Opportunity for deregulated power users (Brazil)

ANEEL (Brazilian power regulator) resolution defined for 2024 the maximum structural spot of R$717/MWh and the maximum hourly PLD of R$1,471/MWh (1 USD = R$ 4.9).And... what could this mean?

A real opportunity for those companies that, upon identifying that the spot price is "high", take the opportunity to sell in the "spot", in a planned way, to achieve a very hefty financial result.

To learn about this possibility, request an exclusive virtual meeting that will cover following itinerary.

I - Expository Part (1h)

  • Long-term contract price and "spot" price
  • How to permanently identify the "spot" price
  • How to reduce consumption to sell in the "spot"
  • Valuation of sales in the "spot"
  • At what price is it worth selling on the "spot"?
  • Conditions (supply x demand) for the "spot" to rise sharply
  • How to prepare to "make it happen" - when the opportunity arises
  • Real cases

II - Interactive part with your company (1h)

  • Current contract: price, volume and term
  • Energy sources used (in addition to electrical energy)
  • Possibilities for outsourcing selected production activities
  • Possibilities of using other energy sources
  • Plan to trigger the opportunity in a structured way

III - Price and conditions

  • USD 2 000
  • Payment within 7 days after issuing invoice from Interact Gest?o de Negócios
  • Invoice will be issued the day following the virtual meeting
  • Validity of this offer is for meeting in the 1st quarter of 2024
  • Send invite to the meeting along with the link to [email protected]
  • Choose your preferred date and time: 10am or 3pm
  • Rafael Herzberg will conduct Parts I and II above


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