

Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do, because out of no way, a way can be found!

It's been said that Fear is nothing more than a lingering emotion, that’s fueled by your imagination, so don't let your imagination get the most of you and go do what you know you can do. 

We all need to sever the ties which hold us back, as it is the only true path to success so as Nike says "just do it", head out and build your legacy and do it one race one outing at a time.

As I always like say, to be successful in sailing we need to be vigilant, seek to solve the puzzle, to focus forward with our eyes open, as when you find the proper pattern of the wind, tide and current, great success will find you on the racecourse. 

As when you see the pattern, that pin end start, followed by a persistent left shift has you leading big at the first crossing. So you play it harder and now you have over-stood and will be arriving at the weather mark with a good lead and plenty of pace. 

In your minds eye the perfect maneuver is a tack set, but you haven't practiced it and in doing so your team will be out of position and not ready, so what are to you do? 

Experience says don't let what you can't do interfere with what you can. So follow your script, follow your plan and do what you know you can do, and do it well, as it's better to burn some lead by executing your plan, then to be sitting with the kite around your keel wondering what could have been!

So untie the ties holding you back and head out and enjoy your day. And thank you for your time.

The Mooring Minute!

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