Grace Nzioka
Author | Corporate Trainer | Coach | Project Management | Human Resource Management | Service Management
Am not a sporty person, actually and surprisingly have never played any sporty game, not even in school and I do not know how to play either football, netball, table tennis, hockey….Nada…Kaput. Am surprised am writing content related to sports. Though my focus is on the mindset….Inspirational content is my game. Winning in sports, is not all about the physical state, energy, fitness….Flow of your mind state is involved.
As per sports psychologist Dr.Stan Beecham – “The primary determinant of success isn’t talent or experience, its mindset.”
What lesson have you learned from sports professionals? And from the recently concluded FIFA world cup Qatar 2022 that declared Lionel Messi as the winner.
What is flow? – Its a state in which people are so intensely involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter. The experience itself is so enjoyable that people will engage in the activity even at great cost, for the sheer sake of doing it.
Talented soccer players perform excellently when in flow. Flow at the team level is higher when the match results in a draw or win than when the match results in loss.
Sports professionals ultimate aim is to attain flow, to get in the zone and become completely absorbed in the game. Being in flow feels great, but it’s quickly lost when you start to worry about the outcome, you hesitate, tighten up, sweat, worry or watch helplessly as your game falls apart. You should not dwell on the fear of messing up. You should stay neutral and focus on playing the game as best as you can in the moment with a winning mindset.
*A few self reflection questions for you*
-Do you maintain a positive attitude in your work?
-Are you self-driven, are you energized?
-Do you operate in flow?
-Do you focus on the end goal?
-Do you visualize positive outcome?
-Do you maintain a winning mindset?
-Do you maintain an abundance mindset?
A little bit of my background of the None-Sporty ME. In the primary school I attended, sports were not considered seriously. In my high school, sports was a critical cocurricular activity, it was mandatory to wear the sporty gears during sports day schedule. Unfortunately, I attended less of this sports not even as a spectator. I was a sickling while in high school, my health state was not steady, I was diagonized with various ailments. Most of the times I was fatigued, I used to get frequent headaches, I had stomach ulcers, I had a bone disease(can’t remember the name),I used to experience severe everyday painful muscle pulls, that would leave me weeping. Because of my weakling sickling state I did not bother and never had the energy to attend community sports back at home.