Operating room projects happen for a reason...
The three biggest issues that need to be solved with an Operating Room project:
1. Comfort
Surgeons are too hot. Patients are too cold. Surgical smoke and airborne particles that cause #SurgicalSiteInfections need to be managed.
2. Rooms are starving for air
Old air handling equipment can't keep up and needs to be replaced, OR, they have to use what equipment is in place and hope that a new room will perform better.
3. Keeping up with the competition
They want to design a room that will set them apart, perform well, AND be nimble as technology needs change in the future.
They do it for their reasons
If you are designing a room or floor of #OperatingRoom suites, you need to understand the current air issues and what their future technology needs could be.
The easy solution may not solve the real air problem AND a fixed plenum design significantly limits future adaptability as equipment and technology needs change.
Do you have an upcoming project where you need to provide real understanding and long term solutions to the challenges they face?
? ? ? ? Don't do what you have always done...
We can help you understand these issues, reduce the scope of the project, and impact the long term flexibility of that space.