Opportunity for DTC Wine Sales Professionals
This note is for wine industry professionals who manage tasting room, wine club or online sales...
Now through July 31, 2016 your winery can qualify to receive a free copy of the VinQuest 2016 Consumer Direct Wine Sales Report - a $149 value - by joining hundreds of your colleagues nationwide in completing this year's confidential VinQuest 2016 Consumer Direct Wine Sale Survey.
Now in its ninth year, our VinQuest research project has earned the trust and support of leading winery associations and hundreds of wineries across the country who have helped make VinQuest one of the largest and most widely used sources of DTC information in the wine industry.
This year's report will include industry averages, benchmarks from wineries of all sizes and the best practices used by top-performing wineries nationwide to maximize tasting room, wine club and online sales.
If you are a wine industry professional working for a U.S. winery, you are invited to participate while the survey remains open through July 31, 2016.
If you know someone else who may benefit, please pass this opportunity along.
Bryan St. Amant
Founder & CEO
VinterActive LLC