oportunitatisicariere.ro - a webpage for an entire organization

oportunitatisicariere.ro - a webpage for an entire organization

as you already know by now we are the NGO (ONG) who is developing a search engine for all jobs in Romania

this entity was created with the idea of giving an identity for each volunteer that want to join and contribute, who follow our dream, who get this dream and make it true, who believe in our mission, who wants to prove their worth, who can change the world by doing one single task, who wants to give back to community, who wants to be a part of a very simple idea, who wants to integrate in a network of people driven by passion

since we are playing with technology, this second project spin out and the idea of giving a custom design and simple yet powerful UX arrived

our UX in this case is Mihaela-Talida Ganciu

she put together the ideas from the entire team and here you can find the FIGMA design:


as all of us are already used to it, this document is alive, constantly changing, adding fine tuning for each section as it it also growing because the entire community is growing on a daily basis

here you can find the website delivered with minimum operational costs: https://oportunitatisicariere.ro/

Mihaela-Talida Ganciu is also leading the UI team.

Diana Lavinia Dragoi is leading the Testing team.

More about team involved you can find here: https://oportunitatisicariere.ro/#team

we want to thank you all those involved in this beautiful project

we hope you enjoy the process and the progress


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