Operations Community Needs
Join my team this summer on our efforts to make the difference in our community.
Please share my event to family and friends
Dear Friend
It‘s that time of the year again! Summer is coming and Maya’s Friends is preparing for the sixth year of Lemonade Stand Event on August 10th and 11th, 2018 from 10:00 Am till 2:30 PM. in front of the Real Canadian Superstore on 4371 Walker road, Windsor Ontario N8W 3T6. WE start our Preparations activities late May, early June 2016.
In consistent with our commitment to raise awareness about the needs in our community and to help in filling the shelves of the food banks in the City of Windsor, This year again we are going to visit neighborhoods prior to having the big event in order to introduce our vision and invite our city and introducing Apple Bites For a Cause.
The Food Banks shortage affects the Windsor Community at large because it reaches people in need across the entire Windsor and Essex. It reaches individuals in every walk of life from children in a breakfast programs and family in need of a little extra help to those who are homeless accessing shelters and people unable to work due to disabilities, illness and age. Last March, the Food Banks in Windsor were able to assist more than 10,000 households, 5915 children and 7132 adults and all this cannot be done without the generous contributions of leadership organizations and individuals in our community. Again this year we are asking for your support, we invite you to come and share our event to the community to raise awareness.
As the Ontario Leadership Girl Building Communities for 2016, On behalf of my team, 31 girls between the ages of 6-14, I am asking again for your support to help us to make the difference. We thank you for your contribution because without the support of your organization, our success would not be as possible.
We Are Few And Our Love Will Cover The Universe
Maya Juleia Mikhael
Actively Engaging Female Leaders ?
Windsor-Essex Children's Aid Society ?
Chris Holt Ward 4 Councillor ?
Housing Windsor-Essex Community Housing Corporation CHC
@PLangille800 ?
@H4HWindsorEssex ?
@LGretzky ?
Unemployed Help Centre of Windsor Inc._ ?
@MatinWindsor ?
@lynnmartin800 ?
@biagiobillmarra ?
@CBCDuck ?
Windsor Essex 2013 International Children's Games ?
National Basketball League of Canada
@tmedeiros800 ?
@KVarley800 ?
@CBezaireCTV ?
@CCampbellCTV ?
@AdamWardCTV ?
@MMaluskeCTV ?
Multicultural Council of Windsor-Essex ?
@EPWindsorEssex ?
@DiCarloDDC ?
@UnitedWayWE ?
@OurWindsorON ?
@WinStarPearson ?
@WinStarCross ?
@WinStarChen ?
@BBellaciccoCTV ?
@WorkforceWE ?
@ArdaZakCP24 ?
@windsorpublib ?
WWL Radios ?
@CCampbellTV ?
@MRevaitNews ?
@SpitsHockey ?
@Lyndzf ?
@allisonj3000 ?
@skellycbc ?
@mr_liedtke ?
@CBCWindsor ?
@IanFCampbell ?
@MBorrelliCTV ?
@UWindsorLance ?
@WindsorEats ?