Optimisme og l?ring #A
Denne artikel er nummer 1 i en artikelserie, som udspringer af et samarbejde, som jeg havde med True North Efterskole i 2016. Samarbejdet gik ud p? at udarbejde en forskningsoversigt over dele af den forskning, som efterskolens faglige grundlag er baseret p?. Der blev s?gt i 2 internationale s?gedatabaser p? disse 11 temaer:
- Optimisme
- Selvbeskyttelse
- Kommunikation
- Vedholdenhed
- Samarbejde
- Ejerskab
- Empati
- Integritet
- M?l
- Respekt
- VIA styrker (VIA = Values in Action)
Forskningsoversigten blev fremlagt for- og reflekteret sammen med det p?dagogiske personale, og derefter brugt som afs?t for et p?dagogisk udviklingsarbejde p? skolen.
Optimisme og l?ring
S?gningen viser, at optimisme i forhold til elevers l?ring og l?ringsudbytte er betydningsfuld. Is?r er to omr?der centrale:
1. Betydningen af et l?ringsmilj?, der ikke bare tillader fejl, men etablerer muligheder for at eleverne kan ?ge viden om egen copingstrategier via disse fejl.
2. Betydningen af positive t?nkem?der; growth mindset.
I forhold til punkt 1, siger Alfi i 2004:
“Current theory and research in the area of motivation indicate that while frequent academic failures are clearly undesirable, temporary failure in challenging academic tasks can have important psychological benefits when followed by successful coping!”. (Alfi, 2004).
Citatet indikerer, at elevers fejl, som f?lges op med succesfuld coping bidrager til optimistisk t?nkning om egne muligheder. Ireson finder, at en s?dan t?nkning kan v?re mest udbredt blandt piger, som har h?je akademiske selvforestillinger og som t?nker positivt om undervisning. Ireson siger 2005:
“Liking for school is greater among girls, pupils with higher academic self-concepts, and those with more positive perceptions of teaching”. (Ireson, 2005).
I forhold til punkt 2, s? henvises der i forskningen til resultater, som Carol Dweck har fundet. Det, som Dweck v?gter er, at det er elevens proces, der b?r tildeles mest opm?rksomhed i forbindelse med l?ring, herunder: strategier, koncentration, valg, vedholdenhed – alle faktorer, som hj?lper elever med at forblive motiverede for at l?re og som til syvende og sidst bidrager til en ”love of learning”. Dweck siger i 2007:
“Results of a research study conducted to test whether praise for effort or strategies would promote a growth mindset with its motivation and resilience show that it was praising the student's process--which could be their effort, strategies, concentration, choices, persistence--that helped them remain motivated, confident, and effective. A growth mindset helps students to seek learning, to love learning, and to learn effectively”. (Dweck, 2007).
Blazer f?rer Dwecks forskning videre, og understreger tre temaer:
- Overbevisninger relateret til intelligens har indflydelse p? elevernes akademiske udvikling.
- Elever med et growth mindset “outperformer” elever med et fixed Mindset.
- L?reren b?r v?gte indsats frem for slutresultater.
Konkret siger Blazer:
“Students' academic success may be influenced not only by their actual ability, but also by their beliefs about their intelligence. Studies have found that students enter a classroom with one of two distinct conceptions of their intellectual ability: some students believe their intelligence is expandable (growth mindset), while others believe their intelligence is a fixed trait (fixed mindset). A review of the research suggests that students with growth mindsets outperform their classmates who hold fixed mindsets. In addition, the adoption of a growth mindset may decrease or even close achievement gaps. This Information Capsule also summarizes strategies that teachers can use to foster growth mindsets. For example, studies indicate that teachers should emphasize effort and progress over final outcomes; encourage in-depth learning; and praise students for their effort, not for their intellect” (Blazer, 2010).
S?gningen viser ogs? et andet begreb, som kan relateres til growth mindset. Det drejer sig om begrebet ”Grit”. Grit henviser til "...passion and perseverance for long-term goals...". Det er Aaron, der I 2015 pr?senterer begrebet. Aaron skriver:
“Those who believe intelligence is fixed and cannot be changed exert less effort to succeed. Students who persevere when faced with challenges and adversity seem to have what Angela Duckworth calls, grit. This is the idea behind a growth mindset in learning according to Dweck (1999, 2007, 2010). Grit can be defined as "...passion and perseverance for long-term goals..." (Aaron, 2015).
Atwood finder frem til at det er en temmelig kulturelt forankret forestilling, at intelligens er en statisk st?rrelse; I hvertfald blandt amerikanske studerende. Her g?lder det, at 40% af den samlede elevgruppe opfatter intelligens som en statisk st?rrelse modsat noget foranderligt – og at denne opfattelse modvirker motivation og l?ring. Atwood skriver:
“Roughly 40% of the general student population in the United States, however, conceptualizes intelligence as an innate and immutable trait, a belief that tends to inhibit motivation and learning” (Atwood, 2015).
Se interview med Nicolai Moltke Leth her.
Litteraturliste – for den samlede artikelserie
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