Opposing Forced Treatment - coversation with Pat Risser
A conversation I found with Pat Risser, an amazing advocate who passed 2 years ago: In his honor, I share his words.
Conversation started December 6, 2015
Pat Risser
12/6, 5:04pm
Robin, here's a letter opposing forced treatment. It's from a psychiatrist friend of mine. Use it in good health. It seems to address many of your concerns.
Involuntary Outpatient commitment letter 151124.doc
open · download
Robin Rider-Osborne
Awesome ! thank you.
12/6, 5:05pm
Pat Risser
You're welcome. I'm glad to share.
Robin Rider-Osborne
12/6, 5:06pm
Robin Rider-Osborne
I read what you write. I need as much info as I can to combat the opposing side in KY
12/6, 5:07pm
Pat Risser
Did you read what I wrote about us dying?
12/6, 5:07pm
Robin Rider-Osborne
I just finished reading it. It is perfect for what I need.
yes. I did. I know we are from reading and coming off the meds myself. 25 years.
we are on borrowed time
12/6, 5:08pm
Pat Risser
To me, confronting families with us dying is the perfect argument.
12/6, 5:09pm
Robin Rider-Osborne
that is , and would be the perfect argument even for Tim's Law.
12/6, 5:09pm
Pat Risser
They can't claim to love us and yet be willing to let us die over 25 years early at the same time.
12/6, 5:09pm
Robin Rider-Osborne
That is why I say they have to start looking at the meds and what they are doing.
forced treatment.. prob. caused that man's death. 37 times forced commitment.
he was 56 and died of " natural causes"
12/6, 5:10pm
Pat Risser
Those studies I quote: State that people who receive public mental illness treatment are dying...and to me, if treatment means anything other than drugs, drugs and more drugs, I don't know what it is.