Operation Renewed Hope - Flooding in Myanmar
Monday, August 10, 2015
Dear Friends,
Brother Ron White, missionary of at least 40 years, recommended Dr. David M. Sum and his ministry in Myanmar (Burma) to help in the Myanmar disaster. Please read this, and pray for these wonderful Christians who fight the battle for Christ. I hope you will be encouraged to know that across the globe there are believers standing for Christ and good works.
“Dear Brother Jan Milton, Thank you very much for your encouraging email. As the need is so great we can't wait anything. We tried our best with what we had and went for relief work and just came back. Our team started from Rangoon at11:00pm and arrived the place at 9:00AM in the morning and helped and came back and arrived back Rangoon at 3:00am in the morning. Why we did like this because there is no place to sleep for us so we did like that. Right now their life is the most important so foodstuff is the most needful. Thank you,”
I asked Dr. Sum to answer questions. The following are a portion of the answers he returned.
“Please answer the following questions:
What are the locations in Myanmar that you wish to help? Chin State is my native state, so I wanted to help them but it is only possible to send them money only. But near Yangon where I am living there are lots of flood victims-homeless families. Our team just came back from the other side of Prome where no one reached them. I attached some snap shots. Due to my back and legs problem I did not go with them but my assistant was leading them and the truck that ORH bought for us was used for the relief work. Thank you again for this useful truck that you bought for the Lord's ministries. So, we will help Delta area and other also as we are now surrounded by flood victims.
What are your present financial capabilities? right now we have spent all we had. By the grace of God some of our neighbors have donated such as water, noddles and some type of food and we have given already to the flood victims. As their situation is in danger we cannot wait.
Can you buy items in your area to help the victims? Yes, we can buy everything in Yangon.
What is basic needs of these people? Food and water is the basic need, they need everything because their houses have been under water. But right now for their living is the most needful and important.
Are you willing to give the gospel to every person you help? It is very difficult to share with them by this moment but we left gospel tract with them. We are praying to reach them in the near future. Thank you, David”
If you would like to donate by credit or debit card, please go to www.operationrenewedhope.org and choose “Network for Good.” Please designate your gift for “International Relief.”
If you would like to give by check, please send the check to Operation Renewed Hope, P.O. Box 43242, Fayetteville, NC 28309. Please designate your gift for “International Relief.”
Pray that ORH will have the funds to help. We are committing $3000.00 at this time. This money will be sent through missionary Ron White. Ron has a Bible College in Myanmar with Dr. Sum. We are sure that he will appropriately handle the funds sent. Please download the PDF to see the work in progress.
God bless,
Jan Milton
Operation Renewed Hope
1017 Sage Green Ct
Raleigh, NC 27610