Opinion approach about the article "Economy, Society and Environment" by Juan Huaylupo Alcázar
Fausto Felix
Master Degree in Business Administration, Specialist in Planning and Strategies, Law Degree
Opinion approach about the article "Economy, Society and Environment" by Juan Huaylupo Alcázar, based on the following problems presented, and their respective answers to the questions posed.
After carefully reading the article entitled: Economy, Society and Development, by Juan Huaylupo Alcázar, we can have a fairly close idea of the forms of economic governments that have governed us during the last 5 centuries, as well as a perspective of the various approaches to the various schools of economics that have governed the economic designs of nations during this elapsed time. Going through an account from Adam Smith and his work "The Wealth of Nations", we see his conceptualizations about the famous "Invisible Hand" that governs the markets, the economic theory of Friedrich Hayek, the macroeconomics of John Maynard Keynes, the impositions that hide free trade agreements, even the marked liberal influences led by the classical economics of Milton Friedman and the neoliberal Chicago Boys, which had such weight in world economies for more than four decades.
It is also possible to reason basic aspects of the market and the market economy, according to Huaylupo, where the power of things has more weight in the economy than any other concept, denoting the dependence that the market creates towards the individual by oversizing and valuing things that are offered to them by mercantilist designs. Huaylupo argues that the market already existed before capital, capitalists and the concept of capitalism appeared, since it has been a commercial dynamic of the human being since he began to feel the need to make use of items that would be worth his existence, going from nomadic to sedentary, for which it maintained its main characteristics despite coexisting with multiple economic systems that have become over our recent history.
The aforementioned author points out that national markets ceased to be dominant segments of a Creole economic class to become dominated by international agents who handle immense capital, rely on dominant treaties and imperial impositions to achieve that certain control. It is a risk that will always face those nations that cannot significantly influence production processes. Precisely and starting from these concepts of economies, capital, market and market economy, it is where we can have the most complete vision possible about the questions that follow below and from where the answers are derived.
First)?Instead of going out to eat alone, you decide to stay home and cook dinner for you and your two roommates. Your colleagues applaud your decision. His roommates tell him that there is no opportunity cost to your decision to eat at home because he already has all the ingredients for dinner in his pantry. Is this comment correct?
Reply:?According to the description that indicates or defines what an opportunity cost is: it is the use of capital in the productive development of a tangible or intangible asset, which infers deletion of convenience, despite the fact that amortizations are not made for these in a manner direct, (Webster, 2015), then we can say that the comment is incorrect. To make dinner for three, I will have to use supplies from the pantry that were purchased with money from the benefits obtained from my main job, that is, my basic means of production, as well as the employment of that time.
By having to stop dining out, perhaps I would have had a lower cost than the one made at home, since it was a dinner for me alone. Within this expense incurred for the realization of the dinner, the food supplies to be used must be included, we can say that they are explicit expenses, but those supplies such as gas, electricity, water, napkins, detergent to wash dirty dishes and other inputs, would become an implicit expense, because they are derived from the main expense (Webster, 2015).
The fact that he stopped spending in a restaurant does not imply economy of spending in itself, since having to transform the food from the pantry itself begins to deteriorate the investment made in it, with the aggravating circumstance that when including two more diners, the opportunistic transposition in said dinner grows, so the erratic considerations of this comment are maintained.
Second)?For spring break, Melanie will either stay home or go to Daytona Beach. At home, Melanie pays $10 a day for food and earns $90 a day at her job. In Daytona Beach, Melanie will be staying with friends and therefore she has no accommodation cost. She will pay $20 per day for the food. In dollar terms, Melanie's opportunity cost per day of going to Daytona Beach is how much?
Reply: Starting from another concept defined for the opportunity cost, pointing out the one that says: The convenience value is that estimate known as the best choice that was not made, the one that fits into a reduced choice of means with many conveniences put into place. (von Wieser, 1914). Since Melanie gives up earning $90 a day from her work to go to Daytona to pay for $20 of food, with no lodging expense, we can confirm that her standard expense is $100.
Summarizing this analysis to that, being Melanie at home, she would have a fixed food expense of $10 dollars (implicit expense), and an income of $90 dollars from her work (explicit cost), obtaining a net gross income of $80 dollars, but at to travel to Daytona, Melanie loses $90 in gross income per day and instead has to invest $20 per day in food. By reducing Melanie's fixed $10 per day food expense, she is left with $80, plus in exchange, by deciding to stop working, losing the $90 per day, and having to pay $20 per day for food, her opportunity cost increases to $100.
We define this through the following equation: $90 - $10 = $80 + $20 = $100. This means that Melanie has a total opportunity cost per day of $100. Melanie's expected return is reduced by giving up $90 from her job, minus the fixed $10 for food, leaving her with $80 left, and deciding to invest $20 on her Daytona vacation, adding up to $100, depriving her of resources by give up to achieve a higher return than the one obtained in the company of his friends in Daytona.
Third)?In New State, the bottling law requires people to get a five-cent refund when they return an empty bottle or can. Why does the state pay people to return the bottles? In your answer, be sure to mention the role played by rational choice.
Reply: The spirit of the New State law is aimed at achieving environmental protection through citizen incentives in order to obtain their cooperation, involving the company and citizens alike. It is a rational response to an extremely urgent problem to attend to, which is the protection of the environment. This fits into the perspective of the theory of rational action, which seeks to understand and formulate the way in which the individual behaves from the social and economic point of view. This theory raises the observation of the social entity in order to understand and explain its way of behaving in the market. (Becker, 1955). Corporate social responsibility is also put into practice in this standard, since it brings the company closer to an inclusive social dynamic, to achieve common objectives (Huaylupo, 2007).
Fourth) Different nations answer the questions of what, how and for whom. China, for example, builds dams using many workers and only a little capital equipment. The United States builds dams using a few workers and a large amount of capital equipment. What economic question do these two nations answer, and why do the answers differ?
Reply: Who built? How do I build? and Who do I build for? These economic questions resemble China and the United States in form, but in essence they reflect significant differences due to internal needs and dissimilar objectives. These three basic factors of economic planning have explicit connotations of their own (Webster, 2015). The What is to determine the quantity, the How is a diversity of factors found to be able to specify the production of each product or service and the For Whom determines to whom those produced goods or services will be distributed (Economy ?, 2018).
China focuses its internal investment in line with developing a population in constant demographic growth and a very majority: latest census data from May 11, 2020, the Chinese arrived close to 1,412 million (1,411,718,000 people) (France24 with AP and EFE, 05/11/2021), in order to take advantage of abundant human capital and give an economic response to the production of jobs. China builds infrastructure to develop communities and increase its industrial production capacity, taking more into account the human factor than the stock market. They also build to make life easier for communities that are isolated and need support from the state for their development.
In the United States, they build to satisfy the capital demands of companies that are listed on the stock exchange, leaving aside the interest in solving social problems for the populations most affected by the crises. It is built to maintain the market and the shares of the companies, with the intention of keeping this system of capital production stable, so that when planning a work, the benefits that it has to leave for the capitalists are taken into account more than the needs that this work will meet in the future.
This marks the difference between China and the United States, since the Chinese channel their investments to satisfy social needs and develop the potential of their population and in the United States they try to direct investments to strengthen their companies. Although in China there is the development of capitalism, it does not predominate in the development of state policies, but in the United States capitalism, the basis of the political action of this nation, the state is directed by capital and it outlines social policies and economy of this great nation.
Obviously, here we observe four approaches with the same number of questions, which guide us and immerse us in the current issues of the market, the economy, the market economy, scales of values, social and business responsibility of the individual, criteria of economic opportunities that we must take into account. It has the what, why and for whom of a productive unit that we must execute for ourselves or for third parties, are rationings that help us to create a precise idea of the managerial challenges that we will have to face in the future.
Becker, Gary S. (1955). “The economics of racial discrimination”.
(Economy) ?. (2018). What, how and for whom?
France24 with AP and EFE. (2021). China exceeds 1,411 million inhabitants, but is growing at its slowest pace.
Friedman, M. (1962). Capitalism and Freedom.
Hayek, F. (1952). “Scientism and the Study of Society” Economica, vol. IX, No. 35, August 1942. Reproduced in the Counter-Revolution of Science, Glecoe, III.
Huaylupo Alcazar, J. (2007). Economy, society and environment. Journal of Economic Sciences, 25 (1), pp. 109-126.
Keynes, J. (1981). “The economic possibilities of our grandchildren.” Papers of the Spanish economy. No. 6. Spain. Editors Foundation of Savings Banks.
Master Degree in Business Administration, Specialist in Planning and Strategies, Law Degree
2 年This marks the difference between China and the United States, since the Chinese channel their investments to satisfy social needs and develop the potential of their population and in the United States they try to direct investments to strengthen their companies. Although in China there is the development of capitalism, it does not predominate in the development of state policies, but in the United States capitalism, the basis of the political action of this nation, the state is directed by capital and it outlines social policies and economy of this great nation.