IT Operations Management; an Integral Function of Every Organization
We managed IT Infrastructures with dedicated Team of vibrant young Professionals.
In the last two editions of our newsletter we have critically examined the global trend on emerging technologies, the position of the human workforce and the IT tools for business development. With daily exploration of technologies, every business organization would need to incorporate IT into their operational activities to enhance productivity and ensure they remain relevant in the business. Innovation evolves business world as explained last week, Innovation in information technology (IT), the process of applying new or improved IT solutions to business problems, like developing a new software application or improving the performance of existing IT infrastructure. It also entails repurposing technology to build a more streamlined business, improving the alignment between technological projects and business objectives.
IT operations management can simply be defined as the process of managing and maintaining an organization’s network infrastructure. A management structure where an IT team is typically tasked with infrastructure management work to cover aspects of computing such as compliance, security, and troubleshooting. This facilitates the business operation and deliveries as it helps the organization to focus. While the business team is busy handling day-to-day employee issues, the IT Ops team looks after the network infrastructure of the company. This includes facilities management, network security management, data back-ups, server management and optimization, managing data centers, and hardware IT infrastructure components among others.
Introducing Brilliant CCIT; Binding Business and Technology
Brilliant Computers Citadel and Information Technology
Brilliant Computers started many years back as an IT Infrastructures management company with a dedicated Team of Vibrant Young Professionals. Brilliant Computers provides the best IT Solutions and Customers Experience that will enhance their business performances at flexible and reduced Cost, while focusing exclusively on high quality and cost-effective Support and implementation of services. Over the years, Brilliant Computers has evolved into an advanced solutions provider, focused on servicing customers and creating value through long term relationships that we build. We work uniquely with Service Level Agreements (SLA’s) and fixed costs based on our customers’ needs and budget. We strive to deliver more efficient, effective, and relevant quality services and solutions tailored to the increasingly complex demands of organizations, to boost productivity of operations and to maximize value for our customers. BCCIT also strives towards technology that provides a real advantage to businesses. The most powerful connection that a business can make is through all its stakeholders. Brilliant Computers IT binds together business and technology.
The company was formed by a group of professionals having vivid experience and wide exposure in Information Technology. People involved here are young, qualified business graduates and qualified engineers from the renowned universities across the globe. The resource personnel working in the company have been consistently providing reliable support services and consultancy to a wide variety of corporate houses either in the capacity of executive or as business partner or consultant. The bottom line of the company philosophy is building a long-term business partnership with its clients where interpersonal relationships, reliability, assured quality and target-oriented modern technology are the major building blocks. It is a company where professionals from both technical and functional fields group together with an objective of providing appropriate business solutions. It realizes the importance of functional knowledge and its impact in developing business solutions. We constantly strive to be a leading IT managed services company with profound business and functional knowledge. The key to the company's success is the maintenance of a close working relationship with the clients through ensuring the best possible solutions to their needs; to establish and maintain a thorough knowledge and understanding of the client's objective and help them maximize the benefits.
Our Services Include but not limited to: Site Visits ? FTEs Provisioning/Outsourcing ? IT project management ? Procurement (products and services procured at best possible cost and quality) ? Cost-effective and problem-solving solutions. ?Infrastructure planning, design, setup, implementation, and maintenance ? Annual Device Management ?Proactive detection and prevention of potential issues (Preventative maintenance) ?Network Infrastructural Management ? 24 /7 on site services and remote support ? Tailor-made service level agreements that are critical to any successful business. ?Infrastructure planning, design, setup, implementation, and maintenance ? Annual Device Management ?Proactive detection and prevention.