Today's devotional is from Life is a Goldmine: Can You Dig It?
"His brothers said to him, 'Do you intend to reign over us? Will you actually rule us?' And they hated him all the more because of his dream and what he had said" - Genesis 37:8.
Characters in the Bible often did not have enemies until they began to pursue purpose. Joseph, David, Solomon, Esther, Saul of Tarsus, and even Jesus attracted opposition when they began their purpose quest. This means there are two things to remember for you, First, not everyone will celebrate or cooperate with your purpose, for it will threaten them in some way. Second, they may be envious that you are making progress and they are not, trying to make something of yourself while they languish in the status quo. Finally, your enemies are not an indication you are doing something wrong, but something right where purpose is concerned.
Do you have enemies who oppose who you are and what you do? If not, then perhaps you are not focused enough on purpose. If so, are you fretting because everyone doesn't like you. Is that keeping you from fulfilling your purpose to the fullest?
Lord, I admit at times I seek the favor of men in such a way that it hinders me from serving You to the fullest. I ask You to set me free from the opinions of others, but not so much that I can't hear Your voice of adjustment through them. Help me not to allow them to intimidate me from finding and fulfilling my purpose.