The optimistic Entrepreneurship Mindset to overcome every challenge in your business and life

The optimistic Entrepreneurship Mindset to overcome every challenge in your business and life

Since more than a decade, I have had the opportunity to work and discuss with many different entrepreneurs. In France, UK, Spain, Mexico, Colombia,?China and many different countries. And it has always impressed me, how they behave in front of a challenge. ?

Entrepreneurs have a completely different mindset. This is truly fantastic to see and listen to them.?

While the average people, of course including me, we?will have the tendency when confronted to a challenge to be sometimes negative, due to our scarcity vision of life, coming from obviously different conditions, where we're coming from, the education we had in the past and our different experience in life,? but when you start to be an entrepreneur and when you start to talk with them, they see a challenge as a fantastic opportunity to find a solution to improve the situation, and to offer a solution for prospect and customer to make their lives better or to improve a process. And this is what I found absolutely extraordinary.???

Advice to change your mindset by reading: Secret of the Millionaire Mind - Harv EKER?


In addition to our?discussion, one of the questions is, do you born or become an entrepreneur? While you have different point of views, from Mark Cuban to Bill Gates or Grant Cardone, we will cover this topic on a future article.?

Advice to change your mindset by watching: ?


?You know, with one of the?entrepreneurs?I've met in China some weeks ago, an entrepreneur who is working here in China since decades. He was talking about unfortunately the economic growth from China was not as expected as?it should be after the COVID situation in 2022. And it was indeed more difficult for many businesses there, still going really well compared to some part of the world, nut with the big kick they were expecting initially.?

We discussed the threat regarding the market for him and regarding the situation and he was absolutely not negative. He was full of optimism despite of that because, in his philosophy, you need to?see every challenge as an opportunity and the only response to this challenge was focus on quality and innovation, on finding better solution for your customer and for him this was the mantra of his company like all the time, focusing on quality, on innovation, no matter the situation, no matter what happened?in the market. If you have the best product on the market and are constantly innovating, you will always grow your company.??

And I've really liked this kind of mindset, which made me change a lot during the last decade, obviously thanks to the contact of those fantastic entrepreneurs. ?

Advice to read innovation: The Innovator's dilemma?


And it makes me think we need to change our mindset all the time. This is something we might not see when we start our career, but we have fantastic potential in each of us. We have the potential to grow massively, we have the potential to overcome some challenges we face in life whether it should be personally, financially or in business.?We must change our mindset.?

Change our mindset, be positive and all the time focus on finding better solution. ?

This is something that makes me really interested and lately?I was talking?with some entrepreneur in the in the real estate industry, specialized in construction, discussing how to overcome the future challenges that we are going to have related to construction, such as build more construction, more houses, more buildings for people because our population is keeping growing but with less and less resources, and how we are going to be able to build more sustainable construction.?

It was really interesting to see what they were thinking about the material that they could use,?how they were expecting to integrate the construction into the urbanism?and make it more sustainable integrating nature, some trees, plants some vegetized?walls.?

It was also really interesting to see they were not thinking about the next 2, 3, 4 years, but how we need to prepare for the next 20, thirty, 50 or 100 years and how it will be really important to focus all the time on quality, on innovation and how it will help us to get a better world for the future ?

So really interesting to get this kind of philosophy and here is some link about?some development, some sustainable ideas of cities that we are expecting to build in the future in different parts of the world.??

Goal 11 from UN: Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable ?

Sustainable city article:

Sustainable city solutions:

I think this is also answering the major challenge that we have. How we are going to be able to keep growing sustainably in our planet, taking into consideration the reduction of resources we have,?how are we going to be able to reuse the existing development and construction we did, the existing material we already transformed for building?new homes for people, but making it more sustainable, more renewable, more circular, having the possibility to have a better quality, to make it last longer. ?

It made me think about another article, read in “Le Figaro”?

Article “Le Figaro”:


We are expecting to exploit more the resources of the ocean and?that they gave new possibility to some countries to explore what there is in the ocean, where we don’t yet know and understand the complexity of the ecosystem.?

Regarding the biomass that we already?transform into?technomass, with a massive acceleration during the last century, the research shows?we only have 1000 years of resources with the speed that we are going to consume everything.?

This is really important we take that into consideration and yes, I'm talking about extremely long term compared to our lifetime, but this is also necessary for the future generation to let them a better world, So question: how are we going to build?the cities of tomorrow? What do we want to let from our civilization for the next 10000 years? ?

Building with the highest quality possible and taking into consideration the sustainability of the planet,?how to make it more circular, not only have a neutral impact on the planet but even a positive one.?

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We need to take?into consideration in every aspect of the economy, of the different industry and in construction specially, which is one of my passion also, how you're going to be able?from the real beginning till the end, from the conception of the project, during the realization, and during the life time of the assets?a more sustainable and circular conception and usage.?

How we?are going to build, taking into consideration the sun, the existing nature you already have, the consumption of water, recuperation of water?from the rain and how you will reuse it after filtering it using itinside home. How you're going to use solar energy, how you're going to make the air go through the house to reduce the usage of electricity for air conditioning to naturally cool down temperature. How you're going use trees or plants inside the home on vegetized walls to make it more sustainable. ?

How we are going to use not necessarily concrete because it's contaminating a lot and using a lot of water, but more using hempcrete, cococrete, wood, bamboo, every potential material that are having a positive impact on the planet and thinking about the project to last a very long term. ?

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We have so much potential to find great solutions together. ?

This is with this entrepreneurship mindset with positivity and solution solving attitude that we will face those?challenges together, find the opportunities to make a better World together,?find sustainable long term solution for sustainable growth to save the planet, TOGETHER.?



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