying data.
  • This combination allows for privacy-preserving verification, where the verifier can confirm the correctness of a transaction without accessing the actual data.

Example: In a blockchain-based voting system, MAST can be used to represent the votes. The system can reveal the total count without disclosing individual votes, ensuring voter privacy.

Building a Merkelized Abstract Syntax Tree in?Rust

To demonstrate how MAST works, let’s build a simple implementation in Rust. This example will show how to create a MAST, compute hashes, and verify nodes.

Step 1: Define the AST Node Structure

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
enum ASTNode {
    Add(Box<ASTNode>, Box<ASTNode>),
    Subtract(Box<ASTNode>, Box<ASTNode>),
    Multiply(Box<ASTNode>, Box<ASTNode>),
    Divide(Box<ASTNode>, Box<ASTNode>),

Step 2: Define the MAST Node Structure

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct MASTNode {
    hash: Vec<u8>,
    children: Vec<MASTNode>,

Step 3: Implement Hashing?Function

extern crate sha2;
use sha2::{Sha256, Digest};

fn hash(data: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8> {
    let mut hasher = Sha256::new();

Step 4: Build the?MAST

fn build_mast(node: &ASTNode) -> MASTNode {
    match node {
        ASTNode::Number(n) => {
            let hash = hash(n.to_string().as_bytes());
            MASTNode { hash, children: vec![] }
        ASTNode::Add(left, right) |
        ASTNode::Subtract(left, right) |
        ASTNode::Multiply(left, right) |
        ASTNode::Divide(left, right) => {
            let left_mast = build_mast(left);
            let right_mast = build_mast(right);
            let mut hasher = Sha256::new();
            let hash = hasher.finalize().to_vec();
            MASTNode { hash, children: vec![left_mast, right_mast] }

Step 5: Verify a Node in the?MAST

fn verify_node(mast: &MASTNode, expected_hash: &[u8]) -> bool {
    mast.hash == expected_hash

Step 6: Display the?MAST

use std::fmt::{self, Write};

impl fmt::Display for MASTNode {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        fn fmt_node(node: &MASTNode, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>, depth: usize) -> fmt::Result {
            let indent = "  ".repeat(depth);
            write!(f, "{}Node: ", indent)?;
            for byte in &node.hash {
                write!(f, "{:02x}", byte)?;
            for child in &node.children {
                fmt_node(child, f, depth + 1)?;
        fmt_node(self, f, 0)

Step 7: Example?Usage

fn main() {
    // Example AST: (5 + 3) * (2 - 1)
    let ast = ASTNode::Multiply(

    // Build the MAST
    let mast = build_mast(&ast);
    // Print the AST
    println!("AST: {}", ast);
    // Print the MAST
    println!("MAST:\n{}", mast);
    // Verify a node in the MAST
    let verification_result = verify_node(&mast, &mast.hash);
    println!("Verification result: {}", verification_result);

Advanced Implementation in?Rust

To further enhance our MAST implementation, let’s add functionality for selectively revealing branches and handling more complex data structures.

Step 8: Selective Branch Disclosure

We can enhance our MAST structure to allow selective disclosure of branches. This requires modifying the build_mast function to handle conditional nodes and a function to reveal specific branches.

Conditional Nodes: We add a new variant to the ASTNode enum to represent conditional nodes.

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
enum ASTNode {
    Add(Box<ASTNode>, Box<ASTNode>),
    Subtract(Box<ASTNode>, Box<ASTNode>),
    Multiply(Box<ASTNode>, Box<ASTNode>),
    Divide(Box<ASTNode>, Box<ASTNode>),
    If(Box<ASTNode>, Box<ASTNode>, Box<ASTNode>), // If(condition, true_branch, false_branch)

Build MAST with Conditional Nodes:

fn build_mast(node: &ASTNode) -> MASTNode {
    match node {
        ASTNode::Number(n) => {
            let hash = hash(n.to_string().as_bytes());
            MASTNode { hash, children: vec![] }
        ASTNode::Add(left, right) |
        ASTNode::Subtract(left, right) |
        ASTNode::Multiply(left, right) |
        ASTNode::Divide(left, right) => {
            let left_mast = build_mast(left);
            let right_mast = build_mast(right);
            let mut hasher = Sha256::new();
            let hash = hasher.finalize().to_vec();
            MASTNode { hash, children: vec![left_mast, right_mast] }
        ASTNode::If(condition, true_branch, false_branch) => {
            let condition_mast = build_mast(condition);
            let true_mast = build_mast(true_branch);
            let false_mast = build_mast(false_branch);
            let mut hasher = Sha256::new();
            let hash = hasher.finalize().to_vec();
            MASTNode { hash, children: vec![condition_mast, true_mast, false_mast] }

Selective Disclosure Function: We implement a function to selectively reveal branches of the MAST.

fn reveal_branch(mast: &MASTNode, path: &[usize]) -> Option<MASTNode> {
    if path.is_empty() {
        return Some(mast.clone());

    let mut current_node = mast;
    for &index in path {
        if index >= current_node.children.len() {
            return None; // Invalid path
        current_node = &current_node.children[index];

Example Usage:

fn main() {
    // Example AST: if (5 > 3) { (2 + 1) } else { (4 - 1) }
    let ast = ASTNode::If(

    // Build the MAST
    let mast = build_mast(&ast);
    // Print the AST
    println!("AST: {}", ast);
    // Print the MAST
    println!("MAST:\n{}", mast);
    // Reveal the true branch
    let true_branch = reveal_branch(&mast, &[1]).unwrap();
    println!("True Branch MAST:\n{}", true_branch);
    // Verify the true branch
    let verification_result = verify_node(&true_branch, &true_branch.hash);
    println!("Verification result for true branch: {}", verification_result);

By enabling efficient and secure representation of data, MAST helps address the scalability and privacy challenges of blockchain systems.

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All the best,

Luis Soares [email protected]

Lead Software Engineer | Blockchain & ZKP Protocol Engineer | ?? Rust | Web3 | Solidity | Golang | Cryptography | Author


