Operation Entebbe, the most daring mission in history and best example for Strategy,Intelligence ,Planning,Team work and Bravery . Really Inspiring !!
Military Operations are bravery act which involves Strategy,Intelligence ,Planning,Team work etc . Operation Entebbe is one of such military which really inspires young minds & there are lots of things that we have to learn from this operation . before i share what i have learnt from this mission ,i would like to give short summary of Operation Entebbe .
On June 27, Air France Flight 139 departed Tel Aviv for Paris with a stop in Athens. Shortly after taking off from Greece, the plane was hijacked by two members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and two Germans from the Revolutionary Cells. The terrorists directed the plane to land and refuel at Benghazi, Libya before continuing on to pro-Palestinian Uganda. Landing at Entebbe, the terrorists were reinforced by three more extremists and were welcomed by dictator Idi Amin.
After moving the passengers into the airport terminal, the terrorists released the majority of the hostages, keeping only the Israelis and Jews.
The Air France air crew elected to remain behind with the captives. From Entebbe, the terrorists demanded the release of 40 Palestinians held in Israel as well as 13 others held around the world. If their demands were not met by July 1, they threatened to begin killing the hostages. On July 1, the Israeli government opened negotiations in order to gain more time. The following day a rescue mission was approved with Colonel Yoni Netanyahu in command.
On the night of July 3/4, four Israeli C-130 transports approached Entebbe under the cover of darkness. Landing, 29 Israeli commandos unloaded a Mercedes and two Land Rovers hoping to convince the terrorists that they were Amin or another high ranking Ugandan official. After being discovered by Ugandan sentinels near the terminal, the Israelis stormed the building, freeing the hostages and killing the hijackers. As they withdrew with the hostages, the Israelis destroyed 11 Ugandan MiG-17 fighters to prevent pursuit. Taking off, the Israelis flew to Kenya where the freed hostages were transferred to other aircraft.
In all, the Entebbe Raid freed 100 hostages. In the fighting, three hostages were killed, as well as 45 Ugandan soldiers and six terrorists. The only Israeli commando killed was Col. Netanyahu, who was hit by a Ugandan sniper. He was the older brother of present Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Lessons i have learnt from Military Operations like Operation Entebbe (Operation Thunderbolt)
- confidence : Military life is structured so that one learns to do many new and often complicated things, including some dangerous things, with competence. Competence leads to confidence.
- Forget fear—and take pride in your accomplishments
- Efficiency and time management
- To believe and have faith in your team
- How to be selfless
- The determination to achieve your goals
- To have high standards of professionalism
- To take Responsibility. There is no way to avoid accountability in the military. If you did it, own up to it. If you didn't get it done, admit it. If you are ordered to do something, just do it.
- To understand what patriotism actually means :There is a difference between being patriotic and being jingoistic. Many people think that being patriotic simply means hating other countries. But the people who serve in the forces didn’t join because of hate. They joined because of love; love for their own country and people
- Never ever think to surrender or bow before your enemies
- Return evil for evil, in which there is no sin, for it is necessary to pay a wicked man in his own coin
- Keen Observation : Israel soldiers watched videos of ldi Amin (Ugandan President) interacting with hostages which was broadcasted in news and also watched some videos of ldi Amin and Israel soldiers observed that ldi Amin always travels in his black color Mercedes and Israel troops used this info to fool and bluff Ugandan army
- Never keep trust and faith in fools as pro-Palestine hijackers had on Ugandan army
- Think about the circumstance that may occur after you make a decision because small mistake of yours will make you pay hard for it later. in this hijack operation, hijackers release non Israelis and Israel commandos later meet those released hostages and get all info about the situation .the release of non Israel hostages by hijackers made them pay their life for it later . one more thing that we should learn here is the way Israel utilized the opportunity .u may never know how,where and when opportunity comes and when it comes take advantage and utilize the opportunity
- Alertness : lack of alertness will surely drown you as Israel troops drowned Ugandan army at night.if Ugandan army were alert whole night then they could obviously here plane sound and story would have gone different way .
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