Operations Research - Harnessing Excel Solver for Dynamic Programming: An In-Depth Exploration

Operations Research - Harnessing Excel Solver for Dynamic Programming: An In-Depth Exploration


Dynamic programming, a powerful optimization technique, finds applications in various domains, from finance to resource management. This article delves into modeling dynamic programming situations using Microsoft Excel Solver. We will embark on this journey by presenting an example problem statement, demonstrate the data setup in Excel, and showcase the step-by-step process of leveraging Solver to optimize dynamic programming models.

Example Problem Statement

Consider a project management scenario where tasks are to be completed with varying durations and dependencies. The goal is to minimize the total project duration, taking into account the dependencies among tasks. Each task has a duration, and certain tasks cannot start until their dependent tasks are completed.

Let's take three tasks (A, B, C) with the following durations and dependencies:

Task A: Duration = 3 days

Task B: Duration = 5 days, Dependency on Task A

Task C: Duration = 4 days, Dependency on Task B

The objective is to minimize the total project duration while respecting task dependencies.

Solving the Problem

Step 1: Define Subproblems:

Define subproblems such that each subproblem represents the minimum time required to complete a specific task given its dependencies.

Step 2: Formulate the Recursive Equation:

Define a recursive equation that represents the optimal solution to each subproblem. The equation should consider the duration of the current task and the durations of its dependent tasks.

Step 3: Implement Dynamic Programming Algorithm:

Implement the dynamic programming algorithm to solve the subproblems in a bottom-up manner. Start with the tasks that have no dependencies and gradually compute the optimal solution for tasks with dependencies based on the solutions of their dependent tasks.

Step 4: Determine the Total Project Duration:

Once all subproblems have been solved, determine the total project duration by finding the maximum completion time among all tasks.

Step 5: Identify the Critical Path:

Identify the critical path by tracing back from the task with the maximum completion time to the tasks with no dependencies. The critical path represents the sequence of tasks that determine the minimum project duration.

Let's apply these steps to the given problem:

Step 1: Define Subproblems:

Define subproblems such that each subproblem represents the minimum time required to complete a specific task given its dependencies.


  • dpA: Minimum time to complete Task A.
  • dpB: Minimum time to complete Task B.
  • dpC: Minimum time to complete Task C.

Step 2: Formulate the Recursive Equation:

Define a recursive equation for each subproblem based on the dependencies:

  • dpA = 3 (Task A has no dependencies)
  • dpB = max(dpA, 3) + 5 = max(3, 3) + 5 = 8 (Task B depends on Task A)
  • dpC = max(dpB, 8) + 4 = max(8, 8) + 4 = 12 (Task C depends on Task B)

Step 3: Implement Dynamic Programming Algorithm:

Implement the dynamic programming algorithm to compute the minimum time for each task.

Step 4: Determine the Total Project Duration:

The total project duration is the maximum completion time among all tasks. In this case, it is dpC = 12 days.

Step 5: Identify the Critical Path:

The critical path is the sequence of tasks that determine the minimum project duration. In this case, the critical path is Task A → Task B → Task C.

Setting Up the Excel Worksheet

Define Decision Variables: Open a new Excel worksheet. In cells B2:D4, label the cells representing the start day for each task (A, B, C).

Objective Function: In a cell, let's say E2, label it "Total Project Duration." Enter the formula =MAX(D2+3, D3+5, D4+4) to represent the total project duration considering the dependencies.

Constraints: Introduce constraints to ensure that each task starts after its dependent tasks are completed.

Non-negativity Constraints: Set non-negativity constraints for each start day: =D2 >= 0, =D3 >= 0, =D4 >= 0.

Solver Parameters Dialog Box

Click on "Solver" in the "Data" tab. This opens the Solver Parameters dialog box.

Set Objective Function and Decision Variables: In the Solver Parameters dialog box, set the objective function cell to E2 and the decision variable cells (By Changing Variable Cells) to D2:D4.

Add Constraints: Click on "Add" to enter each constraint. Use the constraints set earlier for task dependencies and non-negativity.

Choose Solving Method: Choose the Simplex LP solving method for linear programming problems.

Solver Options: Optionally, set additional options based on your requirements.

Solve: Click "Solve" in the Solver Parameters dialog box. Solver will analyze the dynamic programming model and provide the optimal start days for each task, minimizing the total project duration.

Interpreting Results

Once Solver completes its analysis, it will display the optimal start days for each task in the worksheet. These values represent the schedule that minimizes the total project duration while adhering to task dependencies.


Dynamic programming situations, as demonstrated in this example, can be efficiently modeled and optimized using Microsoft Excel Solver. By skillfully setting up the problem, incorporating constraints, and utilizing the Solver function, organizations can optimize project schedules, resource allocations, and various decision-making scenarios. Excel's Solver provides a versatile and user-friendly platform for tackling complex dynamic programming challenges, making it a valuable tool for informed decision-making and efficient resource utilization in diverse fields.


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