Optimism Sublimed
Barry Lewis Green
Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, Creator ... advancing Character Leadership and Education ... to move forward together, stronger ... engaging change.
I want to go deeper and higher on Optimism.
A positive viewpoint, with faith in all circumstances, trust in positive outcomes, focus on solutions, seeing a bright future, and being hopefully resilient...
... all implies that we actually do see the challenges around us. Optimism is not simply naive; well not the common held view of it anyway. We should not confuse the strength of character that is the virtue of Optimism with the widely accepted notion of positivity. That generally accepted notion can be construed often as seeing only the good. Positivity does have its own goodness, but there are concerns. It can be problematic in itself.
OPTIMISM sees...
Optimism sees the world, and sees through it; walks through it. It is real. Freakin' real. This SH$T is real. In Chapter 33 of The Realm Between, we saw the power of Love as virtue. Before that, in Chapter 32, we explored resolve. Both are part of Optimism in action. In Chapter 34: Cramming for Competency... I suggest that I am seeing that Optimism. In the words, "Stay. Live." we see a recognition of the evil around and the idea of finding the way through.
In Tahira...
... we sense this recognition of the pressure and the diamond. This does not deny the existence of pressure. It does not make it out as positive. But, it does use it for some sense of good. This is character, at its truest. It is not warm and fuzzy. It sees the road ahead, recognizes it for all that it is, and is prepared to walk it. It is the gate and countenance of the Winchester Brothers in Supernatural. It is the overarching theme of Star Trek and Star Wars alike. It is the readiness of Legolas and Tauriel. It is the speeches of Neville Longbottom and Aragorn... and the thoughts of The Avengers. Optimism is real, and it is strength, of character.
Last night, I had my latest online cool and fun chat in an ongoing series of chats that are becoming weekly excursions for the extrovert in me... (warning last night was a long one lol). It was and they are so much fun. That being said, late last night before sleep, I had this thought that I shared on aloneness. I also posted this on the challenge head.
Optimism rides the waves; that roller coaster of life. It understands there are challenges and fears. It neither ignores them nor pretends them away. It practices Courage.
Courage practiced daily, breeds and raises Confidence.
Confidence developed more deeply, advances Certitude.
Tahira understands this. Now, you might be asking, "Who the heck is Tahira?" Ah, yes; The Realm Between... by LD Olsen on Wattpad. This is a great and epic read for tweens and up, and for these days. I suggest you might go on there, and catch up.
As part of this leg of my Sharpen the Blades blog series, I am reading of The Realm Between... and experiencing its application to my life. Why? The story is capturing me and I am finding direct relevance and resonance for my own life, in this realm. It is an exploration of high and heroic character. I do indeed invite you to join me on the journey. Catch up, read up... on the book and blogs, if you like. LD Olsen is writing quite the story.
- Yes, I invite you to join me on this read and reflect. To join the Wattpad community costs nothing, and you gain access to the book, and many others. In order to join, go to their login... and set up a simple profile.
- This will give you access to countless online books; it is incredible. To engage LD Olsen search for...
Tahira is a character of such Optimism... heroic. She sees and understands that the world around her has dangers. She also sees and understands that there is a way through. I am at Chapter 34 thus far, and I look forward to continuing the read. I hope you join me.
Either way, I suggest that Optimism is sublime, by nature.
... lofty in thought
... possessing grandeur
... powerful.
And, it is real.
I like to think that I practice Optimism hard. I sharpen my own blades on it, daily. It is not an easy road. It is the hard and high road, easy. It is the hope for the high road.
Yes, I see the challenges in these days. I have seen mine in my own past. I imagine to see challenges throughout my life. I believe that it is a wonderful world. I also recognize the message and power of these words of Shoghi Effendi. And I remember, my own power to dream.
Life is beautiful. Life is ugly. Life is life. How we live it is our choice, and power. In choosing to practice Optimism, we become not unlike a fire. We become not unlike the light. We are able to do the very best we can. We live brave.
As an educator, I suggest here is an activity to consider:
- Inventory every knowledge, skill, ability and capacity you have now. Exhaust the list. Keep writing. Do not stop. Every little and big capacity you have. This is LOOKING inside yourself for strengths, including those of temperament and character.
- Consider OPPORTUNITIES in the world, locally, globally or glocally, where your combination of strengths can best serve, and for whom.
- Have a sense of a VISION of the impact you will have in applying those strengths to the opportunities you identify.
- Then ENGAGE, go do it.
Look. Opportunity. Vision. Engage. = LOVE. Love your life, and your world. We need you. Live brave. Grow ever stronger through Optimism sublimed.
Peace, passion and prosperity...
Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy with Epic Engage
AAAAAAAAND thoughts on character and leadership...
And, coming soon...