There is an Opportunity to still make an Impact
You were born to make an Impact - Cynthia Chirinda

There is an Opportunity to still make an Impact

There is an Opportunity to Still Make an Impact

Article by Cynthia Chirinda

We are steadily easing further into the second half of 2020. I believe that most of us entered into the year with great optimism as we wished those near and far a Happy New Year and lots of “Compliments of the New Season.” A few weeks into the year trepidations of what the New Year was actually ushering in began to creep into our different spaces. A friend, colleague and business associate of mine, Yvonne Mtengwa, aptly captured the general atmosphere in her blog on March 16 titled, Did COVID-19 just cancel 2020?”  I found her insights to be quite inspiring as she mapped the path of personal reinvention to help us press ahead with what had been an interesting start to the year. Her blog triggered some reflections which I would like to share here with you.

Your actions can change the world

For as long as humans have been around, we’ve been asking ourselves questions about our purpose in life and how we can best fulfil it. These existential questions seem to be a part of human nature and often drive people to start social innovation projects so they can leave a meaningful mark on the world. But sometimes, it’s hard to see what difference one person can make and how we can help our local and global communities.

Even if you’re not trying to solve world hunger or global warming, brainstorming ways to help your community can make a big difference. When we help others, it doesn’t stop with us. Studies have found that when we help others, those around us are more likely to help, too. This means that the more we give our time or resources to the issues we care about, the more others will give in return. In that way, one person’s actions really can change the world for good.

What is an Impact?

We all impact on the people around us every day of our lives. Sometimes our impact is positive and powerful; but it can also be overwhelming, inappropriate or weak. The problem is that because our own view of the impact we have on others is, by its nature, so subjective, it is very difficult to know how and why things go wrong, or at least not the way we had hoped. There are many ways we impact on others. For instance, our accent, race, gender, clothes, hair, communication style, body language. We impact on others through our opinions, the amount we contribute, the sound of our voice, the effect of our silence, the expressions we use.

Our capacity to impact on others is greatly affected by our understanding or misunderstanding of what we think the rules and conventions are. So the first place to look when you want to start designing the way you impact on others is to identify the pitfalls you know trip you up and which will undermine your ability to choose the impact you make.

The Abundance Mindset

Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr. and Mother Teresa all left an irrevocable mark on humanity - but you don’t have to spend your days being a good Samaritan in order to make a positive impact on the world. When we give back, we create a ripple effect that goes far beyond those we help – especially when we think we have nothing to give. We are operating out of an abundance mindset, telling ourselves and others that we believe our generosity will come back to us and that we will be taken care of. Instead of worrying about what’s in it for us, we are instead grateful for the life we have and in a position to help others who are not as fortunate. Even small efforts can create impact and encourage others to be kinder, more forgiving and more willing to extend a helping hand.

You can be a Positive Influence

There are many people today who don’t believe in meaning and purpose as something to discover or pursue in life. And others believe in a life purpose but won't take the risk to identify or honour it. Those with positive influence feel otherwise. They have found that there is a purpose to their life, and that purpose usually involves some aspect of turning their “mess into a message,” or using what they’ve learned (often the hard way) as a means of being of service to others. People with a sense of purpose are driven, focused, committed, and lit up from the inside - unable to be deterred or distracted from what they believe is the reason they’re on this planet at this time. This sense of meaning and purpose gives them inexhaustible drive and offers guideposts to follow along the path. It informs them of what they wish to attend to in life, and what they need to walk away from because it doesn’t support their higher purpose.

People who impact the world for the better know that they are not perfect. They understand how their knowledge isn’t “complete” – there are always gaps, biases, limitations and prejudices, and new places to go with their expertise.

In my work as a strategist, minister of the gospel, coach and writer, I've had the opportunity to connect with a broad diversity of people who’ve made a true and measurable impact in the world. But among this group of world influencers there are also everyday people who have found a special niche in which they’ve contributed at the highest level.

It’s critical to note that people who’ve made a real difference aren’t all privileged, advantaged or “special” by any stretch. Many come from disadvantaged families, crushing circumstances and initially limited capabilities, but have found ways to pick themselves up and rise above their circumstances to transform their own lives and those around them.

Giving back benefits you

We want to find meaning in our lives. Giving back and learning how to make an impact on others provides that meaning because it makes life about something much larger than ourselves. It fulfils our essential human need to feel significant as well as the human need to contribute. When we help others, we grow in our personal lives and make progress toward unlocking an extraordinary life. We break out of our limiting beliefs about how much good one person can actually do in the world and see first-hand that even the smallest acts of kindness can transform lives.

Many people wonder how they can give back when they’re just getting by themselves. But how to make an impact on others doesn’t always have to be of monetary value. Some of the biggest influencers in our history didn’t give money – they gave time or resources.

If you are in business, take time to nurture your business relationships. Success in business and life in general is attributed to the connections we create with others and the degree to which we are able to give and receive.

Pay It forward

Want to know how to make an impact in small but meaningful ways? Try paying it forward. When someone shows or demonstrates kindness to you, don’t pay them back. Instead, pay it forward by offering kindness to others. Do a good deed or unsolicited favour for someone you know or even a total stranger. There are countless ways you can do something small that will make a positive impact on the person who receives it, and when you do, you inspire them to keep that good feeling going and pay it forward. It also helps you cultivate positive emotions and increase your own sense of fulfilment.

Start with One Person

At some point in our lives, most people find themselves declaring, “I want to change the world.” We are all hardwired to help others, and altruism is a part of what it means to be human. This is what causes people to volunteer or dedicate their lives to something greater than themselves.

But meaningful or effective change isn’t always instant nor is it large-scale. Real impact can take months or years, and making the world a better place often means bettering it for a few people at a time. Every time you change just one person’s world, you’re starting a butterfly effect with the potential to improve lives for generations to come.

Cynthia Chirinda is an Organisational and Personal Development Consultant, a Life Coach, Author, and Strategist. Her recently published set of books, “You are Not Damaged Goods”,” speaks to matters that position individuals to Transition from Tragedies to Triumph, Reboot, Restart, Blossom and Flourish, to do great exploits beyond their worst experiences. Looking at improving your career, personal effectiveness, communication skills, relationships, focus, faith and happiness? Wholeness Incorporated Coaching offers you strategies you can implement today to review your progress and achieve your goals. E-mail: [email protected]. LinkedIn: Cynthia Chirinda. Mobile: 263 717 013 206.


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