On Opposing Sides: Should You Partner with Someone Who Has Opposite Ideas?

On Opposing Sides: Should You Partner with Someone Who Has Opposite Ideas?

Friction causes fire, but is that such a bad thing all the time? If it is a fire fueled by passion for your craft and the desire for knowledge and new experiences, it would be good for your company. One would never learn without the hardships and struggles. The shiniest of gems are made that way: through heat, pounding, and tension. But what if the fire is caused by two opposing forces in constant motion?

It is often said that business is nothing personal, but it is not difficult to believe otherwise. When you establish a company, you have laid out a long-term plan in your mind on how the business will go. Every entrepreneur has a dream they are aiming to realize whenever they build a company. Dreams and aspirations are personal, though it may be a shared vision within an organization.

So why build a partnership with someone if you have initially set your sails towards your own dreams? One of the answers may be because nobody really made it all by themselves. In one point or another, each of us will need help and support. You may be really good at what you’re doing, but what about the other aspects of the business that require keen attention and expertise, too? You may have the brains but you have to have the muscle to fight through the chaos of the corporate world.

You may have the brains but you have to have the muscle to fight through the chaos of the corporate world.

The conflict then enters the scenario. Whenever someone agrees to form a partnership with you, it is basically because the said partnership may do good for their own interests, too. The moment you enter a partnership, you have to understand and accept that things will not be all about you anymore. You have to consider the interests of your partner before making any major decisions that may take your business to another direction. However, no matter how considerate you are of your partner’s concerns, you may find that they will not extend the same courtesy to you.

To be inside a partnership may be generally beneficial to the business but on a personal level, it is often a challenge to deal with a partner who may have the same desire as you for the company but has different values and beliefs, or someone who has been educated in a different environment. Whatever values you hold for the company may be taken for the granted by your partner as, in some occasions, his ultimate goal is of the monetary nature, or is just very far and very different from what you hold sacred.

The pressing question, then, will be: Should you partner with someone who has opposing ideas? It has been used as a strategy by many companies to merge with those who oppose them or their competitors to eliminate the competition. Would it be wise to apply the same strategy when choosing a business partner? Science teaches us that for every force applied to any matter, an equal and opposite force will be applied back. In other words, whatever challenges you face within a partnership will result to an equal amount of learning and growth. You may have different opinions on things but this will help you realize that you are not always right, and on some occasions, you may be right but your input will not be beneficial for the whole company.

A partner cannot give you a guarantee of a smooth-sailing business

As with all partnerships and affiliations, a rough patch is inevitable. A partner cannot give you a guarantee of a smooth-sailing business. What’s important in choosing a business partner, or deciding whether or not to cut ties with them, is to weigh the benefits and losses that your business may get from the partnership. As for your dreams, it may seem that a partner will steer you towards a different direction, it is vital to contemplate on the long-term results before you make any decisions. Maybe your dreams are just directions for you to follow to reach your ultimate goal and potential.


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