Oppressive Forces & The Boston Tea Party

Oppressive Forces & The Boston Tea Party

"There was never a good war or a bad peace" - Benjamin Franklin

Gas Prices & Worries

We all seem to be panicking here, and a bit too much for comfort's sake.

Now, I did something rather stupid, so I am going to be rewriting this. LinkedIn seems to have a tendency to delete articles and to save drafts of s**t you just wrote, rather than giving you the time to recover your work. In retrospect, I just spent an hour of my life writing an article that was deleted. So, now I am going to rewrite the darned thing, from scratch.

Let us examine something here: we seem to have gone back in time to a place cold and deteriorated. Gas prices are on the rise; inflation (a tenfold period that typically takes around twelve years to actually occur) is in the minds of all of us...as stated in my former article, we are suffering from what I call: "Boston Tea Party Syndrome."

The Boston Tea Party

Back to 1773: America was being shaped coldly by tyrannical oppression.

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Something that was as much a commodity as gasoline is now was occurring: tea prices were being taxed beyond belief by British rule. It was an upsetting period where Britain was thinking: "These people have no access to tea, so let us raise the price."

So, we had two choices at this point.

One: America could have suffered at the hands of British rule, or two: Hancock and other members of history's convoluted past could do the unthinkable, and dump tea into the ocean after realizing that taxes were too much for tea. What did they do?

Well, we all know the story, and we can all imagine the throngs of angry Americans (backed by many, including former Hancock, who called this time period:

"The most magnificent movement of all...there is a dignity, a majesty, a sublimity in this last effort of the Patriots I greatly admire. The people should never rise without doing something to be remembered - something notable, and striking..."

"The destruction of the tea is so bold, so daring, so firm, intrepid and inflexible, and it must have so important consequences and so lasting, that I cannot consider it is an epoch in history" - John Adams, diary, December 1773)

What This Has To Do With Now

We seem to have fallen into the blame game.

We believe that gas prices (as mentioned in my former article, found here) are Russia's fault, but what many do not quite realize is that though Russia holds a portion of the gas in question, majority of it rests in the uninhabitable Siberian tundra.

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Siberia is a place where majority of the gas exists, according to IEA.org.

Ice overwhelms the senses.

What does this have to do with the Boston Tea Party? Simple: we are becoming an oppressed nation, and we all need to stop blaming others for our mistakes.

The Infamous Zurchin

In a movie called: "The Zurchin," video found here), it is stated that we all have a choice. When Benjamin Franklin left City Hall after the signing of the Declaration Of Independence, he stated: "I gave us a republic, if we choose to keep it."

I urge you to watch this movie if you are a fanatic of political oppression and truth like I am. I honestly feel we are all overreacting a tad too much, and do not condescend this as trolling or as a political text. I believe that we all have choices we can make to better our society, but we all seem to be doing the same thing: blaming the world for their problems.

When you think about it, we have the power.

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As once found on the back of a young man's t-shirt:

"Blinded by patriotism and always silenced by the dollar,

When the people are kept quiet, the people lose their power."

I find this suiting for today's 90 Day Content Challenge entry because we all have to start realizing that if we continue to blame others for our problems, such as Russian wars or Biden or Trump, we are losing sight of what America was built on: escape from tyranny.

My Theory Of Time

When I was twelve, I was a political activist.

I stood by no party except my own.

I felt the world was crumbling, and to think it would get worse (mind you. it took roughly fifteen more years for it to "get worse," and we all need to realize that just as I stated in my previous article, there is no such thing as a "good" or "bad" period).

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My theory was simple: if we all stopped paying taxes one year, the government would shut down. This would lead us to rebuild, and as stated by William Durant:

"A great civilization cannot be conquered from without until it has destroyed itself rom within" - William Durant, 1885 conference address

Now, I do not recommend this.

For one, a government is hard to form these days, and even harder to destroy. This is not the point of the article, so I move onto something a bit more unsettling: the idea that there is no such thing as a good war or a bad peace, as stated by Ben Franklin.

When We Blame, We Lose

To take a beat for once in the 90 Day Content Challenge, I wanted to be a bit politically-minded here, almost reminiscent of a young Ben Franklin (I am not delusional; I know I am just a writer, so do not twist my words please!).


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To take a beat for once in the 90 Day Content Challenge, I wanted to be a bit politically-minded here, almost reminiscent of a young Ben Franklin (I am not delusional; I know I am just a writer, so do not twist my words please!). We have to stop blaming everybody for our problems. As an example, I have a best friend who has let society drown himself from reality. Unfortunately, this represents majority of Americans.



We all seem to think we are lost in chaos, when in reality, we are all just going through a tough period. Do not blame Biden; do not blame Trump...blame yourself for allowing it to happen. Now, writing is power, and that is why I am dictating this.



"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

-Martin Luther King, Jr.



For Today...

Take a beat and realize that we are not quite as screwed as we wish to choose.



Again, this article is revised from scratch, so it is missing some of the main points I made in the original, and now I know to save my work in Word before adding URLs and images. However, note that I feel we all have more power than we may choose to think.



For today, and just for today, take a moment to think about the good of our nation.


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Again, I am not right-wing, left-wing, Democratic, Republican...those terms only classify us, not define us. I am simply a writer who has had quite enough of the blaming, as stated in a previous article for the 90 Day Content Challenge.



We need to take a day, and even just one day, to stop blaming others for our failures, and instead live by the code of ethical conundrum. Do what you need to do to survive, and believe you have more power than you think.



Simply live today, and get through it for a much more hopeful tomorrow.



Like, Subscribe, Share, Repeat, Then Go Dump Tea Into The Ocean...

And darn LinkedIn for ruining my original article...

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