An Opportunity for Smart People to Become Rich Quickly and Easily

An Opportunity for Smart People to Become Rich Quickly and Easily

This is an opportunity only for smart, brave, and special people but also for people who are very prudent and know how to keep classified information secret.

After many studies on the cost of managing the city's main monument, the Municipality of Paris has decided to scrap the Eiffel Tower. We will auction off the rights to scrap the monument to the highest bidder. Bids must be submitted in cashier's checks in a sealed envelope. Given current iron prices, we believe this is one of the largest deals available, as we are talking about more than 7,000 tons of iron.

The Paris Municipality will not publish this process in the press due to its high political impact.

Do you find this suspicious? Don't you think it's ridiculous that they want to demolish one of France's and modernity's icons? By all accounts, this must be a swindle, a big swindle.

And, believe it or not, one of history's biggest swindlers managed to sell the Eiffel Tower as scrap metal to a local businessman who, embarrassed, refused to report the scam. Victor Lustig continued to pull scams in the United States with the money he made from the first sale of the Eiffel Tower. When he ran out of money, he attempted a second sale of the Eiffel Tower in the late 1920s to a new victim.

How did someone who was neither Parisian nor French persuade "serious" businessmen to pay him a bribe to secure the contract and then a portion of the total bid to buy the Parisian symbol for scrap?

Victor Lustig used the key that lets any con artist get the money of people who aren't careful: greed. Greed, unlike ambition, desires wealth right now, quickly and easily. And, whether we like it or not, we are all greedy.

Unfortunately, the internet is rife with Victor Lustig's eagerness to create various scams. And no matter how smart you are, someone will always be able to con you if you are not careful.

Fortunately, every scam has certain common elements, certain discursive elements that you must be aware of to avoid multiple scammers attempting to exploit you.

The first element is the offer; "Make a lot of money in a short time and in an easy way" is the signature of every scam, whether it's the scam of the money package outside the bank or the investment in certain platforms that manage or trade cryptocurrency. You will make investments that will make you a millionaire in weeks, with daily payments promised.

The second important factor is that each scam makes you feel smarter, braver, or luckier than the rest. "This offer is only available to entrepreneurs who fit the right profile of ambition and professionalism, i.e., winners." The con is designed to exploit your ego.

The third factor is that the scam is usually obvious. Your ego thinks: "No one would con me with something so big and obvious!" Besides, I'm knowledgeable!

Pressure is the fourth element; if you think about it too much, you'll figure it out. The clock is always ticking in every scam: "Only the first ten investors in the first four hours will be able to access our application that will make you a millionaire."

How can I avoid being swindled? By removing that childish belief that there is a group of people who became millionaires through a stroke of luck, simply by having a good business. The reality is that while becoming wealthy is not impossible, becoming wealthy in a short time and with minimal effort is.

You're dead wrong if you think of "rich" as someone who got lucky and landed a single juicy deal in the middle. That belief keeps you from a promising and prosperous future and allows people with no scruples to take advantage of it.

Being wealthy is the result of a set of habits and beliefs. It results from a lifestyle like a marathon runner, mountaineer, climber, or sculptor. Nobody wins a marathon by chance, no one reaches the summit of K2, and Botero did not achieve this perfection in a single day. There isn't a single wealthy person who became wealthy overnight.

Some people have unexpectedly come into large sums of money, but because they are not wealth managers (rich), they lose it all in a short period, just as if you bought a commercial airplane the day after tomorrow and did not learn how to fly it.

I write this blog to teach you how to become a wealth manager or how to become rich, financially abundant, and free.

P. S

See the world

2 年

Very true…. I have always my doubts when someone tells me with a special Strategie it would be easy to make benefits….. with doing nothing and especially with no risk.

Rubén Díaz Silva

Fundador Disruptivamente Digital en | Experto en Transformación Digital

2 年

it's amazing it already happened in 1925


