Optimal Arousal/Flow Theory and Durga

Optimal Arousal/Flow Theory and Durga

Nurturing Optimal Arousal and Flow

And what Durga has to offer

The arousal theory of motivation suggests that people are driven to perform certain actions in order to maintain an optimum level of physiological arousal. According to this theory each person has a unique level of arousal that feels best for them. It is based on genetics and personalities. Environmental factors can also play a role in how a person feels at any given moment. Maintaining an optimal level of arousal can influence performance and overall health. Too much noise and you may seek a quieter environment. After a challenging week at work you will be happy to enjoy some relaxation. Too many days without engaging in something, whether it be physical, emotional or intellectual and we all seek some challenge or engagement. Optimum Arousal can help us perform at our best although too much stimulation can impair performance and without enough we can get in a rut. We all know that ongoing stress will eventually impair performance and health, with burn-out being a real issue these days.?

The pioneer of Flow Theory and Psychologist Dr. Csikszentmihalyi shares this similar concept: we are at our happiest when we are completely absorbed in an activity for its own sake. When our level of ability and the challenge at hand are such that we are completely engaged, we loose sense of time. Typically our body’s physiology responds accordingly with?a happy supply of biochemistry such as endorphin, dopamine, etc. Flow can be experienced in any sector of life including work, leisure time, family, time or personal care.

Each person has different ability, taste and optimal level of stimulation that allows them to feel the Flow and Optimal Arousal.?The question is how do we experience, Optimal Arousal and Flow? How can we maintain it?

I will suggest that some of the teachings from the Yoga tradition can inspire us.

Durga is a Goddess from the pantheon of the many God and Goddesses in the Yoga tradition. She always wears a red dress that symbolizes action.

The Goddess Durga symbolizes positive energy known as divine Shakti: the feminine energy. Her power is used to create life or against any negative forces. She protects her devotees from negative forces and safeguards them. While in the west many have moved towards monotheism and their own believes, there is still so much to learn from the image offered by Durga.

She invites us with her many tools to find that Optimal Arousal, “the Flow” allowing our energy to be used in such a way that we feel empowered. She invites us to use different tools to get there. I will offer a question for you to identify each tool she holds to support your path to Flow.?

In her first hand she holds: duty. What do you really want to commit to that is important in your life? Make a list. In the Flow Theory this is about having a clear goal.

In her second hand she holds the conch which symbolized happiness. What creates lasting joy in your life? In the Flow Theory, this corresponds to what is intrinsically rewarding.

In her third hand, she holds the sword which symbolizes discrimination. Can we make a better choice everyday to support our overall wellbeing? For example, talk to a friend who inspires you, cut back on sugar for a few days and take time to make decisions and set objectives to support you. In the Flow Theory the sword is the element of control over these tasks, you choose which you want to tackle.

In her fourth hand, the bow and arrow symbolizes holding to your values even in the face of difficulties. What are the values that are most important to you ? In her book “Dare to Lead” Brené Brown shares a list of values, look at those values an underlines the one that are important to you. In the Flow Theory this is about having action and awareness merge. When our action are aligned with our values there is a much greater sense of Flow.

In her fifth hand Durga holds the lotus flower symbolizing detachment. Detachment from a yogic perspective is a deeper, conscious and more subtle practice of empowering ourselves to focus on our true Self. An enlightened being addressed the idea of detaching by reattaching to something else. If you wish to lessen the grips of your attachment to the material value of your car, house and job, you can remove your emotional servitude to these things by emotionally investing in other things that give you lasting joy. When we are able to detach, we can focus better.?Could this be the “Ease” that The Flow Theory refers to ?

In the sixth hand she holds, the club of devotion and surrender. Do you believe in something bigger than yourself, such as your community, nature, God ? What do you believe in? Could our believe bring complete concentration in which we loose sense of time as the Flow Theory invites us to cultivate ?

Her seventh hand she holds the trident for courage. What do you want to stand up for in your life? Again, what is really important to you? Could this be the perfect balance between challenge and skills, where you have the courage to try something new and increase the level of difficulty as your skills improve which the father of Flow Csikszentmihaly refers to?

?The eighth hand is for forgiveness for ourselves and others. Can you let the past be past? All the great spiritual wisdom-traditions of the world glorify forgiveness as being indispensable for growth and living a happy peaceful life. Maybe this is how time transforms itself in the Flow Theory and we forgive the past and focus on the present.

I have introduced in this brief reflection, an invitation towards Optimal Arousal and Flow while allowing the ancient image of the Goddess Durga to guide us. Which of the many hands of Durga do you wish to hold this week?

If anything, looking at Durga’s image can be inspiring, as she fearlessly rides her tiger, dressed in her beautiful red sari.?She offers a powerful image of all the possibilities and?various inherent abilities that we all share and are called to use.

Anne is a Certified Yoga Instructor, a Recreation Therapist and a Lecturer at Concordia University.


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