Opinion: Undermining Bibi, Undermines Israel's Victory- Making Hamas look Good
In a region plagued by conflict and terror, Israel stands as a beacon of democracy and resilience. At the helm of this resilient nation is Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a seasoned leader who has devoted his life to the security and prosperity of Israel.
Despite being in hot water due to the negative optics of the war, highlighted by the massive collateral damages, indecisive allies vacillating and gravitating away from their continued support of Israel driven by the current of politics at home , domestic challenges and opposition, it is- therefore- even more critical for the world to stand behind Israel and support Netanyahu in his efforts to defeat Hamas and other terrorist organizations. It is a choice between an entity who contributes nothing but terror and destruction to the world (Hamas), and the only functioning democratic nation in the Middle East with Jews, Arabs, Christians, Druze and others who live peacefully together and had contributed and built much for the world (13 Nobel Prizes, long list of inventions, successful businesses that employ millions, etc.)
PM Netanyahu has been a steadfast leader in the fight against terrorism, advocating for peace while also recognizing the harsh realities of the region. Under his decisive leadership, Israel responded robustly in retaliation to Hamas's October 7 attack and carnage (the worst since the holocaust), making significant strides in combating and defeating Hamas, keeping Hezbollah-and even their terror sponsor, Iran- at bay, ensuring the safety of its citizens going forward. His commitment to Israel's security is unwavering, and the world must recognize the importance of supporting him all throughout in this crucial endeavor.
However, no operation, especially during war, is ideal. Loss of life during fighting, friendly fire, tactical mistakes, and other negative occurrences are to be expected. Although there has been serious efforts made by Israel to minimize casualties- unfortunately due to Hamas hiding behind and among innocent civilians in busy public places, using them as human shields to ensure that IDF counterattacks result to maximum casualties- negative images of the war flashed all over the media is shaping the global public opinion against Israel.
Nonetheless, the risks of not supporting PM Netanyahu both globally and domestically are grave. Internally, the wide scale protests against Netanyahu could only serve to weaken the fabric of Israeli society and unity in government, creating cracks that could be exploited again by adversaries,?like the big distraction brought about by the series?of street protests of those who opposed the controversial Supreme Court judicial reform pre-October 7, that might have been the major reason why Israel's guard had been inadvertently lowered at the border and overall national defense had not been so agile.
Externally, failing to support Netanyahu could embolden terrorist organizations who seek to perpetually undermine Israel's security, destabilize the region- and the world.
Hence, from a security and stability standpoint, it is really imperative for the US, UK, and the rest of the world to continue supporting the fight against Hamas and the threats posed by Iran and its other proxies like Hezbollah and Houthis. These groups have a history of perpetrating violence and terror, which constantly puts innocent lives at risk.
Hamas, in particular, has been responsible for numerous attacks on Israeli civilians and has actively worked to undermine peace efforts in the region which deliberately made the lives of fellow Palestinians worse to support their Jihadist Ideology. Iran, on the other hand, poses a threat not only to Israel but to the entire Middle East (fellow Muslims) with its support of terrorist organizations and its pursuit of nuclear weapons.
It is important for West and NATO to work with other like minded allies to address these threats collectively. This can help ensure a solid united front against terrorism and aggression.
NATO, as a key player in global security, should play a more active role in the Middle East to support Israel and other allies in the region. By setting its footprint in the region, NATO can strengthen the collective deterrence of allies in the Middle East versus multiple threats to help maintain regional stability. Extra-regional actors like Russia (beholden to Iran for its help in war vs. Ukraine), North Korea, and China supporting Hamas either covertly or overtly could try to disrupt the flow of the war not in Israel's favor, going forward.
It is crucial for all Jews and global citizens to unite behind PM Netanyahu undistracted in his fight against terrorism and extremism whatever happens. Known as "Mr. Protector of Israel",?Netanyahu is the best leader to face the threats that Israel is currently facing: he unquestionably has the experience, dogged determination, deep wisdom, and strong leadership that are essential in robustly safeguarding Israel's security and advancing peace in the "rough Middle East neighborhood" (possible only through consistent leadership strength and credible threat).
PM Benjamin Netanyahu, the war cabinet, IDF and the rest of the brave men and women behind the scenes collectively represents what Israel's victory looks like. Hence, undermining Bibi's leadership also undermines the massive victory that the entire Israel and the world need to have over the wicked forces that are up to no good.
Replacing Netanyahu with a new leader may sound appealing in theory, but in reality, it could have dire consequences for disrupting Israel's position and its ability to deter threats in this difficult time when consistency and continuity are key.
In undermining his leadership during an important war, the powerful image of Israel's strong unity, alignment, focus, and patriotism (vital attributes for the State's continued survival) are going to be put into question and will embolden adversaries to launch more attacks in the future. In this scenario, polarized Israel is shooting itself on the foot: the earlier gains and collective hard work of the War Cabinet that PM Bibi leads may be underappreciated, the glorious vision of a massive Israel victory is diluted, freedom of hostages compromised, value of the sacrifice of fallen heroes and hostages discounted in the distracting political drama (some driven by selfish agenda), threat multiplied not reduced- and it doesn't look like a win for Israel (esp. in the battle for narratives).
In conclusion, the world must, indeed, continue its solid support for Israel and PM Benjamin Netanyahu in the fight against terrorism and extremism. PM Bibi represents the Sovereign State Israel during wartime and her big goal to obliterate Hamas and other terrorist organizations. His leadership is crucial in securing peace and stability in the region. It is imperative for all citizens to stand united behind PM Bibi Netanyahu and ensure a strong and secure Israel for future generations.