Operation Rescue: Why You Need to Teach in Opening
Sari de la Motte. 2020. More info at www.saridlm.com

Operation Rescue: Why You Need to Teach in Opening

How many of you state the opening rule and then just launch into the story in your opening statement?

You're missing out on setting up your jurors to succeed.

Jurors cannot properly judge conduct without context. The teaching section gives context to your story.

Watch the 2-minute video to learn more.



“Attorneys often talk about what should have happened in the case but only after they talk about what did happen. This is a mistake. Why wait to point out the right way to do something only after telling your audience how someone did it wrong? Wouldn’t it be more impactful to tell the jury the right way to do something and then tell the story of what the defendant did and let the jurors judge the behavior?"
― From Hostage To Hero pg. 266


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From Hostage to Hero Podcast - Episode #28: There are Only Three Things You're Doing in Trial


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