Opportunity to teach, share your research or lead session at Northeast Creative Placemaking Leadership Summit. Deadline: December 4
Leonardo Vazquez
Creative placemaker, community economic development planner, educator, author, leadership coach
We invite you to submit proposals for a peer exchange, training session, field workshop or research presentation for the 2020 Northeast Creative Placemaking Leadership Summit. It will be held at Drexel University in Philadelphia, March 26-27, 2020.
To submit a proposal, go to: cpcommunities.org/submit Deadline: December 4
You can propose a session on any topic, but our reviewers are especially interested in the following issues:
- Accessing equitable funding for capacity building and creative placemaking projects
- Making the creative placemaking field sustainable
- Communicating the value of arts and culture
- Housing / Homelessness
- Economic development
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and Representation across forms of community capital
- Healthy Communities and Accessibility
- Gentrification and Displacement
- Youth opportunity
- Transportation
- Linkages between rural and urban areas
- Rural issues like out-migration and brain drain
- Environmental issues like flooding and stormwater, blight, energy, etc.
- The current political climate and how to bridge divides
- Leveraging the built environment and infrastructure for creative placemaking
- Arts and Culture focused activities as tool to address concerns and transform degraded environments
- Job creation and fostering entrepreneurship
There's a lot of guidance on the website on what makes for a good session proposal. Please take the time to read it. We get more proposals than we have room to present, and I'd like you to know how reviewers tend to decide.
Since 2014, Creative Placemaking Leadership Summits have informed, inspired and empowered more than 2,500 leaders, connectors and influencers from the worlds of arts or public affairs. To learn more about the upcoming Northeast CPLS, please visit https://www.cpcommunities.org/northeast