Opportunity bootcamp
Darrell Irwin
Changing The World By Building Award Winning Purpose-Driven Businesses. Cre8ion* | Di9ital | Hum4ns | Introbiz Bristol | MOT10N | Genesis Brands *B-Corp and now ??The Purpose People Podcast??
I believe that the circumstances that are currently surrounding us require a different set of rules. Rules that won’t hinder us but help us move on and allow us to make fresh plans in a post-lockdown world.
Work has fundamentally changed, and the impact of this change has been felt by businesses across the globe. The patterns of where and how we work have been disrupted.
Cre8ion has felt both of these patterns change, even though we have always been interested in different work cycles. This tendency for experimenting with work patterns led us to be invited, along with a few other ‘4 day week companies’, to share about the merits of the 4 day working week in a recent Raconteur article (see here).
Still, the way we work has continued to shift, leading to our recent commitment to go fully remote. Our self-development as a company continues as our workplace embraces the shifts of its workforce.
So, what next? Well, we are focusing on the people who are brave enough to employ others, take risks for themselves by building businesses, and choose to take responsibility for something different. And, quite simply, for those people, it has been tough. Really tough.
That old adage of it being ‘lonely at the top’ has never been more true (many leaders will nod in unison); they are simply expected to show up, smile, and carry on.
With every change and demand of the market, the brave have had to adjust, adapt, and acclimatise to the growing pressures of the workplace with a (seldom voiced) feeling of frustration at the weight of responsibility.
Leaders shouldn’t try to be God, but with the cost of living crisis, the quest for happiness, and people looking for purpose, business leaders could well feel that it is up to them to solve all of the above.
There is a heavy cost in sleepless nights, disconnection from their own families, and sheer exhaustion. These factors have taken many business owners to the edge, behind a facade of keeping it all together.
My fantastic business partner, Olly Reid and I recognised this pattern, as good people – really good people – were struggling with the demands of daily living. Having worked closely together through HUM4NS we provided a space for people to share their experiences at the HUM4NS talks at The Square Club (third Monday of every month). Many speakers only shared a part of the story.
The entrepreneurial community was going through it, and finally there was a safe space where people could admit it was tough. People were exhausted trying to meet expectations, and at HUM4NS they could share their hearts with others who were also looking to do good, but not always feeling that great.
HUM4NS became a mainstay in people’s calendars. It became a place where good people began to feel less lonely, a place for a refreshing and relaxing brand of self-development and a place where they could renew their quest to become happier, healthier and smarter, with the strength to be kinder.
Today, at our Monday meetings, we average 50+ people coming together. The crowd is always changing, but it’s an honour to be able to say that we have impacted at least 250 people since we started.
For me, HUM4NS has been a brilliant, stimulating answer to self-development. However, I am still conscious that the demand for leaders to lead with empathy continues. So Olly and I got our heads together and, after weeks of discussion, we created the HUM4NS Catalyst, a bootcamp designed to give the brave the tools to win through.
HUM4NS Catalyst offers 12 weeks of support to ensure you build in the four things that keep us human when the world around us is demanding a superhuman.
We realised that we could join the conversation and do what all good humans do, i.e., provide a solution.
If the leaders of any organisation do not get the support they need from a human perspective, then they will be making decisions around surviving, not thriving.
This has a detrimental effect on the work, and the impact will negatively affect the workforce.
When leaders admit that they need to invest in themselves, it creates an atmosphere of support and the traction needed to take action and lead the fightback.
And when leaders are properly equipped, they can serve better, make better choices, and have a sense of clarity and confidence that inspires others to do their best work.
Our kick-off date for the HUM4NS catalyst is Thursday, 18th May, where we’ll have the capacity to impact 35 leaders, who can in turn affect thousands of people.
12 weeks for you. 12 weeks designed to be transformative. 12 weeks where you’ll learn to prioritise the right things that will enable your team to do the same.
The cost has been kept low to allow people to join us without having to damage cash flow or feel guilty about it. We also wanted to create a diverse community of all business shapes and sizes.
It has been proven that environments like this create the most stunning of communities, and we want to deepen ours!
HUM4NS talks will continue, as will our group coaching. Essentially, our bootcamp will allow us to further impact leaders looking for hope, help, honesty, and the support they absolutely need.
If that’s you, take the risk, or if you know someone, then please share, because if it can keep one person going and growing, it will be more than worth the investment!
Opportunity is here. Take it.