Operation Backbone, does injections for PTSD/TBI really work? Options for withdrawal of years of opiates, options for quality of life & family!
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I was hit by a car bomb in Iraq about 10 years ago. I went through the standard US trauma care (------------------- etc.), and the best they could do was to replace a bad disc (and they failed in that, in that 10 years later it remains unfused). Pain medications do not work on me genetically, and so I have been in excruciating pain, 24/7, for 10 years. All that the military MRI's and CT's showed was a well-fused disc, and chronic pain and nerve damage, for which they shoveled as many drugs at me as I wanted.
Finally, OBB stepped in at the behest of yourself, Mike, COL xxxxxx, and GEN xxxxx. The three of you saved my life, plain and simple. Had I continued along the military channel, I would have eventually been MEB'd, and one day would have taken a spill and been dead, with an autopsy possibly finding that my spine was fractured (or perhaps not).
Instead, OBB took high-resolution imaging of my head and back, and immediately found the unfused disc and complete PARS fracture at the L4. The imaging of my head is ongoing, I just know that it isn't good.
Oxycodone, I would take 1 pill 5/325 four times a day. made me feel warm, light headed, tingly maybe. 8am, 12pm, 4pm, 8pm. I would try and skip the morning doses as much as possible. and would sometimes take them between 12-4 am in hope of sleep. did not always help, but helped enough to keep trying.
Cyclobenzaprine, 10mg 1pill two to three times a day.sometimes teo pills if i have not taken any during the day. no feeling of change. I mostly only took them at night at 8pm and 12pm with the same sleep hopes.
Dranabinol: 6-10 2.5mg pills at 8pm, rarely, very rarely I would take 4 during the day. this has only happened maybe 12 times in the last 10 years. these have the most effect on my pain, but also my ability to do anything. I could do things with my family if I was not taking these. so I only took them at night,, if possible. these gave me the most change in feeling. light headed, dizzy, I laughed more, ate more, tingling through my whole body.
it has taken me more then an hour to type this so I am going to take a break. and I can not think of what else you asked of me at this moment. I will continue with another email later this morn- ing.
thanks Mike
please help ..