Operations and Algebraic Lesson Plan
Peter Philips
Learning Facilitator, and Senior Editor at Tuitioncenter | CV/Resume/Cover Letter Writer | Helping Students and Professionals Succeed
Operations and Algebraic Lesson Plan
Section 1: Lesson Preparation
Teacher Candidate Name:
Bridget Evans Ratcliff
Grade Level:
First Grade
June 26th 2023
Instructional Plan Title:
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Lesson Summary and Focus:
Learners will be introduced to the concepts of addition and subtraction. They will learn basic approaches for solving word problems using these operations.
Classroom and Student Factors/Grouping:
In this grade 1 general education classroom with 20 students, the presence of 3 students with ADHD who struggle with perception and attention, as well as two students with difficulties in memory and retrieval, necessitates careful planning, teaching, and assessment to support the learning needs of all students. Differentiation strategies will be employed to address the specific challenges faced by these students, including providing visual cues, graphic organizers, and repeated practice for students with memory and retrieval difficulties and using color-coding, highlighters, and timers to enhance focus and engagement for students with ADHD (Council for Exceptional Children, 2015a; Council for Exceptional Children, 2015b; Garnett, 1998).
National/State Learning Standards:
Indiana Academic Standards Mathematics: Grade 1
1.CA.2 - Solve real-world problems involving addition and subtraction within 20 in situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all parts of the addition or subtraction problem (e.g., by using objects, drawings, and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem) (Indiana Department of Education, 2020).
Specific Learning Target(s)/Objectives:
?? Learners will understand the concepts of addition and subtraction.
?? Students will solve word problems by utilizing addition and subtraction within 20.
?? Learners will illustrate their comprehension by solving word problems with 75% accuracy.
Academic Language
Language Function(s):
§? Students will present their problem-solving approaches using addition, subtraction, and comparison terms (Education.com, 2023).
§? Addition, sum, subtraction, difference, compare, less than, greater than, equal to (Education.com, 2023).
Discourse and/or Syntax:
§? Learners will participate in class discussions, detail their reasoning, and ask questions for clarity. For example, the teacher will ask, ‘In a park, there were six birds flying around. Later, some more birds came to the park and the total number of birds became ten. How many birds joined the first group of birds at the park?’
§? The educator can guide the learners in resolving the word problem by asking guiding questions such as:
a. What do we need to know, to establish the number of birds that joined the initial group of birds at the park?
b. What do we know about the birds including their original number, their current number and what are the given facts?
Resources, Materials, Equipment, and Technology:
§? Whiteboard or chalkboard
§? Markers or chalk
§? Manipulatives (e.g., paper, pencil, cubes, and counters)
§? Worksheets with word problems
§? Index cards
§? Subtraction and addition flashcards
§? Visual aids (e.g., ten frames, number line) (Van de Walle et al., 2014)
§? Online interactive math activities and games
§? Math workbooks or textbooks
Section 2: Instructional Planning
Anticipatory Set
Activity Description/Teacher:
?? The teacher will utilize a whiteboard to illustrate a math problem such as, ‘At a park, there are six swimming crocodiles in a swimming pool. However, there are other crocodiles within the park basking in the sun, making their total thirteen crocodiles. How many crocodiles are basking in the sun?’
?? The teacher will go over vocabulary phrases related to subtraction and addition.
?? The teacher will discuss with learners, reviewing the responses to previous questions and clarifying the definitions of vocabulary words (Van de Walle et al., 2014).
?? The teacher will frame simple math challenges and observe the learners' comprehension before transitioning them into small clusters/groups.
?? After the review, learners will get into small clusters/groups and collaborate to find the sum using an interactive framework such as Kahoot.
Student Actions:
?? Students will concentrate their attention on the whiteboard as the educator demonstrates and frames math problems.
?? Learners will communicate with a partner or small group to discuss their definitions of vocabulary phrases and solve math challenges on their worksheets.
?? Learners will contribute/participate in a whole-class engagement to review answers or revise and clarify vocabulary definitions (Van de Walle et al., 2014).
?? Learners will work collaboratively in small clusters/groups to establish the sum on Kahoot, located on the whiteboard at the front of the classroom.
Time Needed:
10 Minutes
Multiple Means of Representation
Activity Description/Teacher:
§? The teacher will utilize visual illustrations, such as?diagrams, charts, and manipulatives, to represent subtraction and addition problems.
§? The educator will illustrate the concepts of subtraction and addition using physical items/objects and encourage learners to observe and participate (Education.com, 2023).
§? The educator will provide concrete examples of word challenges/problems and frame how to represent them using equations or drawings.
Student Actions:
§? Learners will actively engage with the visual illustrations and manipulatives provided by the teacher (SiliconValleyMathematicsInitiative, 2013).
§? Learners will observe and per-take in the educator's demonstrations and discussions.
§? Learners will create their representations or drawings of subtraction and addition word problems.
English Language Learners (ELL):
?? The educator will provide visual aids, such as labeled diagrams and charts, to support comprehension.
?? The educator will utilize simple and clear language, speak slowly, and provide visual illustrations to aid understanding (Garnett, 1998).
?? The educator will encourage ELL students to collaborate with a peer or work in small groups to facilitate language practice and support.
Students with special needs:
?? To aid understanding, the educator will provide additional visual supports, such as simplified graphics or picture cards.
?? The educator will offer repeated avenues for hands-on practice and provide individualized assistance as needed (Council for Exceptional Children, 2015a; Council for Exceptional Children, 2015b).
?? The educator will utilize multisensory methods, incorporating movement and tactile materials, to engage learners with special needs.
Students with gifted abilities:
?? The teacher will provide more challenging word problems or extension exercises requiring higher-order thinking and problem-solving skills.
?? The educator will encourage learners with gifted abilities to explore alternative approaches or mechanisms to solve word problems (Education.com, 2023).
?? The teacher will offer avenues for gifted learners to work with peers and share their advanced problem-solving strategies.
Early finishers:
?? The educator will prepare additional challenging word problems or puzzles for early finishers to work on independently.
?? The educator will provide access to additional resources, such as math manipulatives or online educational games, to further engage early finishers.
?? The educator will encourage early finishers to explain and justify their solutions, promoting deeper comprehension and critical thinking.
Time Needed:
15 Minutes
Multiple Means of Engagement
Activity Description/Teacher:
§? The educator will begin the lesson by engaging learners in a class discussion about instances where addition and subtraction are utilized in daily life. They will provide examples such as subtracting items from a set or adding money or items at a store.
§? The educator will then introduce subtraction and addition using visual illustrations, such as diagrams, charts, and manipulatives. They will then explain the meaning of the "+" and "-" signs/symbols in mathematics.
§? Learners will participate actively by observing and interacting with the visual illustrations and manipulatives provided by the educator. They will have avenues to handle objects/items, count, and visually represent subtraction and addition problems.
§? The educator will frame how to represent word problems utilizing drawings or equations. They will then guide students in understanding different problem-solving approaches for subtraction and addition.
§? Learners will have the chance to?create their representations or drawings of subtraction and addition word problems. They can then work individually or as a team, sharing and explaining their solutions to their peers.
English Language Learners (ELL):
?? For ELL students, visual illustrations/aids such as charts and labeled diagrams will be provided to support their comprehension of subtraction and addition concepts.
?? The teacher will utilize simple and clear language/vocabulary, speaking slowly and providing visual cues to facilitate comprehension. ?
?? ELL students will be encouraged to work with a peer or in small clusters to promote language practice and support (Garnett, 1998).
Students with special needs:
?? Additional visual supports, such as simplified picture cards or graphics, will be provided to facilitate understanding for learners with special needs (Council for Exceptional Children, 2015a; Council for Exceptional Children, 2015b).
?? They will be offered repeated avenues for hands-on practice and individualized assistance as needed.
?? Multisensory methods, incorporating movement and tactile materials, will be utilized to engage these learners.
Students with gifted abilities:
?? Learners with gifted abilities will be provided with more challenging word problems or extension exercises that require higher-order thinking and problem-solving skills.
?? They will be encouraged to explore alternative mechanisms or approaches to solve word problems.
?? Avenues for collaboration with peers and sharing advanced problem-solving approaches will be offered.
Early finishers:
?? Additional challenging word puzzles or problems will be prepared for early finishers to work on independently (SiliconValleyMathematicsInitiative, 2013).
?? They will be provided with access to additional resources, such as online educational games or math manipulatives, to further engage their learning.
?? Early finishers will be asked/motivated to explain and justify their solutions, promoting deeper comprehension and critical thinking.
Time Needed:
15 Minutes
Multiple Means of Expression
Formative Assessment:
§? During the introduction to subtraction and addition, the educator will monitor learner engagement and contribution/participation in the class discussion (REMC Association of Michigan, 2023).
§? They will observe how well learners interact with the visual illustrations/aids and manipulatives provided.
§? The educator will evaluate learners' ability to represent word problems using equations or drawings by reviewing their work and providing feedback.
§? This formative assessment will help the educator understand students' initial comprehension of subtraction and addition concepts and guide their instruction accordingly.
Summative Assessment:
§? At the end of the lesson, the educator/teacher will administer a short quiz to evaluate learners' comprehension of the concepts introduced (REMC Association of Michigan, 2023).
§? The quiz may include simple word or multiple-choice problems that require learners to apply subtraction, and addition approaches (SiliconValleyMathematicsInitiative, 2013).
§? The teacher will utilize the summative evaluation results to assess individual student performance and inform future instruction.
English Language Learners (ELL):
?? The teacher will provide sentence frames or graphic organizers to support ELL students in expressing their comprehension of subtraction and addition concepts (Garnett, 1998).
?? They will encourage ELL students to verbally detail their problem-solving methods to a language partner or in small teams to practice their language skills.
?? Additional time and support will be offered to ensure ELL students fully understand and solve subtraction and addition word problems.
Students with special needs:
?? Learners with special needs will receive differentiated materials or worksheets that concentrate on foundational subtraction and addition skills.
?? The educator will provide step-by-step guidance and repetition to reinforce subtraction, and addition approaches (Council for Exceptional Children, 2015a; Council for Exceptional Children, 2015b).
?? Hands-on materials, such as manipulatives or counters, will be utilized to illustrate concepts and aid comprehension.
?? Individualized support and additional practice avenues will be provided based on the specific needs of these learners.
Students with gifted abilities:
?? Learners with gifted abilities will be presented with more advanced and complex subtraction and addition word challenges that require higher-level thinking and problem-solving abilities.
?? They will be motivated to explore different solution mechanisms, compare approaches, and justify their reasoning.
?? Avenues for collaboration with other learners and mentoring those struggling with problem-solving will be provided to cultivate their advanced skills.
Early finishers:
?? Additional and challenging open-ended or word problem tasks will be prepared for early finishers.
?? These challenges will require creativity and higher-level thinking to solve.
?? Early finishers will be asked/motivated to investigate different problem-solving approaches, explore real-life applications of subtraction and addition, and develop their own word problems or extension exercises for their peers.
?? They will have the chance to present their alternative strategies or solutions to the class, promoting deeper comprehension and engagement.
Time Needed:
10 Minutes
Extension Activity and/or Homework
Extension Activity:
§? For an extension activity, learners can develop their own word problems using subtraction and addition within 20.
§? They can work individually, in pairs, or in groups to come up with real-life situations that involve taking away from or adding to a quantity.
§? They should write the word problem and provide multiple-choice options for the solution.
§? For homework, learners can practice solving subtraction and addition word challenges.
§? For example learners will be assigned an assignment found in the following link: https://www.khanacademy.org/math/cc-1st-grade-math/cc-1st-add-subtract/cc-1st-word-problems-within-20/e/addition-and-subtraction-word-problems-within-20--level-1 ??
§? The students can also utilize a worksheet that includes a variety of word problems and select the appropriate mechanism/operation (+ or -) to solve each problem (Khan Academy, 2023).
§? Learners should demonstrate their work and draw a picture or write an equation to represent the problem.
Supports Learning Targets/Objectives:
§? The extension exercise/activity allows learners to apply their comprehension of subtraction and addition in a creative manner.
§? By creating their own word challenges, they practice problem-solving skills and reinforce their understanding of subtraction and addition concepts (SiliconValleyMathematicsInitiative, 2013).
§? The homework task provides an additional avenue for practice with solving word problems, facilitating the learning target of solving real-world problems involving subtraction and addition within 20.
Time Needed:
5 minutes
Council for Exceptional Children. (2015a). Initial preparation standards - exceptional ??? children. https://exceptionalchildren.org/sites/default/files/2020-??????????? 07/Initial_Preparation_Standards.pdf
Council for Exceptional Children. (2015b). Initial common specialty items. ??????????? https://exceptionalchildren.org/sites/default/files/2020-??????????? 07/Initial%20Common%20Specialty%20Items.pdf
Education.com. (2023). Addition: Over in a flash: Lesson plan. Lesson Plan | ??????? Education.com. https://www.education.com/lesson-plan/flashcards-with-a-twist/
Garnett, K. (1998). Math learning disabilities. Journal of CEC.
Indiana Department of Education. (2020). Indiana Academic Standards Mathematics: ?? Grade 1 . https://www.in.gov/doe/files/Grade-1-Math-Standards-Dec-2020-R.pdf
KhanAcademy. (2023). Addition and subtraction | 1st grade | math. Khan Academy. ??????????? https://www.khanacademy.org/math/cc-1st-grade-math/cc-1st-add-subtract
REMC Association of Michigan. (2023). Operations and algebraic thinking. 1st Grade - ??????????? MiTechKids. https://www.remc.org/mitechkids/1st-grade/operations-and-??? algebraic-thinking/
SiliconValleyMathematicsInitiative. (2013). Inside mathematics: 1st Grade Math - Base ? Ten menu, SciTech Institute. SciTech Institute. ???????? https://scitechinstitute.org/listing/inside-mathematics-3/
Van de Walle, J. A., Karp, K. S., & Bay-Williams, J. M. (2014). Elementary and middle ???? school mathematics. Pearson.
Part 2: Instructional Strategies Rationale
The instructional decisions that I chose in the lesson plan that I developed for teaching word problem solving utilizing addition and subtraction within 20 were carefully considered to suit the individual student's requirements and learning objectives. Each approach was chosen to encourage pupils to think critically and to be engaged. This reflection will explain why these tactics are appropriate and how they promote critical thinking in the context of the lesson plan.
I chose to illustrate addition and subtraction problems using visual aids including manipulatives, charts, and diagrams during the lesson. This approach is intended to make abstract ideas more understandable and approachable by giving learners real-world examples and inviting them to observe and engage (Van de Walle et al., 2014). Learners, including those with perception challenges and ADHD, can interact with the subject more effectively when there are visual representations available. By enabling learners to visually evaluate and comprehend the problem, these visual aids also promote critical thinking by aiding in a deeper comprehension of the underlying ideas. Additionally, the utilization of interactive whiteboards and tablets gives learners the chance to experiment with various methods, allowing them to consider various solutions to subtraction problems critically. Notably, differentiation techniques are utilized throughout the lesson plan that facilitate or caters for the unique needs of learners with ADHD, memory and recall issues, and gifted skills. For instance, visual supports, simpler graphics, and repetitive practice were put into place to assist with recollection and retrieval issues. On the other hand, timers, highlighters and color-coding are utilized to improve concentration and engagement particularly for learners with ADHD (Council for Exceptional Children, 2015a; Council for Exceptional Children, 2015b; Garnett, 1998). Further, for learners who demonstrated exceptional talent, increasingly difficult word challenges and extension exercises were offered to test their capacity for critical thinking.
In conclusion, the lesson plan's instructional techniques are thoughtfully selected to meet the needs of learners and encourage critical thinking. Notably, by utilizing visual illustrations, varied formats of problems, interactive resources, and collaborative activities, the lesson plan creates a stimulating and engaging setting for learning. In this regard, the lesson plan sought to assist learners' comprehension of word problem solving with addition and subtraction by explaining the suitability of each method and emphasizing their function in encouraging critical thinking.
Council for Exceptional Children. (2015a). Initial preparation standards - exceptional ??? children. https://exceptionalchildren.org/sites/default/files/2020-??????????? 07/Initial_Preparation_Standards.pdf
Council for Exceptional Children. (2015b). Initial common specialty items. ??????????? https://exceptionalchildren.org/sites/default/files/2020-??????????? 07/Initial%20Common%20Specialty%20Items.pdf
Garnett, K. (1998). Math learning disabilities. Journal of CEC.
Van de Walle, J. A., Karp, K. S., & Bay-Williams, J. M. (2014). Elementary and middle ???? school mathematics. Pearson.