Operation Backbone options, bruising on the spine, Fusion causing chronic pain.  Options for soldier to get back on the front line & back to life.

Operation Backbone options, bruising on the spine, Fusion causing chronic pain. Options for soldier to get back on the front line & back to life.

Operation Backbone contact

[email protected]


thank you again for all your efforts to help combat veterans. Updates to this packet in- cludes: My CO said call you.

++ increased chronic pain due to the broken screw as depicted in the CT scan. My massage ther- apist and other caregivers have noted black and blue marks on both sides of my spine in that area indicating more damage to those levels.

I have requested an updated CT Scan but my doctor has delayed the referrals until I complete blood tests. I don't understand the reasoning but she was rushed.

++ I was involved in a bad accident on 31 Oct 15 as a passenger. The result was severe pain in my already injured left and right deltoids as well as my right knee. I cannot move my arms more than parallel without shooting pain traveling through my rhomboid into my neck. My neck, fused from C3-5, also was effected.

I will forward any blood test or CT scan results to you as soon as I get them. Respectfully,

Thanks Mike



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