Oppose trademark registrations that can cause confusion or dilution #Protectbrandequityfirst #SDG11

Oppose trademark registrations that can cause confusion or dilution #Protectbrandequityfirst #SDG11

Oppose trademark registrations that can cause confusion or dilution

As an IP law firm, we help clients identify and object misleading trademark applications through opposition procedures.

This prevents brand erosion and avoids costly litigation later.Our opposition services include:

Trademark watching to detect conflicting filings

Assessing grounds for objection

- likelihood of confusion, bad faith filing etc.

Drafting & filing the notice of opposition as per trademark office rulesGathering evidence like existing use documents, consumer surveys

Legal arguments asserting damage to your trademarks’ distinctiveness

Attending hearings and negotiating co-existence agreements if neededWith decades of trademark law expertise, we provide rapid assessment of objectionable filings and handle the entire opposition process efficiently.

This protects brand uniqueness, averts loss of reputation, and reduces potential lawsuits down the line.

Contact right professionals for a consultation on how we can safeguard your brand identity through diligent opposition services.This covers the key facets of trademark opposition - right from watching services to identify conflicts to evidence gathering and legal arguments. It conveys our expertise in this domain.         

The consultative tone and focus on protecting brand value / uniqueness aligns with client interests.

This showcases opposition as an efficient tool for proactive brand protection versus litigation #sdg11 #CERT #ITUGSR


专利代理人,知识产权Prity Khastgir,的更多文章

