The Optimist Edition
"It's a very empowering kind of music, heavy metal is." - Rob 'Metal God' Halford

The Optimist Edition

Hello dear subscribers!

Thank you for clicking ???? and deciding to read this always appreciated and never assumed. You should know by now it is a mix of my offshore wind and general renewables & opinion??, some of our news?? and as usual some stuff on coffee? and metal????...!

Well this edition brings you:

? My lead blog: Let's get optimistic!

? My bonus blog!: Go expensive, to get cheaper.

? My colleague Nguyen Dinh looks at last month's publication of Ireland's National Hydrogen Strategy

? "Throw Another Shrimp On The Barbie Mate", some colleagues look at some Australian challenges as that market heats up

? Offshore wind and other energy transition news!

? ...and of course some ? coffee and ???? metal!

So please read on and share this with colleagues...get them to subscribe!

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I started this blog looking for a quote on optimism to lead us off (? Blog writing 101!). It was actually a bit disheartening, many of the quotes focused on the 'hope against hope' element, or struck a naive note to the very act of optimism...not exactly the tone I was looking for. I may revisit at the end...

So optimism? Well while we in the industry wrestle with cost inflation and the sly smiles on anti-renewables and climate denying commenters, let's list out just some positives shall we (in no particular order)?

  • It's still booming! While projects looking FID straight in the eyes at this time are in a challenging place (see my piece on costs below ????), this should not cloud the fact that it is still expending and forecasted to do so. Clarksons Research recently stated that 19 countries are expected to host active capacity by the end of 2023, rising to 34 countries by 2030. The key drivers are only getting stronger, the climate emergency is now in A&E, so the energy transition is more important with every month as is energy security.
  • Serious O&G players are still engaging...and Germany is back! bp and TotalEnergies put down nearly $14bn for 7GW in the German auctions. While that is a lot to paydown just for the right to build,and someone will have to pay hits 2 positives for me. 1) That not all O&G companies are smoking what Exxon is smokin', and 2) that the German market is back. While reform is needed in Germany, it is a good start to the additional 22GW needed by 2030.
  • Accelerating consenting. While a job still to be done, we are seeing govts starting to grapple with this issue. In the UK BEIS outlined 5 actions or initiatives to speed offshore wind consenting incl. actioning the National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) to look into ways to reduce the timescales we currently experience. In the US in Jan 2023, BOEM proposed an overhaul of its complex regulations governing offshore renewable energy development on the Outer Continental Shelf aimed at streamlining the BOEM leasing and permitting processes. All these changes and others in the EU need to take effect, but at least this is now acknowledged and is actively being addressed. This nifty graphic timeline recently published by SSE Renewables shows what we currently suffer. But moves are afoot.

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SSE Offshore Wind project timeline, 2023

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DoE Offshore Wind Forecast

  • Floating is getting real in the US. Diamond Offshore Wind and RWE are moving ahead developing the 144MW 'stepping stone' project. This is a vital step in both opening the East Coast for floating but for all floating markets in the US. The lessons from this 12 WTG project will be important as the supply chain builds and costs reduce. Of course all of this is on the back of Biden's Inflation Reduction Act and the ambition to construct 30 GW of offshore wind by 2030, a hugely ambitious target.
  • Green growth is real. From Sumitomo investing in a cable facility at Nigg, Quantum Energy Partners investing in Ardersier Port, to SGRE and Vestas announcing WTG/blade factories in the US. This is only a taste. The EU, partially with an eye across the Atlantic, but also on supply chain gaps at home have pledged to match the funding offered to US companies under Biden's IRA and has proposed a Net Zero Industry Act that targets 36GW/year of manufacturing capacity by 2030 and 40% of renewable energy components from local factories. Our needs are WTGs, vessels, ports, fabrication and cables, with the support that larger trading blocks can bring, this will spur green growth. (Note: we are looking at this in more detail in OWC over the next 6 months, so watch this space...).

I could go from market to market. But I wanted to quickly strike a more general positive note, one we need to remember. Yes we are struggling with costs and I will look at that below.

But for now, release your inner optimist!

...and I found that quote I was looking for...

Optimism is a strategy for making a better future. Because unless you believe that the future can be better, you are unlikely to step up and take responsibility for making it so.” – Noam Chomsky

And for us in the offshore wind industry, it is exactly about making a better future. One that contributes to combating the climate crisis that we are in, one that contributes to cleaner air, cheaper and more secure energy, and green growth and jobs.

So yes, call me an optimist. I take it as a compliment.

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Many I suspect some have heard me say that offshore wind is as cheap as it ever should be. And this was before the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the events last few weeks. This does not make me clever, it was just pretty obvious.

If the governed price of offshore wind makes the supply chain at any one time unsustainable, then it's too that point. It does not mean that the supply chain cannot get more competitive with scale etc in time; being 'too cheap' (or more expensive) is not a permanent state.


I am not going to dismiss the dramatic news of last week, how can I. But I see this as the start of a re-calibration and not fatal.

Offshore wind needs to get more allow it to get cheaper again later.

So yes, Vattenfall as we know has 'shelved' (if you are looking for a tabloidesque approach), or rather 'stopped' (if you aren't) the development of Norfolk Boreas. In fact their quote was:

”We have decided to stop the development of Norfolk Boreas in its current form and not take an investment decision now due to mentioned factors, which triggers the impairment. We will examine the best way forward for the entire Norfolk Zone, which in addition to Boreas also includes the Vanguard East and West projects.”

We know we are seeing cost spikes of 20-40% over a relative short period of time driven by global factors, turbocharged of course by Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Emperor's New Clothes

In the last few years we have seen various 2030 targets increase with ambition. Even before the last 6 months, the supply chain was seen as stretched at best, insufficient in reality to meet the targets at worse. If I wanted to be controversial, I would call out the various 2030 targets as examples of Emperor's New Clothes.

So, uncomfortable as it may be, this issue coming to a head is important. If we did not see projects push back over the last few months, it is likely things would have just continued without that needed profitability, needed to invest in those new factories and vessels; profitability was too anemic.

Now we can have an honest discussion. Offshore wind, right now, is too cheap.

So let's focus on the UK since it was the Norfolk Boreas decision that lit the touch paper.


Norfolk Boreas won it's CfD only 12 months ago as part of AR4. In hindsight and with a global event that has exacerbated the problem since the AR4 awards, this was too low. We have known for a few years about the challenges with Tier 1 contractors, that it is a very tight place to be. This is obviously led by the very high profile losses made by the WTG OEMs, but the margins of all T1 players have been suffering. The Russian invasion of Ukraine and the subsequent inflationary cost increases have made the project economics virtually untenable. We have seen this in stark contrast with the Norfolk Boreas decision.?

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AR4 Offshore Wind Projects

Of course Vattenfall's project is not the only one with an AR4 award at £37.35/MWh, people are right to ask if we likely to see more halts or cancellations. The answer has to be, potentially yes. In the same week we saw in the US, Avangrid ’s Commonwealth Wind terminating PPA for the same reasons and ?rsted and Eversource Energy announcing they will go down the same path with Revolution Wind 2. In terms of the other AR4 offshore projects we have already seen Orsted fire a shot across the Govt’s bows earlier in the year regarding the project economics of Hornsea 3. If talks with the Govt on some kind of indexation or uplift fail, it is possible. It’s in the Govt’s hands at this stage.?


Of course we are all waiting on the results of AR5. Now with even more trepidation. Well with the AR5 strike price at only £7/MWh above that of AR4, the industry is universally considering this as too low. The awards, if any, are not yet made so we will have to see. But it is entirely possible the round could be undersubscribed. It is in fact entirely possible that, if developers hold to economic discipline, that no bids are made. If bids are made, we can excuse Ministers responding that these prices are doable. So I suspect it will be at best undersubscribed by offshore wind developers. If that is the case the govt, like in the capacity market, can theoretically come back quickly with an adjusted strike price. From what I understand they do know it is likely too low.

It will be interesting.?But an enlightened govt will understand the global environment of cost inflation, but also the fact that we need a sustainable supply chain, one that is capable and with the capacity to deliver these 2030 and beyond ambitions.

If we can re-calibrate over the next few years, build supply chain scale, innovate as we know we can and do, there is no reason we cannot see offshore wind come down in price again.

See, I'm an optimist! ??

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Ireland’s Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications published its National Hydrogen Strategy on 12th July 2023, establishing the government’s vision for the role that hydrogen will play in progressing towards its net-zero targets. OWC ’s Head of Hydrogen, Nguyen Dinh – based in Cork – explained the key elements of the initiative in a recent blog.

The National Hydrogen Strategy aims to reduce industry uncertainty, exploring how hydrogen can be produced at scale in Ireland as well as the long-term expansion and development of the country’s hydrogen market. The plans focus on three primary drivers:

  1. Decarbonising the economy – particularly in sectors where electrification is not feasible or cost-effective
  2. Enhancing energy security
  3. Creating industrial opportunities – including the potential development of export markets for renewable hydrogen and its derivatives

Nguyen continues to review the opportunities and developments in his blog. To read more of this article follow this link through to the OWC blog page.

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Apologies to my Australian colleagues, clients and friends, but it just asked for this title. We know the Australian market is now a very real thing. Australia is a market with a long coastline with excellent wind conditions, dense coastal demand centres and a legacy in offshore energy to exploit.

We have been supporting offshore wind clients for a while in Australia and New Zealand via a number of group offices and our local APAC teams. But we recently announced our first permanent OWC office in Australia led by the experienced Damien Pasco as Country Manager. Read more here >>.

We also had the team out at Australia Wind Energy Conference in Melbourne this week, meeting with existing and prospective clients. Some recent blogs on this exciting market are:

Australian Port Infrastructure – Existing Businesses, Competing Demands, and Project Pipeline Certainty. A blog by Adam Solomons our ABL East Coast Manager.

"Australian Port Infrastructures will face unprecedented demand from current and emerging industries over the coming decades generating immense opportunities. However, realising this positive potential will not be without challenges, such as:

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Understanding Australia’s Geological Challenges for Offshore Wind. A blog by OWC geotechnical engineer Charlie Spicer .

"The coastlines of the regions earmarked for offshore wind development – Perth/Bunbury in Western Australia, Illawarra/Hunter in New South Wales and the Bass Strait south of Victoria – are characterised by thin, shallow continental crust shelves which are, for the most part, coated with sandy to muddy sediments.

A particular and unique feature of..." Continue to read here >>.?

If you want to discuss opportunities or your project in Australia or New Zealand, ???? reach out to me, Damien Pasco , David Wotherspoon (OWC Head of New Geographies), or your local OWC or ABL Group team.

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Some recent news ABL Group. Check out the news and insights and reach out if you want to know how we can help you:

  1. OWC to support Equinor for offshore wind and low to zero carbon solutions >> read more
  2. ABL to support the construction of Eolmed pilot floating offshore wind project >> read more
  3. OWC and WavEC - Offshore Renewables team up for Portuguese floating wind >> read more
  4. OWC to acquire Delta Wind Partners >> read more
  5. ABL completes engineering on Saint-Brieuc Offshore Wind Farm >> read more
  6. OWC hosts offshore wind roundtable for Colombian Government >> read more
  7. OWC presents on offshore wind experience at UK & Brazil: Partners in Energy 2023 >> read more
  8. ABL completes scope on UAE Pilot Wind Programme >> read more
  9. From 400 MW to 40 GW: Lessons learnt so far from France’s offshore wind development >> read more
  10. OWC completes wind condition review for future German offshore wind tendering sites >> read more

Meet our renewables teams at the following events over the next month:

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  • Indonesia Marine and Offshore Expo, Batam, Indonesia. Aug 1-3. We will explore how Indonesia can optimize their renewable energy production opportunities across the maritime industry and beyond – uncovering the recent changes in market trends and the emerging technologies. Could Indonesia become a huge global source of sustainable zero emission fuel, while also creating sustainable jobs and a better economy? >> read more
  • ABL August Maritime Market Briefing – HYBRID Event, Lloyd’s Old Library, London. Aug 10. Join the ABL Maritime Market Briefing for August discussing the following topic: Emerging Risks in Offshore Wind Construction: An MWS Perspective. Offshore wind power is in the spotlight of the renewable energy sector, undergoing remarkable expansion and a continuous scale-up to meet the rising demand for clean energy. However, with this accelerated growth comes increased risks and potential losses for contractors and underwriters. This presentation, hosted by two of ABL’s marine warranty surveyors (MWS), with experience across offshore wind transportation & installation (T&I) and operations & maintenance (O&M), will look at the current and emerging trends in offshore wind energy construction, including both fixed and floating wind farms. The presentation will also highlight what we, as MWS, see are the main risks from current trends for developers and underwriters alike. Find out how to attend in person, or register online. >> read more

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This edition comes to you powered by?KAWA Coffee Ltd. Thanks again to KAWA founder?Regan Black?for his continued support of this runs on coffee...

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I am finding it increasingly difficult to keep up with weekly metal album and EP releases. For some reason, they all come out on Fridays with most hitting a streaming service as well as the physical product being available, with often 45-70 releases visible on a Friday, from established to underground acts, I would need to convince Reuben Segal our CEO to let me have a 4 day week so I could dedicate Fridays, just to checking these out.

And though we have plenty of people with such flexible arrangements being an enlightened employer, I am a wee bit old fashioned to ask.

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So how do I keep up to date with the best releases. Well I have come to rely on my favourite podcast, Bangers and Mosh...The Podcast For Heavy Music.

Imagine if you will listening to 3 mates riff about metal albums. That is what it is like. It also just so happens their taste is not far from mine; death metal, thrash, hardcore and all variants in-between. Their monthly review shows are eagerly jumped on by me and immediately added to my 2023 playlist to listen when I can. And if it's 'banger', then I purchase the vinyl or CD.

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They also do a nifty range of merch, so when working from the home office, I am really combining offshore wind, coffee and metal!

With Bloodstock Open Air only a week and a half away, I already have a pint at Lemmy's lined up with Jimi, Defa and Dazz on the Friday.

I strongly recommend if you are too busy to keep up with things 'ard 'an 'eavy (getting into a 'Heep mood), then listen to Bangers and Mosh. Available on all streaming and podcast platforms. Here they are on Spotify. >> Bangers & Mosh.

Well that's it for this edition.

Thanks for spending some time reading it. Please subscribe, comment, and share with colleagues.

So stay safe, enjoy life, and catch you next time and at events in the real world. ????


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John MacAskill, Global Managing Director Renewables ( ABL Group )

Thanks so much for the kind words mate!

Cathy Syme

International Renewable Asset Management, Executive Coaching, Due Diligence, Project Management, Performance Improvement

1 年

Another cracking news letter! Thanks John!

Thomas Palmer-Cronin

Freelance Creative specialising in Digital Media | Video Production | Graphic Design | Social Media | Creative Direction | Photography | Strategy

1 年

+1 for Bangers & Mosh. Great lads and a great podcast!

Graham Dallas

Business Developer | former Chair SPE Aberdeen | Networker | STEM Ambassador | Director at LOGIC | CRM Enthusiast | Fascinated about all things Energy and Engineering | Partial to a Thursday morning Burrito

1 年

Optimism is always good as long as it is thought out, as you have detailed above, and it's not just blind faith. Any other attitude leads to a pretty miserable existence on the whole. Great read as always John.


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