Operator in C programing by ganesh kavhar

Operator in C programing by ganesh kavhar

An operator in a programming language is a symbol that tells the compiler or interpreter to perform a specific

mathematical, relational or logical operation and produce a final result.

C has many powerful operators. Many C operators are binary operators, which means they have two operands. For

example, in a / b, / is a binary operator that accepts two operands (a, b). There are some unary operators which

take one operand (for example: ~, ++), and only one ternary operator ? :.

Section 4.1: Relational Operators

Relational operators check if a specific relation between two operands is true. The result is evaluated to 1 (which

means true) or 0 (which means false). This result is often used to affect control flow (via if, while, for), but can also

be stored in variables.

Equals "=="

Checks whether the supplied operands are equal.

1 == 0; /* evaluates to 0. */

1 == 1; /* evaluates to 1. */

int x = 5;

int y = 5;

int *xptr = &x, *yptr = &y;

xptr == yptr; /* evaluates to 0, the operands hold different location addresses. */

*xptr == *yptr; /* evaluates to 1, the operands point at locations that hold the same value. */

Attention: This operator should not be confused with the assignment operator (=)!

Not equals "!="

Checks whether the supplied operands are not equal.

1 != 0; /* evaluates to 1. */

1 != 1; /* evaluates to 0. */

int x = 5;

int y = 5;

int *xptr = &x, *yptr = &y;

xptr != yptr; /* evaluates to 1, the operands hold different location addresses. */

*xptr != *yptr; /* evaluates to 0, the operands point at locations that hold the same value. */

This operator effectively returns the opposite result to that of the equals (==) operator.

Not "!"

Check whether an object is equal to 0.

The ! can also be used directly with a variable as follows:


This has the same effect as:

someVal == 0

Greater than ">"

Checks whether the left hand operand has a greater value than the right hand operand

5 > 4 /* evaluates to 1. */

4 > 5 /* evaluates to 0. */

4 > 4 /* evaluates to 0. */

Less than "<"

Checks whether the left hand operand has a smaller value than the right hand operand

5 < 4 /* evaluates to 0. */

4 < 5 /* evaluates to 1. */

4 < 4 /* evaluates to 0. */

Greater than or equal ">="

Checks whether the left hand operand has a greater or equal value to the right operand.

5 >= 4 /* evaluates to 1. */

4 >= 5 /* evaluates to 0. */

4 >= 4 /* evaluates to 1. */

Less than or equal "<="

Checks whether the left hand operand has a smaller or equal value to the right operand.

5 <= 4 /* evaluates to 0. */

4 <= 5 /* evaluates to 1. */

4 <= 4 /* evaluates to 1. */

Section 4.2: Conditional Operator/Ternary Operator

Evaluates its first operand, and, if the resulting value is not equal to zero, evaluates its second operand. Otherwise,

it evaluates its third operand, as shown in the following example:

a = b ? c : d;

is equivalent to:

if (b)

a = c;


a = d;

This pseudo-code represents it : condition ? value_if_true : value_if_false. Each value can be the result of

an evaluated expression.

int x = 5;

int y = 42;

printf("%i, %i\n", 1 ? x : y, 0 ? x : y); /* Outputs "5, 42" */

The conditional operator can be nested. For example, the following code determines the bigger of three numbers:

big= a > b ? (a > c ? a : c)

: (b > c ? b : c);

The following example writes even integers to one file and odd integers to another file:


int main()


FILE *even, *odds;

int n = 10;

size_t k = 0;

even = fopen("even.txt", "w");

odds = fopen("odds.txt", "w");

for(k = 1; k < n + 1; k++)


k%2==0 ? fprintf(even, "\t%5d\n", k)

: fprintf(odds, "\t%5d\n", k);




return 0;


The conditional operator associates from right to left. Consider the following:

exp1 ? exp2 : exp3 ? exp4 : exp5

As the association is from right to left, the above expression is evaluated as

exp1 ? exp2 : ( exp3 ? exp4 : exp5 )

Section 4.3: Bitwise Operators

Bitwise operators can be used to perform bit level operation on variables.

Below is a list of all six bitwise operators supported in C:

Symbol Operator

& bitwise AND

| bitwise inclusive OR

^ bitwise exclusive OR (XOR)

~ bitwise not (one's complement)

<< logical left shift

>> logical right shift

Following program illustrates the use of all bitwise operators:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)


unsigned int a = 29; /* 29 = 0001 1101 */

unsigned int b = 48; /* 48 = 0011 0000 */

int c = 0;

c = a & b; /* 32 = 0001 0000 */

printf("%d & %d = %d\n", a, b, c );

c = a | b; /* 61 = 0011 1101 */

printf("%d | %d = %d\n", a, b, c );

c = a ^ b; /* 45 = 0010 1101 */

printf("%d ^ %d = %d\n", a, b, c );

c = ~a; /* -30 = 1110 0010 */

printf("~%d = %d\n", a, c );

c = a << 2; /* 116 = 0111 0100 */

printf("%d << 2 = %d\n", a, c );

c = a >> 2; /* 7 = 0000 0111 */

printf("%d >> 2 = %d\n", a, c );

return 0;


Bitwise operations with signed types should be avoided because the sign bit of such a bit representation has a

particular meaning. Particular restrictions apply to the shift operators:

Left shifting a 1 bit into the signed bit is erroneous and leads to undefined behavior.

Right shifting a negative value (with sign bit 1) is implementation defined and therefore not portable.

If the value of the right operand of a shift operator is negative or is greater than or equal to the width of the

promoted left operand, the behavior is undefined.


Masking refers to the process of extracting the desired bits from (or transforming the desired bits in) a variable by

using logical bitwise operations. The operand (a constant or variable) that is used to perform masking is called a


Masking is used in many different ways:

To decide the bit pattern of an integer variable.

To copy a portion of a given bit pattern to a new variable, while the remainder of the new variable is filled

with 0s (using bitwise AND)

To copy a portion of a given bit pattern to a new variable, while the remainder of the new variable is filled

with 1s (using bitwise OR).

To copy a portion of a given bit pattern to a new variable, while the remainder of the original bit pattern is

inverted within the new variable (using bitwise exclusive OR).

The following function uses a mask to display the bit pattern of a variable:

#include <limits.h>

void bit_pattern(int u)


int i, x, word;

unsigned mask = 1;

word = CHAR_BIT * sizeof(int);

mask = mask << (word - 1); /* shift 1 to the leftmost position */

for(i = 1; i <= word; i++)


x = (u & mask) ? 1 : 0; /* identify the bit */

printf("%d", x); /* print bit value */

mask >>= 1; /* shift mask to the right by 1 bit */




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